Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 262: Unexpected help

Seeing this happening too quickly, Ye Qingxuan, who was hiding aside, did not have time to stop it.

Even if he didn't expect it, Sansheng Island would be so desperate to win the position of Wulin Alliance leader ...

Not to mention Ye Qingxuan, the underworld heroes who came with him, was also surprised.

The face of Dai Yingshan in Tianmu Village changed, and Shen said, "Mr. Ji, the rivers and lakes have words: It is worse than wife and children, this is the rule among our fellows in the green forest, but you are trying to destroy the door? Is it too much?"

The angry water helper Ding Yu was also unhappy and said coldly: "Originally, I thought people invited us to persuade and persuade Lao Hai. They turned out to be" kill chickens for monkeys ". The purpose was for us. Monkeys! "

The words of these two people immediately attracted Ji Lingjun's gaze, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped sharply.

Master Wan Xing, who had been hit hard under Ye Qingxuan, stood by and looked at it with cold eyes. It was nothing to do with himself here.

On the contrary, Li Yang, the ancestor on the other side, grinned and said lightly, "Zhu Jun, don't think about it. I don't think Shuai Sheng meant this. Just now, Brother Dai said that" worry isn't as bad as his wife and children. " Method, but since Brother Hai loves other forces, he is betraying our green forest, not the same fellow, but the enemy, against the enemy, what means are we green forest, do you not know? "

Weeding and rooting!

For a moment, Qun Hao was silent.

Ji Lingjun took a deep look at his ancestor Li Yang, then turned to Hai Yuanshun, and said coldly: "Lao Hai, this is the end of the matter, don't let go of Luo Xingshou? Is it really necessary to fight for a dead net?" Slowly, sneer and sneer: "Now we have to close it, we still have time, we can also treat you as a fellow ..."

Qunhao was silent.

Now that we have all talked about this, the so-called "comrades" is nothing more than "worries and wives", but Hai Yuanshun is no longer as easy as giving way, he must die!

It turned out that Shuai Jijie's determination was so great that he did not hesitate to use this poisonous hand ...

Where can it be regarded as "Confucian Saint", it is simply the most cruel "killing Saint".

All of a sudden, everyone had a new understanding of that handsomeness.

Faced with the scorn of the people present, Hai Yuanshun burst into tears and sorrowed: "Okay, Ji Lingjun, you won today." The eyes glanced at everyone present, and finally fell on the faces of a pair of grandchildren, "Da Fu Dagui, Grandpa is not capable. During this time, you take your tribe back to your hometown. You are only allowed to fish and hunt, and you are not allowed to take any further steps! "

"Grandpa ..." a pair of grandchildren and granddaughters cried in unison.

Hai Yuanshun shook his hand and let go of Luo Bin, the old fart rolled into the urine, far away from it.

There was a sorrowful smile in Yang Tian, ​​Hai Yuanshun yelled, "Ji Lingjun, you won, handsome and handsome, you won!"

The voice didn't fall, Hai Yuanshun raised his hand and patted his own top door!

If this palm is shot, it is guaranteed that the skull is broken and the brain is cracked ...

At this moment, the wind suddenly rose, and the eaves suddenly swept down a figure. The speed unexpectedly exceeded everyone's expectations. As soon as he reached out, he grabbed Hai Yuanshun's left wrist, and suddenly folds. I cut it with a single palm, and a frosty voice sounded: "Old man, you can't die. If you die, don't say your family can't live, the entire green forest will be torn apart!"


As soon as this person appeared, everyone in the room whispered inexplicably, it was Ji Lingjun who had always been black-faced and black-faced, and his eyes were widened and he could not look at the person in disbelief.

Hai Yuanshun looked startled, glaring at the other person, and said, "You, you you ... how are you !?"

This question, not to mention the presence of everyone, even Ye Qingxuan, who almost jumped directly from the room beam, was shocked ...

At the critical moment, the person who shot was not Ye Qingxuan, but--

Shuai Tianfan!

Ye Qingxuan drew a cat's waist, and quickly retracted, and a lot of question marks were squeezed in his head ...

How could it be him! ?

This question is not only a problem for Ye Qingxuan, but also for everyone present.

Only Wanxing, who has been watching the lively mentality, shows a smile of interest ...

"Heisha" Ji Lingjun looked extremely unnatural. He took a step forward and said, "I've seen the young master, I wonder why the young master came?"

"What is it?" Shuai Tianfan let go of Hai Yuanshun's right hand and turned to look at Ji Lingjun with a sneer, rudely: "Of course, come and see what you have done ..." After finishing his gaze, there were two blood pools in the hall. He paused for a while, frowning, and asked again: "Why kill?"

With that said, everyone looked at each other.


Isn't this handsome idea?

"Subordinates were ordered by the handsome Saint ..."

"Stop!" Shuai Tianfan was angry and abruptly said: "My father asked you to force the old man to submit. If it doesn't work, he will be abdicated, but when will you be allowed to kill?"

After experiencing the initial consternation, Ji Lingjun also restored his former coldness, and Wen Yan calmly replied, "Huizhuo, the subordinate is instructed to‘ do cheap ”...”

Shuai Tianfan's eyes flashed a smirk, and he sneered, "Okay, okay ... a good‘ walk cheap '... ”

Ji Lingjun's eyes were cold, and he looked back at Shuai Tianfan without giving up.

At this time, anyone can see that this handsome and terrific interior is by no means united.

Shuai Tianfan left Ji Lingjun, walked slowly to the hall, came to the bound Hai family, and said to the Sansheng Island disciples, "Let them go ..."

A group of Sansheng Island disciples looked at each other and looked at Ji Lingjun off the field.


Suddenly, red and white burst out in front of everyone's eyes, and a disciple of Sansheng Island, who was standing nearest, was directly smashed by Shuai Tianfan and fell down on the spot.

Shuai Tianfan did nothing to release the Buddha, swept over the others, and said again in a frosty tone: "I say it again,‘ release them ’... I do n’t want to say this third time!”

A group of disciples of Sansheng Island retreated in horror, and when they were at a loss, Ji Lingjun's order came: "I still don't listen to Master's order ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let people go!"

This time, no one dared to hurt the poisoned hand, but let go of the Haijia people obediently.

Many Sansheng Island disciples fled, and the figures flew quickly to evacuate the scene. The release of the Buddha never appeared normal.

Shuai Tianfan's eyes have a stronger intention to kill, and he quickly closed his eyes to stop the irresistible murderousness, and at the same time said calmly: "Comrades, this is the end of this great show today, thank you, don't give it away!"

The warriors knew that there was involved in the internal battle of Sansheng Island, and they were all too afraid to avoid it, so they hurriedly saluted and retreated cleanly.

Ji Lingjun also gave a small gift, saying coldly and warmly: "Since this is the case, please subordinate, please retreat. The things here will definitely report to the handsome Saint ..."

After that, without waiting for Shuai Tianfan's reply, he turned away.

Looking at the back of Ji Lingjun leaving, Shuai Tianfan was already trembling with anger, resisting the urge to kill.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes narrowed under the eaves, and the flash of lightning disappeared under the flash of thought. ()

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