Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 196: Pay off debt

Xing Wuwei slowly emerged from one side, watching Cen Sanjin go deep into the dense forest, and finally fell into the dark jungle.


After a dull meal, Xing Wuwei inserted the snake stick into one of the rocks and looked sneerfully at the desperate Feng Asan and Beiming invincible in the venue.

"Aren't you chasing?" Bei Ming's invincible sword swung back Feng Asan and asked coldly.

Xing Wuwei sat on the rock and sneered, "It's just a rich man, who has escaped. Can those properties also run away with him? The master valued Feng Asan more."

Feng Asan sank in his heart, and sure enough, the other party looked after his own body.

Vimo is against the sky to dominate the rivers and lakes, and attracting loyal people is basically a cover. Who can be more obedient than the "Red Blood Devil"?


Feng Asan severely spit, spit his hands with an axe, and Mars splashed, sinking and drinking: "Even today, even if there are thousands of broken corpses, I will never fall into the hands of Seoul and other demons ..."


The axe became a round, and the whole man attacked Beiming Invincible with the most fierce move.

Cen Sanjin's iron cable mounted on the gold armor kept flying out, and the other end was an upside down. Pulling in different directions can make the hook lock the object shot, or easily come off. With the force of the iron cable, he quickly Ghostly flying across the treetops.

When he bought the armor device for a large amount of money that day, Man Wenting, then an important member of the imperial court, once proudly said, "This set of armor designed by Mr. Zanghua himself, even if he met a master of heaven, there was no problem in escaping. . "

Cen Sanjin is convinced of this sentence.

And his words were really good. In countless encounters, even if Cen Sanjin lost to his opponent, he could escape with this armor.

Today is no exception.

Cen Sanjin stood up from a tree, and it took only a few more vertical jumps to see that he could enter the denser rain forest in the mountains, and the mutations protruded.

In the dense woods on the left, the technical leaves shattered, and a black shadow with a roaring wind suddenly shot to three feet on the side, a blue light flashed, and a stick struck.

It's so fast that it can't even keep up with the speed of thinking.

Cen Sanjin was taken aback. The other side of the antelope was horned, and no trace was found, showing that the person's martial arts had been promoted to the field of superior martial arts. At the same time, such a volley came, and the strange stick put the Buddha's mask on him to avoid all the vitals. It was unavoidable, unheard of. Under the horror, I didn't know how to evade, snorted-sound, the left arm was grabbing the opponent's stick.

The trick that looked like a stick, when it hit the back of Cen Sanjin's hand, turned into a hundred sticks. The dense sound of rain, only gathered in an instant.

Dangdang Dangdangdang!

The sound of the jungle.

Cen Sanjin screamed violently, even if he was wearing a hand armor, the opponent's hundred sticks were fast, accurate, and fierce. He struck the armour on the back of the hand, destroying the machine, and shattering his bones ...

His mighty strength took him awry, and the whole person fell from the branch to the ground.

Cen San's golden soul was flying away, and he dared to fight, and the only right mobile phone shot out the iron cable, raised his energy, pulled the rope, and accelerated forward.

The attacking man shouted, his body twisted in the air, and the swallow turned in the air—a bend, chasing Cen Sanjin from behind.

Cen Sanjin was shocked in his heart that the opponent's light work was even more dexterous than the device in his hand. These stunts are absolutely famous in the world.

After turning around, I guessed the identity of the other person and shouted in a hurry: "Meng Shaoxia, you and I have no grievances in the long run, and no revenge in the near future, why are we fighting so hard?"

It is naturally Meng Yuanzhang who can have such a powerful stick and body style, and he snorted with a sniff: "I sigh, this dog has embarrassed my family several times before and after, thinking I don't know? Give me down!"

Originally, Meng Yuanzhang was pursuing closely, and there was no advantage over the opponent's speed. Instead, he was greatly inferior in the consumption of radon gas. He would be thrown away for a long time, but when the two were about five feet apart, Meng Yuanzhang suddenly shook his hands. The top section of the "stick" suddenly separated and shot like a crossbow. It passed Cen Sanjin and inserted directly into the large tree trunk in front. Then it suddenly closed. Meng Yuanzhang whistled more than five times faster than before.

Cen Sanjin exclaimed, and had no time to respond. He was directly hit by Meng Yuanzhang, and the stick stretched out by the opponent was just above his vital hole.


Even if there is a gold armor, it can't stop the thunder attack on the vital.

Cen Sanjin hit the ground directly. When he turned over, he had been convulsing with his lower body.


A hole was opened in the ground next to him, and Sun Kun held out his head and looked at it, "Your kid is black enough?"

Meng Yuanzhang smiled awkwardly, and said, "This ... the little man was aiming at him to Dantian ..."

Sun Kun laughed suddenly.

Hey, hey--

Cen Sanjin's face was bleak, his eyes turned white, and his mouth foamed constantly.

"Finally succeed!"

Sun Kun stomped and **** Cen Sanjin to Wuhuada.

Meng Yuanzhang was puzzled and asked, "I said, Brother Sun, so many important things are in front of you. Why do you have to take me to grab this native rich man?"

Sun Kun replied, "I, I don't like to owe anything, especially money ..."

"Well, I understand this." Meng Yuanzhen nodded in agreement.

Sun Kun's face was heavy, and he stretched out his fingers solemnly, "But what I don't like the most is that people take money from my hands ..."

Meng Yuan hesitated and asked, "This one can be a bit offensive to the one just said. What if you owe someone else money? You don't want to pay it back?"

"How can that be?" Sun Kun pouted and said, "You still have to talk about credit as a person."

After finishing the bundling, Sun Kun comfortably stretched his back and explained his logic to Meng Yuanzhang: "Since you owe others money, you don't want to use your own money to pay it back, you have to ... Heh, that's of course someone else's Money, come and pay your debts! "

what! ?

Meng Yuan was dumbfounded at www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and pointed to Cen Sanjin, and said, "This ... isn't it your debt?"

"Otherwise?" Sun Kun bitterly said, "My old girl is really ruthless, and she pits me half as soon as she takes a shot. Since I don't want to move my money, I naturally want to use this Cen Sanjin's house as a debt. "

"Two of you brothers and sisters ... Sure enough, there is a set!" Meng Yuanzhang raised his thumbs and admired.


As soon as the voice fell, a violent squeal of roar came from afar.

Meng Yuanzhang asked, "Father, the movement over there is fierce enough. Shall we take the shot?"

"Yes." Sun Kun dug a hole, hid Cen Sanjin, patted the soil on his hands, and smiled: "If I don't expect bad, Yan Jueyi's kid should have seen Zongba Living Buddha. But Let's save people, don't fight hard ... "

Meng Yuan hesitated and said, "Relax, boy, I'm older than you." 8)

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