Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 245: Whereabouts

As soon as Ye Qingxuan said this, the Sankong monk's face just showed a surprised look, but Guo Yunfei already had his double blade in his hand, leaped out and stood outside the wooden house.

The monk Sankong followed suit, and as soon as he fell into shape, he immediately saw a distant hillside and rushed out a large number of white lotus worshippers, who were faintly surrounded from the three sides, apparently preparing to come again. I'm catching you.

Qimi Island is not very large, and the **** monk has a strangely sculpted shape. It is not difficult to inquire about whereabouts.

At the appearance of the two, the Bailian congregation sent a signal at once, and a large number of congregation screamed and rushed over to kill.

In each of the three directions, three innate-level masters led each of them. These three were one step ahead of the crowd, and they came straight to kill.

Guo Yunfei swarmed his enemies coldly, with a sneer in his mouth, the fierce light shining in his eyes, and San Kong Monk still, but in his heart he was shocked that Ye Qingxuan could find the enemy at such a long distance.

The two are ready to fight, but Ye Qingxuan in the room can't sit still, but he passed a faint smile: "I'm here for you two, you can let go ..." "

The monk of Sankong couldn't help secretly saying that this Ye Shaoxia would really call others. Unexpectedly, Guo Yunfei, who was overjoyed when he heard it, exclaimed: "Thank you Uncle Xiaoma, hahaha ..." Then he lowered his voice and said to him, "I'll see you later. Hidden clumsiness, although there is any means to make it out, it will definitely have your benefit later ... This is your first blessing in this life! "

The monk Sankong was about to ask why. A cold hum came from his ears, and when he looked up, he didn't know when he was standing with a long shawl and tied a forehead with a white ribbon.

The old man was dressed in a light-colored Chinese suit, and he was not tall, but he felt strong and solid.

It's just a pale face, coupled with puffy eyes and belly, giving a feeling of long-term indulgence in wine.

As soon as the old man appeared, a pair of fish belly eyes were stared at the two, and he sneered, "The monk of Lingyin Temple was only a young monk who had just entered the innate. It was hard for me to come at full speed, but it was really disappointing."

His words were so arrogant that he obviously didn't put Guo Yunfei and Sambo monk in his eyes, which was particularly outrageous.

It was only before the opponent's old man appeared that the two did not notice the slightest. Obviously, the other party's skill far surpassed their own, I am afraid they are definitely masters of virtual reality.

Among the masters in Bailian religion who are above the realm, only the "five taisui" and "ten swords without birth" are known.

Looking at the old man's momentum, I am afraid that it should be one of the "Swords of No Life".

However, even if the other party is even more powerful, it may not be the opponent of the Kunwu sentimental uncle Ye Qingxuan, but he stood there for a long time, but never noticed that Ye Qingxuan in the house could tell everything.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan's breath had disappeared without a trace. Even if the Sambo monk knew his exact location, even if he searched hard, he could not detect the slightest difference, and he could not even hear his breath.

"Who's here? Grandpa and I don't kill unknown people!" Guo Yunfei had Ye Qingxuan's boldness, and his attitude became abnormally arrogant. Even the Sambo monk could not help but roll his eyes.

When the old man with the fish belly eyes heard it, he immediately killed himself and hummed coldly, and said, "Boy, just rush at you, and the old man will let you taste what it means to die better ..."

Guo Yunfei was still waiting for his turn, and suddenly he yelled and said, "Kill the chicken with a bull knife? Wang Lao swordsman, please wait for my brother to take him down and let you handle it!"

The distant Bailian teacher master finally arrived. When the sound suddenly dropped, two figures flashed, and Guo Yunfei stood in front of two extremely magnificent men.

The two big boys are similar in appearance and are obviously a brother.

The former carried a long-handled axe made of steel, but the sharp axe in front of the axe handle was equally flexible, chopping and jabbing; the latter's weapon was a pair of bi-eared halberds. It resembles a sword and has a pecker-shaped tip.

The three monks clasped their hands together and said calmly: "Amitabha, the original two Kun Zhong who were 'Bashan Shuangxiong', committed a heinous crime in Shuzhou. They had nowhere to hide, and they only believed in the Bailian religion before they dared to make waves again. "

The boss in "Bashan Double Heroes" heard three sneer and sneered loudly: "Hey, I didn't think this bald donkey knew the title of our brother. It seems to be the imperial eagle dog. Your bald head is scooped. "

The second son Xiong Bao stunned the halberds in his hands, and when he rang, his gaze toward Guo Yunfei was also full of badness. "The monk is the eldest brother, then this thin dog is my brother ..."

Yi Yi broke into the air again, once a young scribe in white clothes, handsome eyes, but a little oily face fell down, looking at the two besieged Guo Yunfei laughed, proudly said: "It was these two things, No wonder Mr. Wang's anger is indeed a bit out of place. Coincidentally, the two of them will be left to your brothers to deal with. I have the 'Hua Xiushi' Di Yu here to fight, you can let go and do ... "

As soon as this remark was made, the Bashan Shuangxiong's face was full of anger, and the old man Xiongguang even snorted.

This "flower showman" Di Yu was inadequate and more than defeated. His status and status have always been the same as his own. However, relying on the old man who is the top of the sky, his posture is superior and makes people look angry.

I heard that this "flower showman" Di Yu was once controlled by Ye Qingxuan and dressed in his appearance to assassinate Song Qiao'an, a wonderful swordsman. He was almost beheaded by Shang Feng, and finally sold his **** for a few years Under the love points, barely saved a life.

Such a character would dare to pretend in front of others, which is really outrageous.

If there was Wang Jianchuan, a "swordsman from Liejue", their brother would have scolded him, and he sprayed Diyu with a spit on his face.

"Hey, have you finished your nonsense?" Guo Yunfei, who was aside at this point, was already impatient, rubbing his sword with a sword and licking some dry lips, hehe laughed: "If you finish your last words, my dear I'm about to start! "

"Crazy!" "Away from the Swordsman" Wang Jianchuan couldn't help but drink coldly.

The words didn't fall, Xiongguang and Xiongbao moved suddenly, and they were forced to be within ten steps of the two.

The energy is soaring ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The murderous spirit is empty.

Both enemies drank at the same time.

The axe was lifted for a long time and turned into a galvanic electricity. It slashed to the neck of the Sambo monk. With a strong and unrivaled energy, it was first cut into the air.

On the other side, Xiongbao turned wildly, and the two pikes followed a strange offensive course, constantly changing within the range of the zhang. The sharp wind released the Buddha and cut to any part of Guo Yunfei at the same time. .

No wonder these two people can flee from Shuzhou all the way to Jiangnan, and their efforts are really not weak and their strength is extraordinary.

For a moment, murderous air came out of the air.

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