Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 300: Make arrangements

Just as Ye Qingxuan is unwilling to doubt Zhong Li Shangxian, Yin Ying is also unwilling to doubt Golden Eagle because of his personal emotions.

However, he did not want to return, but at this time, the silver eagle still showed the quality of the first staff under the account of the eagle king.

The most important role of the staff, in addition to making suggestions, is to plan ahead.

So Yin Ying's task for Ye Qingxuan is to be a person.

A killer who has been assigned the identity by Silver Eagle.

"Why a killer?" Ye Qingxuan asked, "I don't believe you haven't planted any man under Jin Ying and Zhong Li Shangxian ..."

Silver Eagle smiled slightly and said, "Of course it was inserted ... but some people have been removed, some people have not been able to enter the core at all, and even if they have entered the core, they have not yet become close friends. Moreover, these two people have a lot of doubt They will not believe anyone except themselves. "

Ye Qingxuan's eyes widened, "Then what do you want me to do as a killer? Since they don't even believe in their cronies, would they trust a killer who only recognizes money?"

"Of course I don't believe it," Yinying laughed. "But that doesn't prevent you from becoming a chess piece that they have been looking forward to ... especially to get them out of doubt ..."

"What do you mean?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

The Silver Eagle sighed deeply and said slowly: "Whether the real murderer is one of these two people, their purpose is only one, to replace the position of the Eagle King, not to rebel. They want to receive everything from the Eagle King and use these Strength, to achieve their goals. Therefore, the best way to make this transition safe is to cut off the wings of the eagle king step by step, and eventually replace it easily, without even losing the life of the eagle king ... "

"Seize the throne?" Ye Qingxuan said for a moment, and said, "What about the killer?"

Silver Eagle smiled mysteriously and looked at Ye Qingxuan and said slowly: "If you think about it at this time, if Eagle King has doubts about the people around you, what do you need to do to get rid of doubt and re-use Eagle King?"

Ye Qingxuan's eyes brightened and he said, "Find out what is really fierce?"

"That's right." Yinying laughed: "Even if the real murderer can't be found for a while, but if you can stop an assassination against the Eagle King, can you temporarily win the benefit and win the trust of the Eagle King, then calmly arrange, one step Cannibalize all the strength of the Eagle King, and eventually replace it? "

"You mean ..." Ye Qingxuan finally woke up, "I will be hired to assassinate the eagle king, and then stopped by someone to become a victim? And the person who hired me, or the scene of the assassination, rescued the eagle king. May be the real mastermind behind it? "

Silver Eagle snapped his fingers and admired with a thumbs up.

"It's a good idea." Ye Qingxuan shrugged. "But what if the other party didn't let me assassinate the Eagle King the first time, but assassinate others? For example, the other people in the Twelve Flying Eagles?"

"That's why you want to go on horses!" Silver Eagle took for granted. "In order to cultivate this role, most of the time I went on horses myself, but I really encountered the problem you said. How can I do it on my own? Without perfection, only you will be able to stab and not die ... "

Ye Qingxuan felt a headache and hurriedly said, "What if the other person orders me to raise my head and confirm it?"

Yinying hesitated slightly, then sighed cautiously, holding Ye Qingxuan's shoulder, and sincerely said, "This question ... I haven't thought about it! That's why you need to go ahead ..."


Shouldn't this be so irresponsible?

Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt like being played ...

Without waiting for Ye Qingxuan's refutation, Yinying directly stuffed Ye Qingxuan with a dossier, saying: "It's not too late, here is the identity background, physical features, and martial arts characteristics of the killer. You quickly get to memorize it and use your Let ’s play this role to perfection! ”

Squeezing the urge to burst out of his heart, Ye Qingxuan was directly pushed out of the door by Yinying, and Yinying's hearty laughter came: "Everything you need is in the firewood room next to you. If you are ready, you should leave immediately ... Yin Wei has already heard the news that there are at least three assassination missions, which may be the primary selection of killers. If you do n’t have much time, hurry up and go to the Xiazhou government! Good luck to Xiongtai! "

This thing that forgets friends!

Ye Qingxuan was so angry that she almost yelled, bite her teeth, and finally decided to add some good ingredients to the spring medicine for the silver eagle to treat internal injuries!

After some tidying, Ye Qingxuan is now a middle-aged man who is tall, thin, and pale-gold, with a stiff face that is more than two inches higher than his original height. His face is cold, his eyebrows locked like a sword. The sharp eyes are daunting.

This is a character that Yin Ying laid at random in his early years. People in the rivers and lakes called it "ghosts and sorrows." There were no mountains and rivers on the rivers and lakes. However, they had done a few big assassinations in the martial arts. It is known that this "ghost sees worry".

Of course, such concealment methods can only conceal ordinary people from the rivers and lakes. For Golden Eagle or Zhong Li Shangxian, it is undoubtedly very easy to find this "ghost seeing sadness".

"Ghost meets melancholy" is good at using swords. This is also designed by Silver Eagle in order to avoid others thinking about the 12 Eagles that are good at boxing and kung fu. Ye Qingxuan is indifferent in this regard. Whether it is weapons or boxing, he is good at [小 无Xianggong], he has no difficulty imitating.

It ’s just that the nickname “Ghost Seeing Sorrow” adopted by Yinying made Ye Qingxuan scornful. On this river and lake, those who can take such a mundane nickname are basically the lowest-level warriors. You do n’t need to look for it on the master list. Just sipping that throat all over the street, I'm afraid I can summon seven or eight.

Fortunately, in addition to this unlucky name, Silver Eagle also took a surname for the killer-Yan.


Ye Qingxuan could not help lamenting Yin Ying's imagination.

But if the surname is Yan ...

Ye Qingxuan changed into a black samurai suit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The hair was neatly braided back, tied with a hair hoop, and wrapped in a sharp sword with a black cloth in his arms, the whole The temperament suddenly changed, a kind of indifference and desolation that had penetrated into the bone marrow, but rushed forward with this aggressive murderous spirit.

When Ye Qingxuan walked out of the Chaifang with this image, let alone the beautiful village aunt was frightened, and Yin Ying was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Yinying with a cold face, and said indifferently: "This retreat for two years and six months, Yan's swordsmanship has finally come to an end ..."

Silver Eagle grunted, swallowed, and then asked: "Heroes, you are ..."


"Good question!" Ye Qingxuan's deep tone slowly drew out of the sheath of the sword painted in black color, "'Get out of the white blade, kill the red dust', in Xiayan thirteen ..."

Silver Eagle was stunned, and then spit out after a while: "I don't know why? Why is your appearance so bad!"

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