Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 195: Wilderness Trail

Cen Sanjin led Feng Asan back into the mountains.

It was only a dozen miles away before stopping.

Cen Sanjin gasped, saying with resentment: "It was a shortfall of success again. MD, I have really taken a back word recently ..."

Feng Asan shook his paralyzed wrist and said, "Big boss, with our current strength, I'm afraid we can't find any cheap. Why do we have to fight against these people in the Southern Dynasty?"

"What do you know!" Cen Sanjin shook his head and sighed: "Now if the world is peaceful, then we do business, don't be afraid of anything, but the rivers and lakes are turbulent. The industry in our hands will be remembered sooner or later. If there is no place for death, it is better to recruit a patron in advance to achieve stability. In my observation, whether it is Li Daotian in the North Dynasty or Jiugonglong, it is worthy of refusal, but if there is no vote, we will be swallowed sooner or later. The corpse was lost. The living Buddha, or Ye Qingxuan's life and death, is the name of the two of us. "

"I see." Feng Ah nodded and asked, "Why not choose the Southern Dynasty?"

"I am." Cen Sanjin said angrily: "Did you not see that Heng Wantong and the old unlucky grandson have taken refuge in the Southern Dynasties? With these two deadly opponents, did I not suffer in the past?"

Cen Sanjin took off his helmet, and crooked his neck uncomfortably, and Shen said, "With the referral of the iron camel, there should be no problem in the Kowloon Palace, but in order not to be swallowed, we must catch Zongba anyway. ... or kill him. "

Feng Asan hadn't answered yet, and suddenly there was a burst of applause not far away.

After seeing the big tree not far away, slowly came out of a figure, sneered at the two people and said, "Cen, the treasurer, played well. But if you want to take refuge in the Kowloon Palace, it will make my old friend a little bit uncomfortable. happy……"

Suddenly, the two were close to the enemy.

Being able to find both of them at such a distance, the opponent is definitely a rare master in the world.

The answer is indeed yes.

When the other party stepped out of the shade, Cen Sanjin shook and exclaimed: "The Beiming is invincible! Are you still alive?"

Appearing in front of the two at this time, turned out to be Beiming Invincible who had not appeared for a long time.

In the battle of Yuhuangding, Beiming Invincible not only revealed their identity, but also joined forces with Song Bierli and Yan Wuchang. They were still defeated by Situ Lingfeng, and disappeared into the rivers and lakes after sweeping their faces. It was unexpected that they met here today.

Beiming's invincibility has not appeared for a long time. I saw it today. In addition to the two white spots, there was only a scar on the cheek.

Cen Sanjin up and down each other a lot, sneer: "Brother Bei Ming ... No, it should be called Shangguan brother, right? I haven't seen it for a long time, I don't know what's the reason for this?"

Beiming Invincible still maintained the demeanor of a group of masters, and did not show any anger at Cen Sanjin's sarcasm, but just stroked the scar on his face with a finger and chuckled: "It's just a few quarters, two are casual. If today is turbulent, Hard work. Walking down the rivers and lakes and secretly selecting like-minded people, they were very optimistic about the two brothers and Taiwan. Unexpectedly, they heard the words of Brother Cen, which really made them chill ... "

Cen Sanjin could not help but take a few steps back and looked around vigilantly. Feng Asan also saw sweat on his forehead and clenched the axe handle.

"Brother Bei Ming ... shouldn't you be the big man's twilight?" Cen Sanjin's voice trembled, and Shen asked, "I've seen the way that big man treats his men ... it's really shocking. ! "

Beiming smiled invincibly, took a step forward, and said, "It's a little bit harder to talk about the means. But in troubled times, we should use the classics to deal with those who are not so obedient, of course, we must use some extraordinary means. But you see, I talked with Xing Fearless, isn't it good? Rest assured, the Lord will not be indifferent to the true people ... "

The other side really is the subordinates of the devil against the sky.

Cen Sanjin swallowed hard and guilty: "I'm just waiting for the insignificant little person, I'm afraid that the adult has fallen in love, right?"

"No. Absolutely not." Beiming invincible smiled insidiously: "The Lord Lord named himself and said that day and night I hope Brother Cen joins ..."

Feng Asan's face changed greatly, and he said angrily, "I am so shy, I don't know how to shy things, even if we die, we won't join the magic gate!"

"What did you say?" Beiming's invincible face suddenly sank, looking at Feng Asan sensibly.

Feng Asan had no fear, and stared back at Beiming invincible.

Feng Asan's temperament is serious, and he is naturally not afraid of the magic gate, but Cen Sanjin is different. At this time, he has strangled Feng Asan's heart, for fear that he will anger Beiming's invincibility again, and quickly rip him off. Behind the scenes, he apologized and said, "Brutal people are rude, please forgive me. If the Lord of the Gate can stand down, Cen is willing to donate half of his wealth for his elderly use, but Cen is tired and lazy, only to lose his elderly Trusted ... "

Beiming invincible evil charm sneered.

Cen Sanjin was chilling all over and said quickly: "All the family wealth. Cen is willing to give all the wealth, just want to retreat from the rivers and lakes, regardless of world affairs ..."

Feng Asan was anxious, but Cen Sanjin held it tightly.

Beiming invincible took a deep breath and laughed: "Cen Sanjin, this is not a sale, nor can you tolerate a bargain with me ... In a word, promise or not."

Cen Sanjin's face was pale and he kept his mouth shut. Feng Asan's dreadful axe "dang" and angrily said, "No, I didn't agree."

Hahaha ...

Beiming invincible laughed and yelled, "It doesn't matter if you don't agree, I will catch you both, and you will be as effective in front of the Lord ... Hahaha ... "

"Go to you!" Feng Asan shot furiously, and the whole person flew into the air with his wings spread out, facing an axe, and heading straight for the opposite door.

Vigorous sky, Beiming's invincible figure flickered, disappeared in situ, violent radon flew and chopped out, and a number of thick trees were cast into the waist, which was blocked by the waist.

"Big boss, hurry up!" Feng A didn't look back, and yelled, "The life-saving grace of that year ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Feng has lost his life today!"

Already scared, the body shivered, and Cen Sanjin, who was still in place, shivered, and said, "Asan ... I ..."

"Go, hurry!"

Feng Asan flew and attacked again. A pair of board axes were connected to one place, and turned into a huge axe wheel blade, which chased "Sword Demon" Beiming invincibly.

The "sword demon" laughed, turning his sword in his chest, turning countless sharp swords across the air, pointing his sword towards Feng A Trinity, and the sky's shadow flying like a fly, like countless flying swords, straight into the axe Feng Asan in the center of the wheel blade.

Ding Ding Ding ...

A fine impact sounded.

The violent axe wheel blade flies countless flying swords, but it also stops the offensive and keeps retreating.

Cen Sanjin decided that this place was definitely not Beiming's invincible. Knowing that his side had no chance, he gritted his teeth and turned to wave his arm. A cable hook was shot in the armband, and he went straight into a big tree. He screamed and ran away. 8)

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