Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 164: Underground water

Everyone was silent, gritting their teeth to deliver radon.

They all have doubts in their hearts. They don't understand how Ye Qingxuan is not a fisherman's child. How can he understand these things.

But in the face of such desperation, he can only believe his judgment.

On the other hand, Ye Qingxuan's heart is also extremely confusing. His judgment at this time was also learned from the film in the previous life. In fact, it has no effect, and he has no heart at all.

The huge waves approached, and the overwhelming momentum made everyone breathless.

The bow trembled, and finally merged with the forward of the giant wave. It was just a moment when everyone almost overturned, and the bow rushed towards the giant wave at an angle of thirty degrees.

"Speed ​​up, speed up again!"

Ye Qingxuan screamed with all his strength, and everyone's face became flushed, immediately transporting radon to the limit.

The boat rocket generally rushed upward, and the angle of the bow was getting steeper. When the angle of the bow rose to more than 60 degrees, the hull of the boat had reached one third of the huge wave.

"Can't let go, keep on!"

Ye Qingxuan roared, and at the same time urged the reserved suffocation, and finally achieved his own output to 100%.

call out--

The boat reached an unprecedented speed. The arrow generally went straight to the top of the huge wave. The whole boat was almost vertical above the huge wave. With only the last angle, it did not roll backwards.

All of Yin Yinxue's suffocation was used to maintain the structural integrity of the boat. When she saw the bow tilted backwards, she stepped back to the water, avoiding the danger of overturning.

Ye Qingxuan laughed and gave thumbs up to Mei Yinxue.

In a blink of an eye, the boat rushed through three quarters of the height of the giant wave.


A huge shark-like fish burst out of the waves and slammed into the bottom of the boat.

Mei Yinxue exclaimed, barely keeping the hull from collapsing, but the strong impact force caused the boat that was already perpendicular to the waves to escape from the water and flip backwards!

At the time of the crisis, Ye Qingxuan gave a loud sigh and uttered the "eighteen palms of falling dragons", violently reversed the shot, and drew the hull back to the surface with the help of a strong reaction force.

Then Shenlong turned his head and broke into the huge waves.

Longyou sea, the body is just a full-bounce, the speed of the boat reached more than three times in an instant, directly broke through the waves and jumped to the top of the huge waves.

Large waves of waves slap on everyone, but they cannot hide the joy of everyone's death.

But this joy never lasted for a moment. Ye Qingxuan suddenly hesitated. On the smashing boat, there was no trace of Mei Yinxue. For a moment, like a nine-day **** thunder blasted down on his head, Ye Qingxuan screamed and turned back. Leaped into the billowing waves.

"Leaves!" Sun Kun exclaimed, but in the face of the torrential flood, leaving only a dull expression, he could not do anything.

boom! rumble--

The earth shrieked, and the roaring voice filled the world.

Sun Kun and Hua Wanrong looked up in horror, only to see the dome stone walls of the cave, like the broken calm water surface, with layers of ripples.

The dome's originally hard rock cracked, and debris dust spewed out of the crack, and large stones fell from the rock wall.

Then, in the eyes of the dumbfounded eyes, a large hill-like giant rock detached from the dome and fell down with infinite power.

It is amazing that two small light spots are standing on the top of the giant rock. That is the scene where the radon shield is fully opened. Its momentum is enough to reach the level of half-step deification. The two figures inside are also panicked, but At the same time as falling, he still does not forget the life-and-death struggle, and the violent radon fluctuations accelerated the falling speed and momentum of the giant rocks ...

"'Camel Dragon' Sha Feng, Qinghua Emperor !?" Sun Kun recognized the identity of both of them instantly.

Lips trembled, looking at the falling giant rock, Sun Kun only cursed "Your mother", and in the boom, the waves set off by the giant rock fell into the lake.

A fierce roar swept across Ye Qingxuan. Despite the full strength of his bodyguard, the fierce current still stirred him like a rag doll.

