Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 298: Anger questioning

"Zhongli Shangxian is a friend of the Eagle King for decades. How could he deal with him with a fatal friendship?" Ye Qingxuan still didn't believe Yin Ying's judgment, or he didn't want to believe it.

"The Golden Eagle is still the righteous son of the Eagle King, even closer than his own son. The King of Eagles has more than once frankly said that the Golden Eagle will be the sole heir of the Twelve Flying Eagles ... Before such kind of righteousness, you are not willing to doubt Zhong Lishang Xian? Haven't you had a relationship with Zhong Li Shangxian, and you have some emotions in your heart that you don't want to give up! "Yinying asked.

Ye Qingxuan froze for a moment, flashing in his mind the General Zhenbei rescued in Luodu, and his lively and lovely daughter Zhong Li Lingqing ...

Hope all this is not true.

Yin Ying finally sighed and slowly said, "Speaking of which, Zhong Li Shangxian is more questionable than Golden Eagle ..."

"Why?" Ye Qingxuan looked at Yinying doubtfully.

Silver Eagle continued: "Because of the exposure of the Golden Eagle, it may be too obvious. Only a few people know that Zhan Yu has acted. Once something goes wrong, the embarrassing Golden Eagle is undoubtedly the most questionable object. With my years of understanding of the Golden Eagle, Such a stupid thing can never be tolerated. He can do it. On the contrary, Zhong Li Shangxian, if he really wants to take the eagle king instead, then the conflict between the eagle king and the golden eagle, no matter the success or failure, is no different. Broke King Eagle. In other words, Zhong Li Shangxian is the most profitable side in this matter. "

Ye Qingxuan nodded, and said, "If the King of Eagles really killed the Golden Eagle, his power would be great, and his reputation would be damaged."

Yinying reluctantly said: "The old man of the Eagle King does not care about his reputation or strength. He will just be very sad. Sadness and disappointment of his family's betrayal will be harder to accept than death ..."

"Eagle King will be discouraged?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

Yinying said: "I don't know. But this is what I worry about the most and the result that the enemy wants most ..."

An eagle king without ambition is even more desolate than a domestic chicken with folded wings.

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a moment, and finally sighed, and slowly asked, "What do I need?"

Departing from Luzhou Government, along the Yongjiang River all the way down to Xiazhou Government, five hundred miles away.

It's less than a thousand miles from Wuling House.

Originally, according to the plan, it was possible to enter the Dajiang River and finally reach Wolong Island without going down the shore.

However, after escorting the lingering people, after many upheavals, everyone was numb and unable to make due judgments. At this time, the arrival of enough people to become the backbone of the people is worthy of waiting here.

Wei's father and son led a disciple, standing on the pier with a frosty face, looking far away, while the Blood Eagle and the Residual Eagle clearly separated from them and looked forward to it.

As for the angry eagle, Wei Caidie, who had long been sick of guarding her heart, was unwilling to leave half a step.

Da da da……

In a dense rain of horseshoes, a team of masked knights with different clothes rushed into the eyelids of everyone like a wind.

The team of knights wore white, gray, black, yellow, cyan, and blue six-colored outfits. They were all in four colors. The key parts were covered with excellent armor. The first row of knights were mixed with white samurai uniforms. , The second row of four people with left shield and right knife, the third row is a two-handed sword, the fourth row is four square painting halberds, the fifth row and the last row of the knight, the winning hook is hung with double hooks And big axe.

The colors of the samurai uniforms and mounts are just the appearance, which is enough to make people know that they are proficient in some mysterious battle and charge tactics.

A total of twenty-four northern knights, all described as fierce, prestigious, and murderous. From the momentum, we can see that these people have experienced many battles and are truly elites who have fought fiercely.

In particular, the momentum revealed by the twenty-four people turned out to be all innate levels. They formed an assault formation with these skills. They were afraid that there was an army of 100,000 in front of them, and they were also difficult to resist the impact of their knights.

When Twenty-four Qifu appeared, it was Wei Yue, blood eagles, and residual eagles who had long been known, and they were also seeing their eyelids jumping.

This team of knights rushed all the way. Instead of slowing down, when they were about to rush to the pier, they accelerated their charge and whistled to make various assault formations.

Upon arriving at the dock, the twenty-four riders turned around and turned around, and the speed was as fast as possible, and the rider immediately stopped, revealing the knight's strong control ability immediately.

It was the "Twenty-four Riders of Yanzhou" who went to the north with Zhong Li Shangxian to discuss the north and famous the world.

Herod ...

The war horses kept pounding on the ground, and a large stream of smoke and dust wafted on the pier.

Wei Yue and others could not help but frown, but the knight on the other side did not care, the eyes exposed in the mask were full of ridicule and disdain, and the behavior was extremely unruly.

At this moment, the horse team suddenly separated from it, and once they rode out of the queue, the cold face of Shangxian emerged from the crowd. After glanced at the blood eagle and the residual eagle, they finally fixed their eyes on Wei Yue and suddenly hummed: "Wei Yue, do you know the sin!"

Wei Yue's face froze, and he yelled, "General, what is the crime?"

In his early years, Wei Yue, as a guard general, was directly under the command of the Eagle King and Zhong Li Shangxian. Naturally, these two adults had customary titles.

As soon as Zhong Li Shangxian appeared on the scene, he asked Wei Yue a word, and immediately let the crowd stay for a while.

Zhong Li Shangxian sneered coldly: "Wei Sansha ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Your age is living on a dog? Yinying was a colleague with you at that time. How would you be a man you do n’t know? It ’s also against your daughter ’s intentions Fart, if the kid of Yinying is willing, most of the ladies in the world will take the initiative to take care of him, and he will look after you as a murderous girl? It's a jerk! "

Wei Yue was scolded by Zhong Li Shangxian, making his face blue and white, so angry that his son Wei Zitong kept pulling his father's sleeves to let him return, but Wei Yueguang's old face was flushed, but he still did not dare to anxious with the old boss. It was so ingrained to see the prestige erected by General Zhenbei in front of his subordinates.

However, Zhong Li Shangxian's scolding in the eyes of the residual eagle and blood eagle undoubtedly fell very favorably.

Wei Yue's face turned red, and his loud voice was usually absent. He snorted: "No matter how the general scolds me, my daughter's innocence is innocently affected. The general would never think that I had intentionally framed the silver eagle for climbing the dragon and attaching the Phoenix Do n’t you know who I am? Go straight and do n’t understand those ghosts. ”

Zhong Li Shangxian sighed and shook his head with a bitter smile: "Lao Wei, Lao Wei, you are really confused! Now that you have driven away the Silver Eagle, how many things are in trouble? Now Silver Eagle's whereabouts are unknown, Zhan Yu's kid And ... oh, if you let Zhan Xiongfei know that old boy, do you know how serious the consequences will be? "

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