Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 307: Liyang County

The three met each other for a moment, and the scene instantly became extremely weird.

Ye Qingxuan twitched his lips and said coldly, "Two people, if you have something to say slowly, if you can't, you might as well write it down!"

The two monks' mouths were so wide that they could almost tuck in a goose egg. With a loud shout, the two abandoned the broken sword, and before they were still seated, they turned over again.

The second monk's response was extremely quick and keen, but it was a pity that the person sitting opposite them was Ye Qingxuan, and when he looked a little, he grabbed one leg of the two monks!

The two monks yelled again, but this time it was a scream due to severe pain.

Ye Qingxuan's hands were like two steel pliers, which pinched the leg bones of the second monk stiffly, which was extremely painful.

The cries out, not only did the two monks not give up their resistance, but like a vicious dog dragged by its tail, it turned out to be a sip!

The two turned back with their upper bodies, their hands out, their left fists and right grips, boxing palms in, and greeted Ye Qingxuan.

At first sight, the two monks suddenly realized that Ye Qingxuan's face flew away.

In fact, the bodies of the two monks flew out.

As soon as Ye Qingxuan shook his hand, he threw out the two monks. Even if they suppressed their strength, the two monks were thrown five feet away.

Two bangs, and the two monks were suddenly thrown apart, and fell to the ground panting, but they were unable to move.

Ye Qingxuan smiled coldly, and stepped forward slowly, without a sound of emotion: "Bai Zhongyun is not a handsome **** next to Shuai Ji, why would the monk Moyun send you to kill him?"

The more he was attacked by such a dead man, Ye Qingxuan became more confused. Why did the monk Mo Yun want to kill Bai Zhongyun so much, what did he know?

Before Ye Qingxuan started to run, before he reached halfway, he slammed into the air twice.

The two monks were already weak, but they still pulled out their daggers and landed on the ground, squeezing the daggers into their chests with the force of only turning over.

Ye Qingxuan was so dreadful.

He knew that such dead men would not tell themselves anything, even if they failed to commit suicide.

He only smiled bitterly.

Just then, a piccolo suddenly blown in the distance!

Ye Qingxuan's figure flew out at a sound, swiping more than 20 feet, and then another ups and downs, people were already at the edge of the Meilin forest there.

A man is playing the flute by the forest.

The white samurai robe inlaid with gold rims, the jade jade and paper fan around the waist are extremely elegant. At the age of twenty-seven years old, the heroic appearance is simply the handsome figure in the drama that most women in the world fall.

No matter in which of the dramas, the man who is the absolute protagonist appears in the eyes of Ye Qingxuan but feels helpless, as if eating a fly, he exclaimed: "Handsome God !?"

Shuai Tianfan!

The special envoy of Sansheng Island, Shuai Jijue's son, was called the handsome Tianfan with the first appearance, the second best, the third most magnificent, and the fourth martial arts.

In the First World War of Yueyang Prefecture, the two made a private alliance and agreed to join forces to deal with the "Sheng of the Dao", and then Ye Qingxuan left Yueyang Prefecture.

This was a thing more than ten days ago. Shuai Tianfan should be thousands of miles away now, but he actually appeared here. Ye Qingxuan was really strange.

It's even stranger that there are two horses tied to a plum tree not far from Shuai Tianfan.

The flute sounded gently.

The two horses were kicking on the snow, quite impatient.

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect this product to be a little familiar with music, and the flute played well.

However, the other party was quite surprised by Ye Qingxuan at this time. Flute sound stopped for a moment, Shuai Tianfan's eyes fell on Ye Qingxuan's face, and he asked wonderingly, "Do you know me?"

Ye Qingxuan—Hey, I just remembered that I was n’t Ye Qingxuan, but Yan Shisan, and he kept showing the indifferent sneer that he had practiced for a long time, holding his shoulders, and slowly said: "The envoy of the famous Sansheng Island Don't know? "

This time it was Shuai Tianfan's turn to sneer, he couldn't help but ask, "Since I know my name, why dare to kill my people?"

"You say these monks?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course not." Shuai Tianfan smiled and said with a certain grace: "I said, Bai Zhongyun."

Piccolo turned around smartly, disappeared in the hands of Shuai Tianfan, raised his chin, and said, "Don't deny, I saw your grave for him, and the bodies of the four swordsmen who chased him ... Clean and clear, with a sword and a throat ... I admire you very few people in this world have this swordsmanship, as long as you get what you get, and who sent you to kill Bai Zhongyun, tell me the name , We can write off our grudges and become good friends. "

"I can't do it." Ye Qingxuan's stubborn reply immediately made Shuai Tianfan's face sink, but Ye Qingxuan released the Buddha without seeing it, and continued: "First, I didn't take anything from Bai Zhongyun; second, I It's a killer, just collect money and kill people, regardless of the cause ... "

"Do you only recognize money?" Shuai Tianfan sneered.

"I recognize the rules of this business," Ye Qingxuan replied.