The incredible impact force threw Ye Qingxuan out of the water, and then fell suddenly. The loud roar outside disturbed his eardrum. The sudden loud noise was several orders of magnitude larger than the previous sound.

The water was tossing around, where to find the trail of Mei Yinxue. Not to mention him, it is the inherent creatures in the water, and has been overwhelmed by this heavenly change.

Follow the waves.

Ye Qingxuan reluctantly controlled the guardian's breath, preventing himself from being injured again, and preventing those violent creatures in the water from attacking himself.

The echo of the explosion, rippling throughout the "nether sea", has not been eliminated.

I don't know how far it was pushed by the strong current. Anyway, there is half a day and night in time. When Ye Qingxuan was exhausted, in his realm, the radon in his body was on the verge of collapse.

Finally, in a roar, Ye Qingxuan's back bumped against a hard rock wall, and the last guardian breath was broken.

Reaching for a hand, Ye Qingxuan clung to the gap between the rock walls, and the huge tide of the huge waves finally retreated after raging.

Ye Qingxuan was lying on the rock wall exhausted.

The deep roar in the space lasted for a long time. Above the dome, it still looked like a drum being beaten. The rumbling continued, and it seemed that the impact of the landslide did not stop.

The scent of the rocks of the Hai people is now spreading in the air, and the dust that originally fell has now formed a dense fog. There are also some other smells, heavy humidity, the fishy smell of dead fish ...

After the impact of the huge waves, a whole lakeside cliff fell and slammed next to Ye Qingxuan. Despite the protection of his body to protect him from harm, the powerful impact still blows him like leaves.

Grit and dust from the impact permeated the semi-dark cave. Ye Qingxuan struggled to get up, and after climbing over a large cracked stone, he hid in a cave and breathed.

Mei Yinxue is gone.

Huge panic struck Ye Qingxuan's body and mind.

He didn't dare to imagine the beloved's upcoming encounter, but as long as he didn't see the results, he must find her.

Now, the first priority is to restore physical strength and gas.

Ye Qingxuan sat cross-legged, forcing herself to forget everything, and to fully exercise her mind and restore her strength.


Something inside the rubble pile very close to him made a noise.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes suddenly and looked to the side with his unique dark vision--


There was a sound of gravel again, a giant fish creature tossing out of the dust and debris, just outside his feet.

Damn it!

I was so exhausted that I didn't notice the danger beside me.

The fish monster could survive even the lake that was detached, but it was apparently tossed in the huge waves. The cold and viscous skin had broken several places and kept bleeding.

Facing Ye Qingxuan who was also beside him, threateningly opened his big mouth with sharp teeth, and the gills next to his head kept flapping, exhaling damp air. One of them had big eyes, and looked at Ye Qingxuan stunned.

Eye him.

When the fish monster saw someone, he hissed, his voice was louder and sharper.

Turning his head and opening his mouth wide, Ye Qingxuan was clear enough to count almost every sharp tooth above his jaw.

The fish's tail was just a swing, and the fish monster rushed to Ye Qingxuan, opened his mouth and bit it.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't lift a sigh of anger, and when he was in danger, he rolled on the spot, avoiding it from the side ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, then raised his right fist, facing the fish monster is a severe punch.

He hit the monster's left eye directly.


Without suffocation, Ye Qingxuan struck Yuyu's head with a punch just because of his mighty strength that no one else could.

The big fish struggled a few times, and then remained silent.

Sitting suddenly next to the big fish, enduring the strong smell of gas, Ye Qingxuan slowly adjusted his breath. After a moment, a single palm [Flame Knife] wiped and cut the skin behind the fish gill. A large piece of white fish flew into the hand, and the flame was slightly Roast and chew it half-baked.

I want to find Yin Xue ...

I have to find her, I have to recover!

With this in mind, Ye Qingxuan resisted the fierce smell and swallowed the food in bulk.

After eating a few pieces in a row, his physical strength recovered slightly, and Qing Xuan immediately got up and climbed up the cliff where he was. 8)

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