Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 189: Cheap apprentice


When Qinghua Emperor and Lin Nanxuan broke open the roof at the same time and rushed out, Sun Kun and Lu Yunxuan broke the ground and returned to the main hall.

Regardless of the three or seventy-one, Sun Kun grabbed the hanging cocoon and threw it into the crypt.

Lu Yunxuan said for a moment, "Don't take a look first?"

"What are you looking at?" Sun Kun shouted incessantly. "What kind of dumpling stuffing, first put it in a bowl, you will know when you eat ..."

"That makes sense!" Lu Yunxuan gave a thumbs up and stepped forward to help.

Yi Huai burst into the air, and Zhan Dong came to cover the painful abdomen, and entered the hall with a blue complexion.

"Big handsome guy!" Lu Yunxuan's eyes fluttered into the stars, and his excitement jumped up.

Sun Kun said coldly, "He's Zhandong, the enemy of your little uncle ..."

Lu Yunxuan's face suddenly sank, and he said coldly, "Big bad guy!"

Zhan Donglai was picked up by a fifteen-six-year-old girl with her nose and eyes squinted, and she burst into laughter, and said in a yin voice: "Dare to move Master Ben's prey, and find death—"

The body moved slightly, and a sword-heel had already reached the sky.

Lu Yunxuan's scalp was numb, exclaiming, just waiting to be thrown behind Sun Kun. I didn't expect that the brother Yiyi was even more incompetent. He was already scared and holding his head to the ground. At the critical moment, the yellow figure flashed, and a "ding" sounded , That sword has been gently picked to the side by a bi-colored long sword, chopped off a giant statue of the Buddha.


The bergamot fell, and the dust rose.

But the dust in the temple just drowned the crowd, and then it was blown away by two strong rivalry winds.

The exclamation sounded, Lu Yunxuan and Sun Kun stared blankly at the two opponents of Jin Tongyu, and it was Jiang Feiran who had just rescued the two.

"Gang Xianzi, I haven't seen you for a long time ..." Zhan Dong smiled slightly, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Jiang Fei hasn't seen the rivers and lakes for a long time. At first sight today, it is clear that martial arts has made great strides, and he himself has just suffered a heavy blow and is afraid to do his best.

Jiang Fei smiled confidently, and said lightly, "Zhan Gongzi is a bit shy!"

Zhan Dong came to his face with a face, and Shen said, "What happened in the magic gate, you Lingyun Palace also have to intervene?"

"Magic affairs are the top priority of Lingyun Palace!" Jiang Feiran was surprised, and said, "Did the war son forget that there was an agreement between Sansheng Island and my Lingyun Palace and Fengyi Pavilion to suppress the magic gate on the rivers and lakes?" Why does the warlord want to help you?

"Chinchilla Anzhi Hongzhi's ambition?" Zhan Dong chuckled coldly.

Jiang Feiran questioned again: "Three holy islands have a transcendent status on the rivers and lakes, and black and white serve as sacred sites. Even if the magic gate is mixed, where can the status be raised?"

"What about Fengruo Holy Land?" Zhan Donglai smiled coldly, clenched his fist firmly, and said in a deep voice: "The spiritual respect is far less than the real power held in the hand! If a man has to prove himself , You should master the power of the world and be a great man like a dragon god! "

At this moment, Zandong came proud and compelling, and won the world.

Jiang Feiran shook his head and sighed, and Sun Kun was dumbfounded.

Stars flickered in Lu Yunxuan's eyes, "So handsome!"

"So ... anyone who blocks my way will die!" Zhan Dong pointed to the crowd, "You garbage, you all will die!"

"Uh ... too crazy, **** him!" Lu Yunxuan's brain was jumping straight, his sleeves were about to dry.

"Are you schizophrenic?" Sun Kun grabbed Lu Yunxuan and felt a headache. "Why do you have to be sober!"

"It's important to save people!" Jiang Feiran Bilan Jian came to the east with a finger, "Leave it here to me!"

The two immediately rushed to the last two cocoons.

The swift sword screamed.

Jiang Fei was really blocked by the sword, the sword tip trembled, and the sword flew. When he turned around, Zhan Dong sneered and did not attack Sun Kun again, but instead rushed to Jiang Feiran.

Jiang Feiran frowned, seeing that Zhan Dong came to shame and anger, intending to kill himself with all his strength and give him a major blow.

Therefore, the mind was stable, not proud and impatient, and wholeheartedly resisted the violent blow from the East.

I saw that the sword in her hand was light and comfortable, like a light cloud and flowing water, and slowly drawn a yin and yang fish in front of her. Most of the effort.

Even Bilan sword gave birth to a suction that stuck to the Supreme Sky Sword, and pulled along the strength of Zhan Dong, almost making him lose his beloved sword.

Zhan Dong came astonished. He turned around and turned back sharply. Jiang Fei came along a little bit. Zhan Dong came in an unstable body, took a few steps after landing, and almost fell.

His eyes stared at Jiang Feiran in disbelief, exclaiming, "What is this move? Lingyun Palace doesn't have this set of swordsmanship!"

"It's [Kunji's Taiji Sword Technique] ..." Jiang Feiran replied calmly: "Thanks to the gift of Chu Daochang, he passed down this set of red martial arts, and today he just consulted with his brother."

Zandong came to a deeper anger, but her mind calmed down suddenly.

Even such a mastery can be taught. I am afraid that the relationship between Kunwu faction and Lingyun Palace is stronger than ordinary allies ... and this time the people in Lingyun Palace suddenly appeared, will the masters of Kunwu faction follow me? ?

Zhan Dong frowned, and said coldly, "But a little trick of the worm, see if you can resist me!"

As soon as the words came down, Zhandong came to deceive him again, and the Supreme Heavenly Sword turned into a sharp light, like the fierce sun in the sky, and attacked Jiang Feiran with an unrivalled momentum.

The huge ball of light whistled across the sky, whether it was a case, a Buddha statue, an idol ... all the objects encountered were turned into powder under the blade of light.

Jiang Feiran retreated backwards, and Zhandong came to chase wildly, but for a moment, half of the hall was destroyed by the chase and flight of the two--

In the end, the unbearable Buddha's Hall was finally damaged and collapsed into a ruin.

Bang, bang!

Two figures broke through the temple roof on the ruins and stood in two places, facing each other.

Jiang Fei was blushing and breathless, calmly watching the war east, and the war east was too costly, with some slight asthma, and the abdomen was painful at the same time, knowing that the injury was involved.

Tai Chi Sword Technique! ?

Zhan Donglai praised that it was the red martial arts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ when it is fully exerted, it is a set of extremely deep unloading and transportation methods. The person giving the hand in turn causes some counter-injury.

Battle, unable to win; wait, I don't know how the enemy will help ...

In particular, seeing that the battle between Qinghua Emperor and Lin Nanxuan was evenly matched, the victory and defeat could not be separated at one and a half.

When his mind was chaotic, Zhandong came to the idea of ​​fleeing.

Just at this moment, the little girl named Lu Yunxuan suddenly called out in the distance: "Sister Jiang, cheap master ... tangled them, and arrived!"

Huh, Huh—

The sound of ragged clothes rang out.

Zhan Donglai said nothing and shouted, "Mother, go!"

At the same time, he did not look back, Zhandong fled in one direction. 8)

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