Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 299: Seize the Silver Eagle

In the end, Zhong Li Shangxian shook his head and sighed, and said sadly: "Silver eagle, silver eagle, isn't it an inexplicable charge, why are you absconding here? As a result, many things ca n’t be confirmed, but the increase Doubt and trouble! "

"This ..." A few words from Zhong Li Shangxian made Wei Yue frown, Shen said: "Zhong Li brother said that the timing of this silver eagle escape is indeed strange ... Is he worried about being tried during the trial? What was asked, so absconded? "

"This is impossible!" Can Ying rushed forward two steps, angrily: "Senior Wei, my second brother can never be sentenced to Master ..."

As soon as Wei Yue heard it, he said coldly, "I thought so, but what he did to the little girl was seen by everyone. Silver Eagle has always been hidden. If not, how can he see him?"

"You bullshit!" Can Ying's face flushed and growled: "Your daughter is actively entangled, and it is impossible to seduce to design a frame ... There was something about Xia Hou Lanfeng before, how dare you say you didn't know?"

"Little girl is arrogant!" Wei Yue was furious and angry, turned around, and the fist screamed!

When Can Ying saw that the other was doing something, her face sank, and she was lonely and violent, and she would fight back ...


At this moment, two gale winds rushed forward. One was rigid, and Wei Yue struck Wei Yue and his punch, and the other was soft, pressing the residual eagle that was about to rise up, and forced it to the original. The ground cannot move.

The two were shocked at the same time and looked at Zhong Li Shangxian.

I saw Zhong Li Shangxian immediately, holding a black steel whip in his hands, crooked, heavy, and prestigious, like a door god.

It was General Zhenbei's "Xuanlong Whip" in all directions that year, and was once rated as the most likely heavy weapon in a hundred years by Zhu Shengbei, the master of the day.

These two "Xuanlong Whips" have not appeared in the arena for decades, and now they are out again.

An instant shot prevented Zhong Ying Shangxian, who was in a fight with Wei Yue, to prevent Can Ying and Wei Yue. At this moment, his face was gloomy and he sneered, "Lao Wei! Shoot to the younger, do you still have a look like an elder?"

Wei Yue forced his emotions and gave a glance at the residual eagle. He said, "Okay, I don't care about my status, and I have the mistake. But let's talk about it. Is there really no doubt about the silver eagle?" My nephew Yu's death was terrible, can't I question it? "

Zhong Li Shangxian's face was cold, his steel whip was rattling in his hands, and his knuckles had become white with force, and the blue tendons on the back of his hands were raised, and he said, "You said ..."

Wei Yue's angry face revealed a touch of pain. "I used to be like everyone else and never doubted Yinying at all, but now I can't help but doubt him, because there are some things like no one else can do."

There was a silence at the scene, and the residual eagle was also refuting speechlessness. Everyone's heart was like a plumb hanging, heavy and uncomfortable, but there was no way to relax.

After a long time, Zhong Li Shangxian slowly closed his eyes and asked softly, "How do you think he is suspicious?"

Although this sentence was asked lightly, Wei Yue knew that he must not make a wrong answer. The wrong answer may cost one life, or even dozens!

Wei Yue took a deep breath and looked at the Blood Eagle and the Residual Eagle, with a heavy tone, and asked, "Has he arranged for Zhan Yu to seek revenge for Tianyumen?"

Can Ying also looked heavy and replied, "Yes!"

Wei Yue asked again: "All of you, under his direct command?"

Can Ying turned pale and replied, "Yes."

Wei Yue asked again: "Is he responsible for the collection of information before the operation?"

The residual eagle did not say a word, but the blood eagle replied: "This is not clear. It seems to borrow some secret forces from the same group ..."

During the entire operation, the provision of information was performed by Situ Lingfeng's sixth uncle Situ Mingqing, who ordered his own hidden guard to execute it. However, until the truth, only Zhan Yu and Yin Ying were known. The two did not know the root cause, so the argument was extremely weak.

Wei Yue suddenly increased his confidence, leaned back and asked again: "Even with the help of other forces, is it the person who finally determined the news and made the decision?"

"Yes." The blood eagle looked at the residual eagle who had bit his lips out of blood, and nodded helplessly.

"Hum, I'll ask the last question again--" Wei Yue stepped forward two steps, forming a strong oppression, and asked with a drink: "This time, nephew Zhan Yuxian was in trouble and should he be the one responsible? "

This time, the Bloodhawk was unable to respond.

Because the answer is obvious, of course, it should be the silver eagle who is in charge of the operation.

Suddenly Wei Yue stopped talking, spread his hands, looked around, and looked over everyone's face. The look of "Do you still use me to ask again" seems to have become very obvious.

Only Zhong Li Shangxian remained calm, staring at Wei Yue and asking, "I listen to your conclusion!"

Wei Yue arched his hand arrogantly, Shen said, "At least, he is 50% suspicious ..."

None of the people present knew the true identity of the Golden Eagle, and naturally did not include this first suspect. From all the appearances, the Silver Eagle was indeed the most suspect, especially he disappeared somehow.

Everyone's eyes glanced at Zhong Li Shangxian.

Even knowing that the conclusion of this matter is extremely difficult and painful. But Zhong Li Shangxian had no choice.

He sat upright, looked up at his hands, and said in a deep voice: "Order, arrest the silver eagle. Live to see people, die to see corpses."

Fluttering ...

Several eagles vacated, conveying Zhong Li Shangxian's order.

As a general in the Southern Dynasties, this order is the order of the entire military. Every county and county defender under the control of the Southern Dynasty will carry out this order to the end ...

At this time, the residual eagles and blood eagles were completely speechless and unable to stop them.

Zhong Li Shangxian didn't look at them either, but instead told Wei Yue: "This is the first thing to do here, and you can't mention it until you know the truth ... As for the first priority, Escort Lingyu to see Xiong Fei. I am only responsible for arresting people. As for the disposal of Yinying, leave it to Xiong Fei. Now ... let's board the ship! "

Originally thought that the arrival of Zhong Li Shangxian would give Yinying a clean innocence, but unexpectedly, the development of the situation turned down sharply. No one had ever doubted Yinying's loyalty, but it was just a few words that made him the biggest doubt. Humans, the development of these and other things left the residual eagle and the blood eagle facing each other for a while.

Watching a group of knights and even men on board their own three-masted ship ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The blood eagle whispered: "The visitor is not good."

Can Ying bite his lower lip fiercely, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and he said coldly, "I will never believe that the second brother will betray the eagle king, let alone let anyone tarnish the second brother's reputation ..."

The Bloodhawk quickly stopped, and said, "You can't twist your arms and thighs. Before you see Master, don't act lightly ..."

Can Ying uttered and stopped, and finally sighed.

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