Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 179: Explosion is imminent

Kill, kill--

Boom, boom!

No matter how the civil war in this magic gate shattered everywhere, Ye Qingxuan's eyes only had a strong enemy Luo to break the enemy. The two were in the air and on the ground, constantly impacting and shaking, causing shock waves that ordinary people could not resist. The battlefield chaotically shattered and shattered.

Countless figures fluttered and shattered in the air, blood and rain flew, and pieces of flesh flew into the air, and screams continued.

No matter what the devil, master, black and white, or the same magic door ...

Everyone is insane, some because of fear, others for survival. As long as there are people around, it is a one-size-fits-all approach, whether the other party is an enemy or a friend ...


Cen Sanjin shot three innate demons with one palm, and a sharp wind slashed behind him. He was busy rolling with a donkey before he could avoid his life-threatening move. He looked up, but it was Feng Asan's giant axe that broke the air regardless. .

"Wang bastard, calm down if you don't want to die!" Cen Sanjin screamed loudly, awakening the madness of Feng Asan.

Looking around the red-eyed brave man, it was just a wild dance just now, at least two of his own people became the souls of his axe, and he shouted incessantly: "Beyond me three feet away, don't stay near my back ..."

The surrounding crowd was frightened back.

Everyone looked at the powerful skills of the master and servant, so they came together to rely on them, but they did not want to be unidentified souls of the opponent's axe.


The air wave flew, and the iron camel rolled out of the corpse, blasting the two innate demons in front of him into debris, distantly seeing the two, exclaimed: "Run, my grandfather they fight Fate, we won't have a chance if we don't run again! "

Everyone looked in shock, and saw that all the disciples in the Kowloon Palace were almost dead. At this moment, the three dragons were forming a battle, and they were fighting with the four great demons.

All the four monsters are masters of the heavenly level. After becoming "red blood monsters", they do not know the pain, are not afraid of death, and will not be injured. The combat power rises straight up, which is the three and a half steps of the Kowloon Palace. It was extremely difficult, not to mention that the three had to take care of the golden coffin in their hands, so the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Fortunately, one of the devil was cut off by one hand and one foot by Ye Qingxuan, which limited the combat effectiveness, otherwise the three would be extremely difficult to compete.

Cen San Jindou Ding ’s small eyes lost a gap in the city. After sweeping the audience, he pointed in a direction and shouted, "Go here!"

The direction pointed out by Cen Sanjin is exactly where Yuezong is.

Where Ye Qingxuan appeared, I remember it was there. Obviously, there was Ji Ruoyan's shadow behind Ye Qingxuan, and when the "Red Blood Devil" appeared, Ji Ruoyan also unexpectedly appeared.

The crowd fled in that direction, and there was a great chance that they would meet Ji Ruoyan and escape the Momen Holy Land together.

There are more than 20 black and white masters in this pedestrian group. They are headed by Feng Asan, a “ground-sharp axe”, and Tietuo and Cen Sanjin guard the left and right to form a triangle arrow. They are rushing into the dense demonic crowd frantically. Blocking and killing the Buddha, Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha.


Feng A Trinity splits the axe in half, splits the demon in front of him in half, and the axe on the back hand, blocking the demon on the left by two sections!

The crowd moved forward without taking a few steps. A scream came from the team, but it was a bad luck that was pulled to the ground by a half-devil and bit his chest and abdomen!

"Asan! The demon's body is immortal, pay attention to cut off his head!" Cen Sanjin cold sweated, shouting loudly.

"Good!" Feng Asan replied, and the double axe in his hand began to greet the devil's neck.

The sound of Cen Sanjin also reminded many martial arts masters that their weapons no longer greeted each other's body, but began to press **** their heads.

as expected.

Once these monsters had their heads severed, they immediately lost control of their bodies and became real dead.

In this way, many besieged rivers and lakes also began to have a decent counterattack. They formed temporary teams regardless of the enemy and the enemy, established a line of defense, and continued to combine the small and the earth.

It's just that the good times are not long. With the advent of more powerful masters from the enemy, some of the defensive circles that have established defense lines have also started to show signs of collapse.

Feng Asan's giant axe just split off two human heads, and the other hand's giant axe "dang" and was blocked by a snake head crutch. Xing Wuwei smiled faintly and said, "Feng Asan, meet me, you have to Meet Brother Ling to Hell! "

"Then you see if you have this ability!" Feng Asan smirked, sweating from his big bald head, and in a wild laugh, the double axe flew to battle with Xing Wuyou.

"Hang him up!" Cen Sanjin roared, and stepped forward with the iron camel, encircling Xing fearless.

They are all villains who lick their blood on the underworld, but they have no one-to-one thought.

Xing Wuyou is a good player on the Tian Jue list. Feng Asan, even a judge of Duan Juncheng, still has no strength to make the list. If he is alone against Xing Wuyou, the probability of losing is even greater.

Cen Sanjin has always been able to take advantage, and naturally will not sit and watch the best thugs out of danger.


The three of them combined to hit Xing Wuwei's snake stick against each other, and the scene suddenly fluttered with wind and dust.

However, as the three most powerful combatants in the breakout team participated in the battle, the masters behind them immediately fell into a hard battle.

The demon army who did not fear death was just a shock, and it shattered the original defensive formation, then screamed one after another, and the floating corpses became the terrible Shura battlefield.

This kind of scene is constantly staged in the entire Temple Square. After all, there are not many masters such as Feng Asan and Cen Sanjin, and several other places have started to collapse. Fresh life.

Click, click

Ye Qingxuan and Luo's speed of breaking the enemy has exceeded the limit. In the eyes of innate masters, there is only a dark and green-black entangled light group in the air that constantly strikes.

When the two light clusters swept across the ground from the air, the unrivalled gas brought by them rubbed the space into a rattling sound, tearing the ground away, and the unlucky crowd in the vicinity also shattered into dust.

The suffocation of the deified realm has been transformed into more overbearing materials. Whether it is a demon or a warrior, it is completely irresistible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Don't mention it, it is wiped by the air flow invaded by two , Immediately fragmented, completely irresistible.

The two masters of the deified state who lost their minds brought nothing but destruction to all the people present.

Just a few breaths, at least three hundred demons and warriors, disappeared completely because of their appearance.

When Sun Kun crawled out of the ground with blood and Qiqiao bleeding from his face, everything that had happened in front of him was pale with horror.

Even if it is deep underground, he can feel the violent atmosphere here, and the impact on the ground from time to time has also broken his internal organs and sustained minor injuries.

Knowing to hide again, he didn't have to wait until the end, he would be shocked to death, and the ground really became his cemetery, so he ventured out, hoping to escape this place soon.


Sun Kun looked at the two light clusters hitting the sky with anxiety--

Fighting like this, Ye Qing's mysterious body is imminent, and he must die! 8)

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