Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 132: See through the plot

Liu Ju.

Ye Qingxuan could not have imagined that Liu Mengyan had such a large house in Yingchang Mansion.

This house is located on the left foot of Shushan, facing the sea of ​​waves.

The entire house is built along the mountain of Shushan. Although it does not have the majestic demeanor of Rulin Academy, it has a little more mountains and rivers. The front of the house is two towering Coopers. The wind light was hung, as bright as day.

The host, Liu Mengyan, showed the way. The two began to walk through the gate. The housekeepers, maids, and concubines in the house, salute, tea and tea, hand towels and towels, and served diligently.

"Where is the light smoke?" Liu Mengyan asked to a housekeeper-like person.

"Miss Qingyan is in Yuxu Pavilion."

Liu Mengyan nodded, and led Ye Qingxuan into a garden.

A majestic main building stands in front of it through a flagstone road lined with small gardens on both sides.

At the foot of this 20-foot-long stone road is the central axis of the house, and the main building in front is located in the very center of this garden world.

Along the way, strange flowers, small bridges, and winding paths lead to a quiet pavilion, which shows the taste and ingenuity of the residents.

Looking at the arrangement of the plants in the garden, I am also very thoughtful. Not only the evergreen evergreens as the main tone, but also the flowers of the four seasons, to ensure that there are beautiful flowers at all times.

There are even more strange stones in the trees, which adds to the quiet and elegant atmosphere in the garden.

That main building sits north to south. Against the backdrop of the garden, it is even more meteorological. Nine wide and nine open rooms, four into the deep, are rectangular, with a canopy flying ridge above, and a palace-style gate under the white stone platform. In front of the house, Koizumi traverses the east and west, and two stone bridges with white jade railings are magnificently incredible.

Ye Qingxuan was so admired by such a beautiful scene, he couldn't help but praise: "It's a very good house, Brother Liu wants to come to this house with a thought."

With a smile, Liu Mengyan said arbitrarily, "It's just that Xiao Ke designed it in his free time."

Ye Qingxuan jumped in his heart and said in amazement: "Oh, such a beautiful view came from Brother Liu?"

"Ah, ha ha ha, play tricks, play tricks." Liu Mengyan hit a haha, and continued to lead Ye Qingxuan forward.

Ye Qingxuan secretly snorted, suspiciously.

At this point, the two of them had reached the main building, glanced at the four-story main building, Liu Mengyan sighed, and turned to Ye Qingxuan with a bitter smile: "I have already taken the place, brother Ye should go upstairs."

Ye Qingxuan rubbed his nose and laughed: "Since we've arrived here, why don't Brother Liu go upstairs with me?"

Liu Mengyan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Brother Ye really doesn't know. In order to tell Brother Ye, I have offended Sister She. She has stated that if I go up this floor again, she will discount my legs!"

"Oh? Hahaha ..." Ye Qingxuan laughed and said, "So it is really hard Brother Liu."

"Where and where ..." Liu Mengyan waved his hands again and again, but his eyes inevitably panicked, anxiously: "Brother Ye, please, and there are still important things to do next, let me retreat first."

After speaking, Liu Mengyan pleaded guilty, and then went away.

Unexpectedly, the figure flashed, and Liu Mengyan suddenly realized that his right wrist had been firmly grasped by Ye Qingxuan, with a little force, he couldn't escape.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed, watching Liu Mengyan grin, and said, "Brother Liu, it's rare that you've worked hard. At this moment, leaving, my younger brother can't bear it."

Liu Mengyan laughed dryly. In the eyes of the other person, it seemed as though he was transparent, and he burst out with cold sweat, Shen said, "Brother Ye, what are you doing?"

Ye Qingxuan shook his eyebrows and laughed: "Of course it is for Brother Liu, let the light smoke girl don't remember to hate you!" And yelled loudly: "Girl Liu, Girl Liu, and Ye Qingxuan are here, please ask now body……"

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan would have such a trick. Liu Mengyan was anxious and yelled, "Ye Qingxuan, what are you doing? It was said earlier that it was secretive, Sister Sister did not want to speak up, how could you yell so much?"

"Hahaha ..." Ye Qingxuan smiled suddenly and said, "Liu Mengyan, at this time you still install garlic with me !? Your dog day still wants to count me? When I'm stupid can't do it? This is not your willow house, It ’s Zhufu, right? There are no light smoke girls on it. I ’m afraid they are waiting for me. A few old friends who want to cure me? ”

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Mengyan shuddered in shock, and was about to struggle, but his body was shaken, and his whole body was suffocated like a dyke, and he poured into Ye Qingxuan's body madly, but he himself was so weak that he even said something Before coming out, they fell to the ground.

Wow haha……

Burst out laughing.

The windows of the main building were suddenly pushed open, exposing the "crazy dragon" Yuankang and the gentle "Xiulong" Wen Baiyu exuding from the shawl.

"Mad Dragon" Yuan Kuang laughed after a while, and yelled, "Ye Qingxuan, let's meet again!"

"Xiu Long" Wen Baiyu has a long beard and sneers: "This time, I don't think you can fly with wings."

Ye Qingxuan snorted coldly and whispered: "The ghosts are not scattered. The wind and rain of Rulin Academy are shaking, do you also make trouble at this time?"

Wen Baiyu sneered three times and said indifferently: "Because of the wind and rain of the Rulin Academy, I was invited to come to protect the Fa."

Invited! ?

This old thing, Zhu Shaoling, apparently colluded with the You Long Gang, and unexpectedly secretly did not even let the Kowloon Palace ...

Ye Qingxuan suddenly hated her teeth.

There were many figures, and a large number of experts surrounded the garden.

All are masters trained by the Kowloon Palace for many years, and the Tianjiandidao that once competed with the peacock is also listed.

Glancing at Ye Qingxuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Liu Mengyan, like mud, Wen Baiyu hummed dismissively and asked, "This waste almost made us busy ... Ye Qingxuan, how are you See through me and wait? "

Ye Qingxuan glanced around, knowing that the other party was intentionally delaying time for enclosing, but he didn't care, and said lightly: "This is not easy ... because this place, it is impossible to be Liu Mengyan's stupid mansion. "

Pointing to the surrounding buildings, especially on the double eaves of the main building, Ye Qingxuan laughed: "Let's not say whether Liu Mengyan's stupid person has bought such a large house, but in the memory of this master, I have seen this kind of heavy eaves design in only three places before. "

Wen Baiyu and others frowned, but still did not interrupt his words.

Ye Qingxuan continued: "These three places, one is the inner courtyard, the other is the Yunlan Valley, and the third is the Maple Leaf Valley in the mountain behind me. I believe that only one person likes this design. It is Mr. Zanghua. Unfortunately, I am very familiar with Mr. Zanghua. Knowing that he and Yan Jingliu have been friends for many years, it is no problem to help him build a house. And Yan Jingliu lived in Seclusion behind Shushan. Well, the heir to the house, naturally it is Zhu Shaoling who can also be replaced, and even more daring. "To find this site, please search for" "or enter the URL:

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