Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 263: Break into the door

Ye Qingxuan shuttled on the ridge of the house like an electric power. With his skill, it is difficult for the master of heaven to find a trace.

At this moment all kinds of thoughts in his mind came up, making him quite headache.

The incident just experienced seems to indicate that it is not only the green forest factions under the **** of Sansheng Island, but even the interior of Sansheng Island is also full of problems.

Although Shuai Jizhe had great ambitions, he didn't even explicitly object to his son.

There must be other articles in it.

It's just that time is tight and Ye Qingxuan is not allowed to investigate calmly. At this stage, thunder will be used to stir up this undercurrent of turbulent water.

Leaping down to the back of a room, Ye Qingxuan changed into a tea-horse gangster uniform copied from Haijia in a dark place in an alley, then walked out of the alley and walked towards a mansion not far away.

Not as close as the past, more than a dozen big men guarded in front of the gate of the mansion rushed up, and when they saw Ye Qingxuan's clothes, they all looked hostile, and some of them screamed and said, "Haijia's miscellaneous things come here, but look at the old man. The dog is not in the limelight, come here to work? "

Everyone laughed together.

It turned out that more than a dozen people were all disciples of the Tea Horse Gang, except that the patterns embroidered on the chest of each person were not consistent. Some were tea branches, some were silk, some were salt, and some were horses ...

Ye Qingxuan didn't pay attention before, only then knew the difference.

This must be the difference between the different halls in the Tea Horse Gang.

But Ye Qingxuan didn't care, before grim, he shouted, "Did Luo Bin come back?"

The tea-horse gang disciples looked at each other, and they all saw that they were not good at speaking, but the other low-level disciple of the tea-horse gang should not be so violent even if they were directly at the top of the line, so they were surprised and laughed.

Or the big guy who questioned before, took a step forward, smirked with a steel knife in his hand, and sneered: "Little bunny, Luo Xingshou's name can also be screamed directly? The people in the Hai family really have a long time to do well. Now, even a low-level disciple dares to be so arrogant, seeing that Lao Tzu will not waste your bones ... "

After speaking, I reached out and grabbed Ye Qingxuan's head!

Ye Qingxuan gave a cold sigh, stretched out his hand and grabbed Dahan's right hand, and squeezed it suddenly, click ...

The sound of the cracking of the bones spread instantly. All the disciples in front of the door were stunned. Seeing that the right hand of the big man deformed like mud in the other's hands, and then screamed, the big man fell to his knees with pain and slammed in the leaves Before Qing Xuan's feet.

Ye Qingxuan didn't let go of holding Han's right hand, and didn't even bother to look at him again. The cold eyes glanced at all the disciples present, and he asked coldly, "Is Luo Bin coming back?"

The rest of the disciples horrified and then retreated, and finally knew that it was not a low-level disciple, but an evil star.

Someone trembled and answered, "Luo Xingshou has just returned and is having a meeting with several church leaders ..."

Ye Qingxuan gave a cold hum and threw his hands at the distressed man who flew away before he landed. He shouted loudly: "The tea horse gang traitor Luo Bin, colluded with outsiders, framed the head of the line, and the crime is unforgivable. Take him back to the house today to forgive him, and the rest of us retreat! "

The voice was so loud that it went into the depths of the mansion.

Ye Qingxuan didn't stop. He drank and walked daringly toward the gate.

The more than ten tea-horse practitioners in the surrounding areas heard the words change, and after looking at each other, some people screamed. The ten or so Hans pulled out their blades and killed Ye Qingxuan from all directions.

Ye Qingxuan snorted coldly. When he put a Buddha on his body, he grew hundreds and thousands of arms instantly. He didn't move, didn't turn his head back, but just spread out, bang!

The sound of hundreds of applause hitting the body moved in unison, and each of the more than ten big men finally hit more than ten hands, and at the same time they flew on their backs and did not move.

He was stunned by Ye Qingxuan's move [Da Ci Da Bei Qian Ye Shou].

This is also the result of Ye Qingxuan's ability to press the skill to the early stage of congenital realm. Otherwise, there is no need to take a shot, but only to protect the body from suffocation. These masters who are not true realms have to be killed.

At this time Ye Qingxuan was silent behind him, but there was a noise inside the house.

A figure flew away from the ridge of the house not far away, and Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly, knowing that it was the secret whistle of Sansheng Island who was responsible for monitoring the collaborators, and his purpose was, of course, to make the matter bigger and naturally not to be afraid. Someone reported it.

Ye Qingxuan broke into the government hall with innate skill, and went straight to the position of the hospitality lobby. The tea horse gang disciples, who were overwhelmed by obstacles all the way, fainted on the spot and fell to the ground.

With his ability to stand up and down as usual, even if suppressed to the early days of congenital, it is enough to sting here.

Seeing the hospitality hall in front of him, Ye Qingxuan's leisurely offensive, only met the master who could stop him.


A series of sounds broke through the air, and Ye Qingxuan couldn't move. [Daci Dabei Chiba Hands] displayed in front of him, dozens of sharp winds stopped in his palm, and he slightly spread his hands. The sound of jingling was endless, Ye Qingxuan There are all kinds of hidden devices under the ground.

Ye Qingxuan laughed a long time, and said openly: "Claiming to report the surname!"

"Bai You, the owner of the Vice-Chairman of Haiyantang!" Came the man hissing, "Hey, who are you, why haven't I seen you?"


Ye Qingxuan didn't answer, so she flew a kick and was in the middle of the abdomen.

Bao Dayou vomited blood and flew, his body had not yet landed, the figure flickered, a slam in the back of his head, and he passed out on the spot!

"Vice-host? Huh, you're one!"

Ye Qingxuan opened his bow from left to right, and blasted four tea horse helpers in succession.

The disciples here are obviously better than the gatekeepers, and some have reached the point of the Yuanyuan Realm, which is put in the rivers and lakes and can be regarded as the number one person. However, in the face of Ye Qingxuan, it is rare to even face-to-face, and he has fainted.

Ye Qingxuan tore off Bao Dayou's belt ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, tied it to his ankle, dragged and walked in, and there were hundreds of tea-horse practitioners around him, but no one dared to come forward.


With a loud drink, a group of tea-horse practitioners finally breathed a sigh of relief, and more than a hundred people retreated to the side of the lobby like a tide.

At this time, more than a dozen men with different shapes came out of the lobby and came to Ye Qingxuan.

Just looking at the sign of his chest position, we can see that in addition to the people and horses in Haijia Neitang, the main and deputy leaders of the other halls have gathered here.

The first person is the deputy head of the Tea Horse Gang, Luo Bin. Also beside him, there is a deputy head with the same mark as him. He is ten years younger than Luo Bin, shorter than the average person, but stout. The two eyebrows are thick and heavy like two brooms, and their shoulders are disproportionately wide, quite like a small giant.

It was from this man who just yelled.

At this moment, his eyes were killing, and he took a step forward and pointed at Ye Qingxuan and yelled, "Who are you, how dare you scatter wild things in my tea-horse gang?" ()

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