Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 180: Live Demon

His life is very important, but it is also very important whether Ye Qingxuan who turns into the magic can turn around.

Baidao masters who can break through to the deified realm are extremely rare. With Ye Qingxuan, the world's martial arts undoubtedly has a little hope.

It was because of stimulus and mental disturbance that Ye Qingxuan broke through the deified state with "killing intention". If he wants to survive, he must stop the state of enchantment at this moment. The trauma in the mind must be healed with the stimulus in the mind.

At this moment, Sun Kun thought of Mei Yinxue without surprise.

Good girl, where is that girl?

Sun Kun, who was being anxious, suddenly flashed in his eyes and saw a person

Zhuo Huifan standing in the far end, and Hou Ting behind her.

Everyone is fighting. Only the two of them are close to each other. I don't know what to say. It can be said that the two of them are the most leisurely here. Zhuo Huifan still can control the overall situation, but Hou Ting.

Just wondering, Sun Kun slowly retreated when he saw that Hou Tingluo saluted.


With a cold hum, Sun Kun snorted, jumping forward and back in the body pile, quickly approaching the mysterious Hou Ting.

On the other side, the people who robbed the "Devil's Corpse" were caught in the final hard battle.


"Crazy Dragon" Yuan Kuang hit the demons transformed by Ningdu Zen Master for the sixth time, but no matter how outstanding his skill is, it is difficult to leave any damage in front of Ningdu's Arohan King Kongdu Emu body protection.

If the other person is a normal human, I'm afraid the internal organs have already died and died. However, the opponent is a "red blood demon", and the shortcomings of humans have been completely avoided. Unless the opponent is bombed into a **** and mud, it is possible to completely destroy the demon.

As a result of a half-hour's hard work, Shafeng, the most powerful camel dragon, also gradually panted, so that everyone would die here.

"Crazies, sick seedlings, let's go with the golden coffin!" Sha Feng sighed angrily and said, "There is no need to entangle with these demons. In this way, no one has a chance to go out alive."

"Ill Dragon" Zhu Yang turned over to avoid Ling Zhaokong's two swords, and at the same time, a sword was cut at the opponent's neck, but unfortunately he could not cut off the necks of these strongest demons by his half-step deified method.

There was an explosive sound from Ling Zhaokong ’s neck, and the entire head was broken back and pulled over the back, but the monster was only holding his hands, his muscles were squirming, and the broken neck was clicked. Return to the original position again, without any hesitation and chase up again.

"Ill Dragon" wished Yang Yang a cold heart, even if such an opponent is weaker than himself, there is no certainty to win. Upon hearing the instruction from Sha Feng of Camel Dragon, he immediately agreed: "Old Camel is right, we The mission has been completed, the corpse of the devil is in hand, and the remaining evil of the demon gate will kill himself. Ye Qingxuan's kid will also explode. We really don't need to stay and fight hard! "

"it is good!"

The most belligerent "Crazy Dragon" Yuan Kuang, at this time, also played drums in his heart, pale, and for the first time chose to retreat abnormally. It can be seen how seriously these horrible devil have caused his psychology.


"Camelon" Sha Feng stepped down, and a violent shock wave spread from the ground. The Shroud Bud, which had just stretched out of the ground, was suddenly opened by this shock wave. He could not entangle his feet, but still caught The two remaining masters of the Kowloon Palace were tangled with cloth tapes, and the two masters were wrapped like a mummy and sturdy, and were instantly dragged into the ground.

"Come on!" Sha Feng looked horrified and turned back.

"Crazy Dragon" Yuan Kuang and "Sick Dragon" Zhu Yang, left and right, carrying the golden coffin, rushed to the nearest hall.

Even if the entrances to the ten halls were all closed, the three were unwilling to stay in place and breathe with the demons.

There was a snorting noise under the ground, and within a moment, the cloth shuddered, and two dry corpses were thrown back to the ground.

The dwarf demon who lost one hand and one foot climbed up to the ground again, and put the charged horror doll, the dark black suffocation of the whole body swelled, the shroud was dancing all over the sky, and he was slowly propped up, no need for hands and feet , And the other three corpses, chasing away quickly.

"Which martial art of that person is the martial art." "Crazy Dragon" Yuan Kuang showed a horrible face and developed a familiar feeling about the martial arts martial art of that demon.

"Camelon" Sha Feng's face was somber and cold, he cried, "Don't know him? But that was the zombie gate master who once fought with Luo to defeat the throne of the Emperor, destroyed Lu Weishuang, and Lin Nanxuan, who is known as two genius masters of righteousness Yejiang! Alas, he has not appeared in the rivers and lakes for nearly a hundred years, and was turned into a "red blood demon". "

"Illness Dragon" wished Yang Yang to speed up his heartbeat and couldn't help but startled: "The people in the Demon Gate are really fierce enough. Such masters say that killing kills. It is not as dignity as a dog."

"Who said that 'Red Blood Devil' is dead?" Sha Feng said in a stunned voice, shocking the other two.

"Old camel, what do you mean?" Yuan Kuang asked in surprise.

Sha Feng sneered, and said, "Hum, on the friendship with the Demon Gate, you can't beat the old man. The former Sovereign of the Ghost Sect had no **** with me, and once told me a secret, to be successfully refined. ' The devil 'must use living people, penetrate through the blood for several years, and apply mysteries such as the "nine-needle system god". In the end, it may become a "devil" hum, dead? Do you think this is a ghost? story?"

"What?" Yuan Kuang was frightened by Sha Feng's words. When he looked at the four monsters chasing after him, thinking of the pain they suffered when they were alive, they couldn't help trembling.

"This is not right!" Zhu Yang wondered: "How else can anyone say that Ling Zhaokong was arrested and lost his heart, and Yejiang was directly dealt with secretly. How could Master Zeningdu be dealt with alive?"

"Hum, there must be a reason." Sha Feng said coldly: "Even after the death of the monk of Xiaoyuanjue Temple, the corpse is like King Kong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It won't burn into the water, it won't burn into the fire, it will enter the soil Master Ningdu Ningdu has worked hard for Arokhan Vajrayana to protect the gods for many years. He is the first person to protect the gods. He will be burned to a ash by fire after his death? I do n’t believe it. "

As soon as they heard this, they suddenly realized that they were more frightened.

Master Ning Du fell into the hands of the magic gate and was alive and refined into a demon this, this and this

As for the last tall and thin "Red Blood Devil", although the identity remains mysterious, it is obvious that his origin is not lower than Master Ningdu, Yejiang and Ling Zhaokong.

Just thinking about these pre-life encounters, the three of them were all cold. At the same time, he secretly vowed that even if he was afraid of death again, if he really fell into the hands of the magic gate, he would have to commit suicide as soon as possible. He would never endure the horrible process and become a "red blood demon" without humanity.

Sanlong moved forward with all his strength, and the closest hall to the few people was also close at hand, and the gate to the outside was really closed, with a big word "ghost" on it.

Guizong Hall! ?

Sha Feng's heart trembled, and in the midst of it felt that there seemed to be an invisible big hand, and arranged all this beforehand.

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