Shuai Tianfan flicked his finger, a token was bounced into the air by him, and after he took it, he smartly jumped between his fingers, his eyes fixed on Ye Qingxuan, and asked, "Since you love money so much, why not take it away? This token? Don't say you don't know, this token that participated in the Wulin Conference is enough to sell millions of dollars on the black market. Will you not move? Or do you have another plan? "

As soon as the token appeared, Ye Qingxuan sighed silently. When he didn't take it away, he was afraid of being involved in a more complicated relationship. However, he finally got involved.

With a slight sneer, Ye Qingxuan arrogantly said, "I said, I am a killer, not a bandit. Moreover, I understand the rules of the martial arts conference. When Bai Zhongyun is killed, his tokens are aroused by right and wrong. The millions of dollars are very touching. , But I don't want to lose my life because of this millions of dollars, no matter how expensive it is!

"Somewhat interesting." Shuai Tianfan laughed, "Do you guess if I believe you?"

Ye Qingxuan slowly held the sword handle and said lightly, "Do you think I need you to believe it?"

The atmosphere plummeted to freezing point.

The killings of the two sides were intertwined in the air, but for a time part of Bai Zhong, Shuai Tianfan slightly surprised his expression, and then took a step forward!


The momentum of Shuai Tianfan's side suddenly rose, and Yan Qingxuan's face on Yan Thirteen's face showed a stun in a timely manner, and he suddenly pulled out the sword. With the murder of the sword body, he formed a momentum, which will resist Shuai Tianfan's momentum outer.

A look of pride appeared in Shuai Tianfan's eyes, and then the murderous spirit suddenly converged. Ye Qingxuan's face appeared a bit of mischief, and he quickly recovered his murderous energy.

Shuai Tianfan laughed and looked up proudly, "Wu Gong is really good, it is worthy of killing the four swordsmen bought secretly by Bai Zhongyun and Ming Youzi ... I admire you very much!"

This is the second time Shuai Tianfan said this sentence. Ye Qingxuan quickly asked, "What do you mean? Don't you plan to avenge Bai Zhongyun?"

Shuai Tianfan snorted coldly and said arbitrarily: "This stupid boy, Bai Zhongyun, was taken hostage by his wife and daughter and threatened him with stealing something from me. As a result, he was not able to save people, and was almost killed. This time, I double-ridden Then, day and night, I wanted to punish this traitor, but I didn't want to be killed by you ... Well, forget it, everything is his fault, and no wonder you come. "

Ye Qingxuan heard a big question mark in his heart, and I wondered what Bai Zhongyun had stolen, which would cause Shuai Tianfan to chase him in person.

"That being the case ... I'll say goodbye next!" Ye Qingxuan arched his hand and wanted to leave.

"Slow!" Shuai Tianfan suddenly stopped and said, "I saw Xiongtai's extraordinary skill and willingness to accept. I wonder if Xiongtai would like to make me a friend?"

Oh oh.

Ye Qingxuan's heart was stunned. It turned out that Shuai Tianfan finally opened up. In order to keep his father's position, he finally let go of his sister-in-law's temper and began to make humiliation with underworld masters. This face has to give anything.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan politely said, "There is a friend named Shuai, who is very happy in walking in the rivers and lakes in the future, would he refuse it? Yan 13 is here, and he has seen him!"

"Ah ha ha ha, Thirteen Brothers." Shuai Tianfan immediately and grandly, took a step forward, and said affectionately: "Since everyone is a friend, I am not polite. I see the direction of the 13 Brothers, should be the same as the younger brother , I have two fast horses here, just the same way. "

"Well, this ..." Ye Qingxuan felt a headache, and Shuai Tianfan didn't really fool. The momentum of climbing snakes has obviously not relaxed his vigilance, but it would be more troublesome if he refused directly.

Before hesitating, Shuai Tianfan had already untied the ropes on the tree, dragged the two horses over, and shoved one of the reins into Ye Qingxuan's hand, yelling, "It's a good man in the rivers and lakes, you don't have to twiddle like that! "

Ye Qingxuan smiled helplessly, took over the territory, and then asked: "This road continues, but Liyang County!"

"Well." Shuai Tianfan said without hesitation: "Crossing here for about twenty miles, I'm leaving now, and I'm going to be a whip. I should be in the city at noon. You and I just eat and drink."

"Okay!" Ye Qingxuan clapped his palms with his rope and said, "Enter the city."

Ye Qingxuan brushed herself up!

Two beeps, two horseshoes flying, stirred up a dust, the two rushed out without distinction.

The two riders left Meilin, and it took a long time for them to go on the official road, and the two turned out from behind a plum tree farther away.

The same height, the same costume, the same red cape, and the same mask.

Below the dipper, are the eyes of the same wolf, and the coldness between heaven and earth has been heavier.

The coldness came from the eyes of the two men.

It was the two mysterious guests who arranged the task for three people such as Ye Qingxuan. At this time, looking at the back of Ye Qingxuan and Shuai Tianfan, a sneer was drawn from the corners of his mouth.

