Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 181: Living demon

Xingzong Hall.

In the endless void-like palace, two void figures watched the killings on the Temple Square in the open windows of the four-story pavilion.

"Hum, the old thing next to the demon, it really arranged everything behind it." Qinghua Emperor's voice was lonely and cold. In the past, the Demon Emperor who had been fighting for the hero with bright colors in the past, now dark as a spider in the corner, The big net was laid, waiting for his prey to come to the door.

Zhan Donglai moved his body forward two steps, and whispered, "Do we have to wait after the mother? If the golden coffin enters the Guizong hall, it will be difficult to chase it."

Qinghua Emperor sighed quietly and said, "Yin Jiuyou did have some scheming, but unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, he was totally vulnerable. If he chooses to escape, there may be vitality. If he loves the corpses, I am afraid that today is His death date. "


A violent explosion sounded not far away, and the two figures struck in the air with great power, and then separated again.

Qinghua Emperor Junjiao trembled and pressed the excited emotions of her heart, excitedly said, "Deified Realm ... Deified Realm. Only when the deity breaks through the Deified Realm, can he have a higher and lower strength with the old ghost of Pimo, otherwise it will be hidden deeper, only I'm afraid it's a spider under the old thing. "

Watching Ye Qingxuan and Luo completely defeat humanity in the air, Zhandong came to his face in shock, Shen Shen asked: "Mother, then we ..."

"Be quiet and watch the changes first." Qinghua Emperor's voice sank, thinking: "The only thing in today's holy land that can control the strength of both parties is this sudden breakthrough of Ye Qingxuan. I'm afraid our strength is already there It falls into the calculation of Vimai Tiantian. If you want to go out alive or get the most benefits, you can't let Ye Qingxuan die so easily ... giggle, my son, do you think this trip to the temple What is the greatest benefit to us? "

"Please show it to your mother." Zhan Dong bowed down and asked with an open mind.

Since Qinghua Emperor asked him this way, the first-rate benefits would naturally not be the "Tianyu Demon Corps".

Qinghua Emperor covered his mouth with laughter, and his strange and strange makeup was chilling. Looking at the fighting figure outside, he said with excitement: "My son, you are a wise man. The only wish now for my mother is to become stronger. Strong enough to dominate the world. Of course, the corpse of the demon can make my dream come true, but you should also see that the demon corpse has become the target of criticism now. If we intervene, it is tantamount to get out of the fire ... "

"That mother-in-law means ..." Zhan Dong came across the audience with a smile, and said, "Capture the sacrifice, so that the mother-in-law has the power to break through again?"

"Hum ... clever." Emperor Qinghua glanced at his son, his body rustling, countless cobwebs oozing out of the pores, and supporting her entire spider into the air, with extremely greedy light in her eyes, Scarlet tongue licked Zhu Lip, and said arbitrarily, "As long as one of those two guys falls into my hands and **** his skill, I will have enough strength to break through the myth ..."

"The queen mother is wise and powerful." Zhan Dong bowed to the bottom, concealing the dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Ye Qingxuan's terrible, he knew the most.

It's a guy who can catch and turn the situation as long as he has a chance.

If it could make him die in this way, Zhan Donglai would definitely raise his hands to agree, but listening to the meaning of Emperor Qinghua, it seems that he has other plans for this Ye Qingxuan, wouldn't she be afraid to play with fire?

"It's just ... After the mother, Ye Qingxuan's heart and soul went into the body, and the explosion was imminent. How can we capture him?" Zhan Dong asked.

Qinghua Emperor covered his mouth with a smile, turned to look at Zandong, and slowly said, "Aren't you a secret weapon there?"

Uh! ?

Zhan Dong came for a moment, but she did not expect that it was known to her.

Qinghua Emperor smiled coldly and said, "I don't care where your Huahua intestine was originally used, but since you can use her to stimulate Ye Qingxuan to go into the devil, you can also use her to make up for the broken mind of Ye Qingxuan ... as long as Ye Qing Xuan arrived, and I promise to keep them alive, at your disposal. "

"Master Mother ..." Zhan Dong came across the scene of insulting the two, and it was difficult to hide his excitement, somberly and honestly: "Let's take a word."

Boom, boom!

Counting heavy hands on the gate of the Guizong Hall in succession, the four-story building, which is unknown, is still heavy.

The four major demons have been chasing them up, and the three of them have fallen into a hard fight again, and the Kowloon Palace men have been killed and wounded. Hundreds of demons have been surrounded, but they are empty of gas, which is enough to consume three of them. Exhausted.


"Camel Dragon" Sha Feng was suffocated all over his body. The bluestone ground under his feet began to break up and deserted, and gradually expanded out. A large number of demons are difficult to maintain high speed on the sandy ground, and many are trapped in the sand. , Became the target of the remaining two dragons.

The scene of the siege finally recovered some, but the "humpback" Sha Feng's radon consumption dropped sharply, knowing that such mutual offense and defense could not last long.

"Old camel, what should we do?" Yuan Kuang hit again with a severe blow, knocking back the demon master Ningdu Zen Master, and at the same time he was already panting and suffocating less than one-tenth.

"We can't hold it for a long time!" Zhu Yang blocked the continuous attack of the demon Ling Lingkong, and was finally drawn by the demon Ye Jiang with a shroud and spit out blood.

At this time in the entire holy land, only Cen Sanjin and his own had counterattacks. The other masters of the faction, including the people in the magic gate, were all dead and wounded. The army of the devil gradually gathered and the pressure was getting heavier.

Sha Feng was furious and hissed: "Yin Boy, Xiao Jiuer, haven't appeared yet? If the old man is really dead, you don't even want to get the demons ..."

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Several ghost fires ignited on the giant gate of the Guizong Hall, gradually converging into the shape of Yin Jiuyou, standing at the height of the huge "Ghost" character, looking at the three dragons desperately below, smiling coldly, saying: "Feng Shui turns Shaw, can our cooperation be discussed again ... "

"Dash, you want to fight while the fire ... Wow!" Yuan was so angry that he suddenly roared, but unexpectedly was seized by Master Ning Du, the monster, and approached his eyes suddenly, struggling to receive two heavy blows. There was a sound of broken bones and muscles between the sternum, but he also desperately embraced Yuan Kuang's arms.

At the same time, the whereabouts of the demon who has been secretive and unknown has suddenly appeared, with his hands held up like claws, his fingers wrapped around the endless sharp blue sigh like a blade, and he grabbed his shoulders towards Yuan Kuang!


With a scream, Yuan Kuang's arms were torn apart by the two great demons.

What's even more frightening is that the demon-like man who had been dead suddenly emitted amazing blood in his eyes, showing a sloppy smile at Yuan Kuang, hissing: "Yuan Kuang, the old ghost, still recognizes Is Nie Tu? "8)

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