Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 246: Each hero

Bashan's twin males have been standing in the green forest for more than ten years. His hands are stained with blood, and his murderousness is extraordinary.

The two eyes shot cold light and stared fiercely at their opponents. If they were changed to a weaker one, their eyes would have made their opponents tremble and lose their will.

This pair of brothers, any one of them is a first-class master on one's own side, otherwise "Jian Jianchuan" Wang Jianchuan will not rest assured to let them come.

Even with Ye Qingxuan behind, the Sankong monk left a little room for the enemy to avoid unexpected situations. After all, there are enemy masters watching around and waiting to attack; but Guo Yunfei ignored it and was already excited. There is no way to add it. When you make a shot, you are doing your best.

The release of the Buddha was deliberately showing off in front of the uncle. In the face of the enemy's strange sword, Guo Yunfei retreated, and his body fluttered a few times.

Xiong Bao's body suddenly suffocated, his eyes shot an incredible look, and the momentum and confidence suddenly weakened a bit.

It turned out that every shake of Guo Yunfei was aimed at the attack of the male treasure bird pecking halberd.

Step by step to seize the opportunity, let the Buddha be a prophet, and when he was born, his opponent's steps had a subtle shift, making his attack lose the greatest threat.

What's even more amazing is that when Xiong Bao changed his offensive, Guo Yunfei could stagger his position one by one, several times in a row, so that Xiong Bao had a muddle that was holding and slipping, leaving him helpless. feel.

What is this martial art?

Such a strange thing, Xiong Bao never encountered in his life.

Half of Xiongbao's ability is unfolded around the strange swordsman blade in his hand. With the special structure of the bird pike halberd, he exhibits strange changes in moves and teaches people to defend.

But now that he hasn't fought, it seems that he has been shown tricks to the other side, making his tricks almost useless, and he changed from active to passive in an instant, which is unprecedented.

I didn't know how to attack for a while, and the offensive immediately eased.

The battle between experts is often the difference between this line.

Xiong Bao's arrogant Qimen martial arts immediately revealed flaws that should never have been!

Did Guo Yunfei, a killer, let go of these opportunities, but after a while, he just smiled suddenly and immediately surged in momentum. He exerted many hard-working [transposition transpositions] with light work, without bending his knees, and not walking. Suddenly, he moved to the side of Xiongbao. The right-handed serrated gold knife whistled and chopped with unmatched breath, but when Xiongbao exclaimed and intercepted, he turned sharply and exhibited a light-spirited sword move. A series of swords stabbed at several major points on the chest.

Xiong Bao was frightened, and he flew back in a hurry.

But his feet were just off the ground, and Guo Yunfei thundered from the other side with a black sword in his left hand. Xiong Bao could not think of the opponent ’s tricks so strangely. He even surpassed his own Qimen weapons, and his spirits were scattered. A donkey rolled straight, avoiding it in time, which was enough to split him in half.


Xiongbao's shirt was damaged. From the shoulder to the left rib, a deep bloodstain was drawn. The blood immediately burst out.

At the same time, the boss Xiongguang also exclaimed, his body slumped back a few steps, and wow a blood spit.

It turned out that Xiong Guang relied on the weapon of the axe in his hand and split towards the neck of the monk Sankong, but he did not expect that the monk Sankong not only looked at Mu Ne, but also moved extremely stupidly, regardless of his decapitation. Dangerous, one step forward, a punch towards his chest.

As the saying goes, one inch is long and one inch is strong.

There is no doubt that even if Xiongguang split and flew the head of the monk Sankong, his opponent's punch would not fall into his chest.

So Xiongguang took advantage of the situation and increased his speed by 30%.

But what happened to him was incredible, with a powerful axe splitting the neck of the monk Sankong in an instant and listening to the sound of a metal collision, the majestic axe not only failed After beheading the enemy, they were lifted up by the huge anti-seismic force, and the blade of the axe that was visible to the naked eye was broken open.

When Xiong Guang was standing, his spirits fluttered. Seeing that the other party hit his chest with a punch, he was also very good. He changed the stab into a stab, and just returned to the axe, stabbing the opponent's boxer with the axe's cone.

The monk Sankong simply stepped forward, and his skill was as perfect as a walk in his own courtyard. His fist was on the axe's stab, and he was really vomiting.


After Xiongguang's haste, his back defense was not as good as his opponent's full blow. After all, his vigorous energy broke into his body, causing him to suffer a big loss, his body was frustrated, and he was bombarded with internal injuries.

"[Tide to the Iron Guardian]!" Xiongguang never expected that he would see the magical skill of the "Pig Iron Buddha" Yinkong in this monk, and he was shocked for a moment, and then spit a blood again.


The large number of Bailians who just came up all around were looking at this scene.

On weekdays, the Bashan brothers, who were arrogant and powerful, couldn't even take one move, took the lead, and were forced to retreat by the opponent, and they were all injured, which caused an uproar.

The "Hua Xiushi" who had not dealt with the Bashan brothers immediately sneered at the sight: "At this level, it is also worthy of being worshipped by the White Lotus? It is better to die clean and avoid shame here."

The Bashan brothers were extremely angry, but the injuries were in their bodies, and for a moment they failed to turn their backs.

On the contrary, Guo Yunfei laughed and yelled, "Little white face, if you have a seed, you will eat your grandpa!"

Guo Yunfei forced a retreat from Xiong Bao, and his body moved, and he even flew on the rooftop "flower showman" Di Yu.

what! ?

Di Yu, who could only play with his mouth, immediately frightened his lead powder, and kept huddling to the side of the "separate swordsman" Wang Jianchuan.

Guo Yunfei received all the singles and simply attacked Wang Jianchuan.


The monk Sankong also jumped up and cooperated with Guo Yunfei from the side to form a pinch on Wang Jianchuan.

Guo Yunfei hit the black sword.

"court death!"

Wang Jianchuan gave a humming cry, a turn over, not only avoided the fierce sword, but also flew over the Sankong monk, and the unsketched sword directly connected to the sankong monk's top door.

Because of their deep relationship with Yin Kong, the two began to discuss with each other from time to time, so they knew the door of this practice.

The young monk in front of him is less than thirty years old, and it is impossible to reach the closed door like Yinkong. Therefore, the shot is the key to the monk Sankong.

The monk of Sankong flashed his eyes, and while mouthing the Buddha, his palms darted up into the air, and instantly caught Wang Jianchuan's attack.


Wang Jianchuan pulled the sword out of the sheath to go home ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The monk of Sankong clamped the scabbard in vain, and his body turned, and the sword's electric light hit the armpit of Sankong monk in general.


The monk Sankong flew in response, although he was not injured, but his body shape retreated, his face was red and white, and he could not cooperate with Guo Yunfei's attack for a while.

At this point, Guo Yunfei drank near, and struck Wang Jianchuan fiercely with a bizarre trick that reversed the wishes.

Wang Jianchuan's swordsmanship was like a god, and he gently tapped on the back of Guo Yunfei's serrated gold knife, using his strength to bounce up straight, like Feihong, straight into the monk Sankong, while a pengjian rain has fallen to Guo Yunfei's head.

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