"I didn't expect Shuai Tianfan to arrive ..." one of them said.

"Unexpectedly, Shuai Tianfan didn't kill him ..." the other said.

"very good."

The two laughed again, but their lips were smiling. In their deadly cold eyes, there was not even a smile!

It's getting colder between heaven and earth.

At this time in the south, it was colder than in the north.

It's not the temperature, but the kind of cold air with humidity that entangles you like an ice awl and drills into the cracks in your bones. The whole person is like being soaked in ice water.

In this decent restaurant in Liyang County, cotton curtains have been hung on the doors and windows on all sides, making it difficult for the wind to blow in.

Running all the way, coupled with a few glasses of spirits, Ye Qingxuan, Shuai Tianfan's blood finally got some temperature.

Due to the proximity to Wuling House, there are more and more high-street tourists, and it is noon lunch. This place is full of people, barely has two empty seats, and the location is the worst.

It seems that he really made him Yan Shisan, and Shuai Tianfan rarely endured his temper. He did not bombard the other guests in the restaurant, but rather sat in the seat that was not his temperament.

This kind of weather will be so lively. There is no need to introduce more about the dishes in this restaurant.

Ye Qingxuan made three cups of pain and couldn't help but praise him: "Good wine! Good place."

Shuai Tianfan smiled: "I have always been accustomed to thin my belly. This is still the sphere of influence of Sansheng Island, and of course I know it."

Ye Qingxuan poured another glass, and his eyes narrowed unintentionally, and he suddenly said, "It is indeed a patron here. The **** is not sitting hot yet, and the dishes are here."

"Oh?" Shuai Tianfan stunned, this time he did not identify himself, how could it be so fast?

Looking at his side, he saw four shop juniors coming straight with their wooden plates in their left hands.

"It's fast." Shuai Tianfan just said this, and hesitated. "I'm afraid it's wrong, it's not ours. I just asked for three side dishes."

"I remember just three."

As soon as the words fell, the four plates suddenly flew over head-on, and the wind screamed, like an axe.

Four shop xiao'er left-handed frisbee, turned right-handed, four long swords appeared at the same time, and they pierced Ye Qingxuan's chest, abdomen and throat at the same time.

These four stores Xiao Er did not send the wrong object, but it was not a dish, but a sword!

Vicious sword! fast!

Shuai Tianfan groaned, swiped with his right hand, the jade fan slashed head-on, the four plates were suddenly divided into eight pieces, and flew back again.

Puff puff……

There was a sound of sharp objects entering the body, but the scene in front of him surprised Pantian Fan, and saw one of the four people swooped up directly. The eight pieces of broken plates were cut into his body to sacrifice his own methods for the other three People get the chance to kill.

Such a fierce style, seeing Shuai Tianfan's heart-beating for a while, obviously the four of them are not high in martial arts, but this style is too shocking, even his characters, subconsciously fortunate that the target was not himself.

"Thirteen brothers ..." Shuai Tianfan made a mistake and only had time to exclaim.

At the time of the crisis, Ye Qingxuan saw his back leaning back, and his body shattered on the bench. The whole man lay down directly on the ground, and at the same time he lifted his hands, and the whole table was in front of the third shop junior.

The sharp sword pierced the table, but also lost Ye Qingxuan's trace.

Opening the table and looking again, Ye Qingxuan had his sword in hand and was ready.

The move just failed, but it's even harder now.

The second three of the three stores alive didn't care, and sneered at the sword.

The sword was only half-struck, and a dark cloud flew in front of everyone, and three of them suddenly screamed ...

Win! Win! Win!

Three beeps.

Three swords were inserted into the wooden ground, and the three fell to the ground almost simultaneously.

Ye Qingxuan and Shuai Tianfan were stunned on the spot.

They all saw the dark clouds splashing from one person to the other, all of a sudden, from the side, and the only three stores in front of the two of them were small horses. When they became horse honeycombs, they were full of all kinds of concealers. Three postmodern artworks.

In particular, the three slender bees at the necks of the three men were pierced through the necks and penetrated the throats.

Good sharp weapon, so hot.

This man is still a woman.

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This woman is peerless, beautiful, heart-wrenching, beautiful, crazy-hearted ...

She was laughing, smiling like a doll, and a woman who wanted to have a smile like this would have such a terrible method.

But even such a thrilling beauty, still handsome Shuai Tianfan's brow knot, Ye Qingxuan's head pain.

"Yu Qiuyu." Shuai Tianfan actually greeted him, and of course he knew the woman.

This woman turned out to be as famous as Mei Yinxue, Liu Qingyan, Jiang Feiran and other beautiful women. Nowadays, Yu Qiuyu, one of the top ten beauty in rivers and lakes.

As a woman Shuai Tianfan's life rival Zhan Donglai used to be, how could Shuai Tianfan not know her.

Who doesn't know her is Yan Shisan.

Sure enough, Shuai Tianfan at this time really saw a dementia like Yan Shisan.

This book comes from

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