Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 165: Tongtian Stone Pillar

Dust and crushed debris fell from the top of the cave, and Ye Qingxuan cast [Jin Yangong] to the top of the cliff.

The fog and dust swelled on the lake in the distance, and the "Spirit Sacred Pool" did not know where it was going, and even didn't argue. It walked along the cliff and along the lake shore in one direction.

With the implementation of [Linbo Microstep], Dan Tian, ​​who had been neutralized, gradually filled with radon.

I do n’t know if it ’s my own illusion. When Ye Qingxuan ran out of breath, the meridian sensation was extremely delicate. It seemed to me that the blood gel on the skin gradually penetrated into the meridian, making my meridian and Dantian slowly. It has grown a bit.

After careful observation, it seems that the layer of blood red gum is indeed a thin layer, but it is also a very thin layer. The blood glue tangled on its own skin is still as thick as rubber.

Ye Qingxuan, who was blindly speeding, suddenly heard the sound of a fighting fight near the stone cliff in front of him, and he moved in a hurry, approaching quietly.

Peering through the gap between a boulder, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but be shocked. The two groups of characters who had been fighting in front of him turned out to be the two masters of the "Yinshan Three Old Men" who were besieging "Zhongyuanmen".

Relying on the profound skill and the large number of people, the three old men in Yinshan firmly suppressed the two masters of the Worm Gate.

And the two masters of Zongyuanmen, a domesticated giant sickle cricket has long died under Ye Qingxuan, and the sea of ​​worms cultivated by the other person is also lost in the huge waves. Without these bugs, the two rely on their hands alone. How the kung fu is the opponent of the three old men in Yinshan.

When I saw the rise and fall, the master of the large wormhole gate exclaimed, and was shot in the calf by the old-fashioned and poisonous sand of the garlic nose. During the period of cricketing, the veteran of the crippled leg was fierce. The iron pestle was just With a poke, he pierced him through a heartbreak and died on the spot.

"Boss!" The master of Yuanzhuangmen, who drew filial piety, screamed sorrowfully, never rushing forward, but he was outnumbered, and was slapped by the blind eye of Tu Lao's palm, while the blood spewed, he slaughtered the old finger. Suddenly, in the scream, the master of the Yuanyuan Gate who drew filial piety was dug out an eyeball and fell down in pain.

Lao Lao laughed, stepped on the chest of the other person, and said in a dark voice: "Come on, where is the entrance to the temple?"


A mouthful of **** sputum spit to destroy the old.

Killing the old man evasively, sneer, and slightly under his feet, there was a sound of broken bones.

Aside from the old man sneer, he squatted down and said to the master who drew filial piety: "Brother Wu, don't look bad, we are some old friends, as long as you take us to the temple, we promise not to kill you, Maybe, I'll share you a piece of cake, why should you learn the stubbornness of your brother? "

Xiaoyan, who drew filial piety, laughed a little, slowly said, "Hehehe, how can I not know the means of your brother, even if I say it, I can't escape it. Hey, this time our brother's idea was too back, even because of youth Huadijun and Camelon collapsed the burrow and lost all the insect pets, otherwise, you will surely taste the pain of worms eating their hearts!

The old eyes flashed fiercely, slowly under their feet, the sound of broken bones slowly sounded again.

Moaning without pain.

The old man yelled and threatened: "Don't stiffen your mouth. My brother will add more strength to ensure that your sternum is broken and the broken sternum will be inserted into your heart. Every beat of your heart will bring you endless pain ... … Coldness, convulsions, and severe pain are not good tastes. Why not work with us instead of such a terrible death? "

羌 No silence.

"It's too cheap to kill him like this." Tu Laoyuan beside him opened his eyes and said coldly: "Let me leave it."

"What do you do?" Extremely curious asked.

He was determined to die, and he listened with his ears.

"It's very simple." Tu Lao took out a medicinal gourd from his arms and said eeriely: "This is Miao Jiang's corpse poisonous maggot, I will cut a few knives on him and then pour this corpse poisonous maggot Go up ... hey, let him look at it, take a good look at it, his own baby guy thing, in his eyes was bitten by a worm and eaten ... I believe it must be very cool. "

At the same time, the three old men in Yinshan laughed wildly, but Wu was faceless and scared.

He confessed that he was not afraid of death, but the feeling of watching his second child eaten by a worm was really frightening, and death was stubborn, but this method of death was too humiliating and cruel.

It was Ye Qingxuan who overheard in the distance, and his majesty was cold, and his back was cold and sweaty.

"Okay, you come!" Mi Lao sneered and let go.

Tu Lao took a step forward, and then pulled away his trousers.

"Don't, don't ..." Wu Wu already heard the rustling of the worm "Rusha" in the gourd in Tu Lao's hands, his face pale and scared, "I said ... I'll take you there!"

The three old men in Yinshan smiled at each other, pulled up Wu Wu, clicked a few big points, and smirked with a hand, politely said, "Wu Wu brother, lead the way!"

羌 No face looked cloudy and cloudy, watching Tu Lao swaying the gourd in his hand, finally gritted his teeth, turned and walked in one direction.

Where are the three old men in Yinshan willing to wait, grabbing Wu's collar, Fei also ran in that direction.

Ye Qingxuan silently went up.

Passing by the terrible corpse of the master of the Worm Gate, he kicked his foot down the cliff, fell into the lake, and buried his body by water.

Now that Mei Yinxue is missing, her chances of living are definitely not less than these masters of the magic gates. As long as she is ashore, in order to meet herself, she is likely to find the temple of the magic gates.

Rather than chaotic search without a goal, it is better to follow them to find the temple, and the chance of finding Mei Yinxue will undoubtedly be greater.

Another day passed.

When Ye Qingxuan secretly followed the three elders of the Yinshan Mountain to the central location of the "Nether Sea", a peninsula pierced into the center of the lake, he finally saw the gate of his temple.

It was a huge stone pillar communicating the world.

One end stands against the sky, and the other stands on the ground.

Said to be a stone pillar ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ it is thicker than the Empire State Building.

A huge carved stone arch is below the stone pillar.

That gate is bigger than Tiananmen Gate that Qing Qingxuan has seen.

In addition to the gate, there is a huge square outside, surrounded by stone platforms, stone steps, stone pavilions, stone tables, stone railings ...

When Wu Wu got here, he pointed to the door and said, "This stone pillar is the door to the temple. As soon as you enter the door and go all the way up, it is the temple."

"It's that simple?" Mi Lao Yin smiled and looked at Wu Wu.

With no sigh, he slowly said, "This stone pillar is extremely grand. There are ten gates in all directions, corresponding to the ten sacred gates. Only the master of each sect has the key to enter and exit ... Attach a case, otherwise there is no way to enter. "


Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Sogou:

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