Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 131: Beautiful woman

Ye Qingxuan sighed in the heart, how many people in the world are better than fame and fortune, but without the courage and courage to fight, in the end they can only be like a villain, slandered.

From this point of view, Zhu Shaoling really has limited achievements and is not a hero.

At this time, Yan Jingliu sighed slightly and said, "Since the whereabouts of Kirin have leaked, the two of them are not suitable to stay in Rulin Academy anymore, you should take them away earlier ... Sun Kejian and those children ... also go together . "

Yan Jingliu said this sentence, indicating that he had completely lost his heart for Rulin Academy. Instead of entanglement here, it is better to leave a salary and stand at the mountain gate.

Ye Qingxuan didn't know how to comfort him at the moment, and finally had to be right: "Everyone rest assured that my Kunwu faction will protect Sun Kejian and those Confucian disciples ..."

Yan Jingliu nodded firmly and looked at Ye Qingxuan with a smile: "I believe you can do it. But before protecting my Confucian seeds, you have to do me a favor-remember, you must not let Rulin Academy Used by the magic gate ... if you can't get treacherous, destroy it! "

Ye Qingxuan could not help but take a breath.

The determination in Yan Jingliu's eyes at this time became the look that Ye Qingxuan could never forget.

How many heroes have been cultivated in the Rulin Academy, which has been known for more than 2,000 years, including Yan Jingliu, who is not deeply admiring this place. As the dean of Rulin Academy, Yan Jingliu said such serious things. Then he didn't know how to bleed in his heart.

Ye Qingxuan returned to his residence with shock.

If one day, Kunwu Mountain also fell to an irreparable level, would he have the determination to destroy it?

Do not.

There will never be such a time in Kunwu Mountain, as long as I am there, it will not let Kunwu Mountain fall ...

Even if I am gone one day, the spirit of Kunwushan will continue, and the disciples of future generations must not be defiled in the slightest.

August twelve.

Sunset, dusk.

The setting sun is shining and the sky is full of clouds.

Ye Qingxuan came out of Shuxiang Chazhai and strode along the street that had been red by the setting sun.

The disciples of Confucianism who met on the road either glared at him, or avoided it, even if some wanted to ask for advice carefully, they were afraid to step forward in the glaringness of the same door and had to rush out.

More than ten days have passed since the "On Dao Day". Coincidentally, three days ago, Li Daotian's special envoy sent the final post. The Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th was the day of his decisive battle with Yan Jingliu.

The time is at midnight on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the place is above Shushan within Rulin College.

Shu Shan, learn the sea.

The two landscapes of Rulin Academy are destined to become the foil of the decisive battle between the two powerful men of the day, and Li Daotian's purpose is also obvious. It is in Rulin Academy, the heart of all the disciples in the world to remember the blow.

Tao Shu'an, the four ambassadors of the Dragon Club, Taoist, Tieyi Taoist, Lord Wenxiang, and Antoine, have already arrived at Yingchang Mansion and have contracted Yuelai, the largest inn in the house. These four have had a relationship with Ye Qingxuan. Today's masters are busy day and night. I don't know how many masters of Rulin Academy have begun to pave the way for the future.

It is said that Zhu Shaoling also paid a secret visit, and the two sides had a happy meeting.

The Confucian scholars who hang on to "mouth integrity" all day are often the first to rebel when disaster strikes.

On the contrary, those Confucian students who study hard and study martial arts on a daily basis, and do not fight for the length of the day, have only shown the style of a famous child at this time.

It ’s just that there are n’t many people who can stand out clearly and confront the enemy.

The wind knows the grass and knows Cheng Cheng.

Even such a small number of people have reassured Sun Kejian.

It's just that among such characters, there will be Liu Mengyan, but it makes Ye Qingxuan doubtful.

However, suspicion belongs to suspicion, the war is about to come, and Liu Mengyan's thoughts are not as important as fulfilling Yan Jingliu's request.

Yan Yan's queen tongue is really the best in the world.

Good things are naturally loved by people with good taste. If you fall in love, you should drink some daily.

It's just that there are too many people who claim to have taste recently. Except for Ye Qingxuan and Sun Kejian, Feng Qingyan and He Qingzhu are also reluctant to give up this incense stick.

Those poorly packed tea leaves filled Ye Qingxuan's brothers' belly, and they used to drink good tea, and then drank the first-class tea leaves, and it was hard to swallow anything.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of scholars and writers who love good tea in Yingchang Mansion, so there are indeed some good teas in this city that can be filled for a few people.

No, I heard that this fragrant tea has recently been put on a delicious cilantro "Tanhu Quhao". It is said that the citron soup is clear in color and has a mild scent. Its sweet taste, so good to the side, Ye Qingxuan was naturally held by several people to buy tea.

Unfortunately, this "Tanhu Quhao" was bought out when it arrived in the store.

Ye Qingxuan was suddenly disappointed. As soon as he stepped out of the store, he met Liu Mengyan.

Looking at Liu Mengyan's false smile on Zhang Jun's face, Ye Qingxuan couldn't wait to punch him with a punch and turned to leave, but unexpectedly Liu Mengyan came straight and laughed: "Brother Ye, why don't you see me? ? "

Ye Qingxuan was annoyed, but he did not want to go away, calmly said: "I'm sorry Brother Xiu, something is going on, I have a chance to talk again."

Before Ye Qingxuan took a few steps, Liu Mengyan laughed behind him and said, "Is Brother Ye entering this tea house for the sake of" Quanhuquhao "? This tea is only ten pounds in total and has been purchased. I can give Brother Ye some ... "

"Not interested." Ye Qingxuan didn't care, went straight, and said coldly: "It is the immortal tea that has gotten into the hands of the mortal, and is also tacky, and can no longer drink."

"Brother Ye is slow ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The figure flashed, Liu Mengyan landed directly in front of him, stopped the way, and smiled awkwardly:" Brother Ye must not leave in a hurry, let's be honest, this time it's my sister's life. please……"

"Ling Mei?" Ye Qingxuan looked at Liu Mengyan in surprise, then woke up and said, "Light smoke girl?"

"Exactly. It's all because of Qing Chen's death ..." Liu Mengyan sighed. "In fact, for the past few days, I've been saying good things to Brother Ye. It's clear that Qing Chen's death is actually a misunderstanding. There must be someone else. It ’s good to say that she was only loosened ... but specific things need to be discussed in detail by Brother Ye ... ”

Ye Qingxuan also sighed secretly, thinking for a while, and said, "Where is the light smoke girl?"

"Just down, Brother Ye please follow me ..."

Liu Mengyan bowed deeply and turned to lead the way.

Ye Qingxuan originally hated this Liu Mengyan, but thought that the misunderstanding with Liu Qingyan must be resolved, so as to avoid any problems immediately after the war, he stopped Liu Mengyan and turned back to Chazhai, leaving a note and ten Liang Yinzi, please Chazhai buddy tell his brother Shi and Mei Yinxue and follow Liu Mengyan. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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