Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 188: Timing of rescue

Time goes slightly ...

Since Sun Kun found Hou Ting, who was secretly on the move, he has followed along. Originally thought that the other party would take himself to the place where Mei Yinxue was hiding. Where can I know, the other party did not catch Mei Yinxue at all, and the place to go was a secret passage.

Sun Kun, who was hesitating to follow up, was suddenly shot in the back, shocked, he almost shouted, but fortunately, the other side martial arts high, covering his mouth.

"it's me!"

Hearing the sound, Sun Kun couldn't help shaking, and turned his head unbelievably, but it was Lin Nanxuan, the contemporary palace master of Lingyun Palace.

"How are you?" Sun Kun was finally at ease. The whole person couldn't help but relax, and there were thousands of words in his heart to say.

Lin Nanxuan's face was full of never-before-seen faces, but the eyes in his eyes were still shining, and he said, "Don't ask any more. People here can't handle it ... even I can't handle it ..."

Sun Kun shivered with a tremor, and his eyes widened: "Vimo ...!"

Lin Nanxuan Zheng nodded his head and said, "Now our most important task is not to 'tennin corpse', but to ensure that Ye Brothers are safe and sound ... Now, we can only wait for the opportunity, we must not act rashly."

So, under the alert of Lin Nanxuan, the two gradually slowly backed away, secretly monitoring the movements of the major demon masters, until the appearance of Mei Yinxue shocked Ye Qingxuan, until Ye Qingxuan was arrested, and the people in the demon scattered and fled. ...

It can not help to say that Lin Nanxuan did not **** the "Devil of the Heavens" at all, but took Sun Kun all the way out of the Holy Land, converging Jiang Feiran and Lu Yunxuan on the periphery.

The appearance of Lu Yunxuan was extremely unexpected, and after a little explanation, Sun Kun only realized that Lin Nanxuan loved Lu Yunxuan who was very clever and intelligent, and he was specially named as a disciple, so he brought along to teach unique skills.

Sun Kun was immediately overjoyed. In addition to being happy for the sister, this approach of Kunwu Mountain and Lingyun Palace undoubtedly shows that the two parties have cooperated most closely since then, and they have been allies of life and death.

This is undoubtedly extremely important news for the world's Wulin Zhengdao.

Just mentioning this exciting happy event, a hint of doubt and anxiety in Lin Nanxuan's eyes made the ingenious Sun Kun's heart arouse ...


Lin Nanxuan was somewhat resisted, or had other thoughts.

The most important task at hand is to rescue Ye Qingxuan. Sun Kun did not ask his doubts, but according to Lin Nanxuan's plan, he secretly approached Ye Qingxuan and others.

The inside of the magic gate is violently fighting.

Sun Kun and Lu Yunxuan were at a loss for more than twenty cocoons in front of them.

These spider silks are the products of Qinghua Emperor's own suffocation, and they have a secret connection. Just touch them to ensure that Qinghua Emperor is immediately surprised.

"So what shall we do?" Lu Yunxuan asked.

"Wait." Sun Kun gritted his teeth and said, "Wait for the kid of Lin Nanxuan to make the time ..."

Nie Tu ’s own sword is difficult to enter, and a pair of demon claws can break the weapons of the world. If the opponent is any master, even if he is half-step deified, he will have the power to fight. He couldn't do anything about it.

Those black spider silks are like horror creatures with their own lives. They are not only as tough as swords, but also highly toxic. What ’s more terrible is that as soon as they are stained, they will immediately drill under the skin. There is also the possibility of truncating the meridians ...

This great eruption of Emperor Qinghua made the front and back of the Buddha's Hall like a cave of spider spirits. It was secretive and dark. Nie Tudao also knew how to protect himself, but the remaining Red Blood Demon had no such mind. , The breath of the devil's night territory can no longer be sensed, even more strange than the chopped devil ling zhaokong.

At present, only the demon Ningdu can rely on the protection of the magical powers to face the Qinghua Emperor, but if this continues, his side is bound to fall into a greater passive.

It would be nice if Luo broke the enemy here.

It was useless to scold Zhuo Huifan, Nie Tu's claws waved sharply, and a large amount of suffocation blew a sharp hurricane, sweeping the surrounding spider silk ...

It was just that there were too many ghost-faced spiders, and after a while, a large cobweb formed.

Qinghua Emperor Jun's eerie laughter sounded coldly: "Nie Tu, how long can you persist?"

"Less nonsense, there is a kind of life and death!" Nie Tu yelled, but he couldn't even figure out the position of the other party, apparently being played between the palms.

After much teasing, Nie Tu was furious.



Demon Ning Du ignited a red-gold flame, blocking the incoming spider silk, and rushing into the hall at the same time.

Since I could not find the trace of Qinghua Emperor, I started with Ye Qingxuan and forced Qinghua Emperor to show up.


The main hall door was broken by Ning Du in one fell swoop. Looking at the cocoons floating in the hall, Ning Du waved the big pestle and smashed at the nearest giant cocoon.

Silk, silk ...

A cobweb shot to it, immediately entangled Ningdu's large pestle, and then slammed his hand, and flew the demon Ningdu to the fly.

Emperor Qinghua guarded the hall, but Nie Tu did not attack, but turned to rescue the demon Yejiang.


A fierce radon explosion sounded, and the spider silk wrapped around the devil's night territory shattered.

Nie Tuxian laughed, and Ye Jiang's order to get up was conveyed in the consciousness, but in the past, the demon Ye Jiang could only tremble on the ground, even he couldn't even stand.

what! ?

Nie Tu inspected it and immediately sank.

It turned out that Yejiang had already drilled countless spider silks in his body, and he had sealed all his radon and nerve lines, let alone using radon, he could not stand up.

"Bastard stuff." Nie Tu growled angrily. Not only was Qinghua Emperor incapable of suppressing his skills, but he also blamed himself for being too indifferent to his enemies. He did not expect that Qinghua Emperor, who had never known for his strengths, had such a great martial arts breakthrough.

Giggle ...

Qinghua Emperor appeared, and his enchanting posture covered his mouth and laughed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said: "Nie Tu, now you know the power of this emperor?"

"Witch, you wait."

Without Luo breaking the enemy here, Nie Tu confessed that he could not win, so he yelled and turned to Ningdu to lift Yejiang, and the three demons left together.

Seeing Nie Tu's departure, Qinghua Emperor's face finally relaxed, turned to enter the hall, and shouted, "My son, we leave this place immediately."

Seeing the considerable losses in the East, Qinghua Emperor gave a cold hum, a flick of his fingers, two spider silk shots, one into the eyebrows, one into Dantian, waving his hand, more than twenty giant cocoons glowing together, and the big stock Qi along the spider silk quickly supplemented the losses from Zhandong.

This weird and horrific scene just happened, and a swig of drink came from the head of the Buddha: "Emperor, don't come here!"

Qinghua Emperor exclaimed, and when he looked up, there was a starlight sword rain in the sky, as the entire galaxy fell, and came straight to her.

Lin Nanxuan! ?

Emperor Qinghua was so angry that he gritted his teeth and hated each other's acts of looting. 8)

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