Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 308: Sirius White Deer


The golden eagle sat quietly on a piece of bluestone outside the felt room. There is a handful of wheat in the palm of the hand, and Baoma Chiyun, the color of the fire-like hair, slaps his nose, eats the wheat fragrantly, and arches his head in the arms of the Golden Eagle. Feed more delicious snacks.

Outside the felt room, not far from him, three knees and three hundred rows of warriors in black, red, and gold fell on their knees.

The Golden Eagle has been on the battlefield for decades, and it has already had the power to open the government. Hundreds of warriors, all of whom were subordinates of the Golden Eagle, personally adjusted dead men.

The black, red, and gold three-color clothes are not only the official size of these warriors, but also the martial arts of these warriors.

Although so many warriors gathered in front of the Golden Eagle, they remained extremely quiet.

This is military might, or military ritual.

That is, the King of Eagles once said that the world is the largest, and the strictness of governing the army, the Golden Eagle is the first in the world.

The entire army has only one command and only one voice, which is the voice of the golden eagle ...

This absolute execution power is a great backer for oneself, but for the enemy, it is a source of great terror.

It is the copper eagle that has always been taunting. At this time, it is also sweating on the forehead. Like everyone else, he kneels on one knee and does not dare to look up.

The appearance of the Golden Eagle was very quiet, but everyone knew that the Golden Eagle was in a very bad mood at this time. Only in front of his beloved Chi Yunju can he calm down his intention of killing.

If Golden Eagle did not speak, no one would dare to speak.

Speaking at this time is undoubtedly a joke about your own life.

Arranged a successful assassination mission, the silver eagle's body could not be found. This made the golden eagle very upset, and then got the news of the Sansheng Island. The secrets and secret letters of the secret alliance between the self and Shuai Ji were unexpectedly It's intolerable that people stole it.

One after another, uncontrollable news came, let alone the golden eagle, and the copper eagle was also annoyed at this time, anxious to unscrew the heads of several parties to vent their anger.

Fortunately, two hours ago, I got a report from the two brothers of Lang's. Bai Zhongyun, who stole tokens and secret letters, was successfully killed by his own killer. Even the killer killed four of the same secret letters. Master.

It's just a pity that the tokens and secret letters on Bai Zhongyun's body have disappeared and have not been obtained by the killer. The Lang brothers have therefore not appeared and are ready to continue tracking.

Things got even more confusing, and the only good news was that the alliance between our side and Shuai Jishu was not disclosed.

Beyond the felt room, there is a military camp that stretches for hundreds of miles, and the sound of fierce and sad horns cuts through the sky.

Countless knights looked forward to the direction of the main camp, waiting for the golden eagle to give an order, waiting for the dispatch.

There is only such a felt room in the main camp. Outside the felt room, there are hundreds of core warriors. Outside the main camp, there are thousands of officers in various steps.

However, both inside and outside the main business are silent.

The atmosphere around is so tense!

Copper Eagle's mood was just as tense.

Although Golden Eagle seems to have military power, that is because he has the support of the "Eagle King" Zhan Xiongfei behind. In addition to these confidants in the main camp, tens of thousands of iron riders outside, how much are willing to pay for Golden Eagle ambition What about life?

If the news that the Golden Eagle betrayed the Eagle King came out, how many tens of thousands of troops would continue to serve the Golden Eagle?

This is unknown ...

But it is also an unknown number that cannot bet.

I don't know how long, everyone at the scene finally heard Jin Ying's indifferent sigh, and a little smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and asked coldly: "The killer who is doing things is called Yan thirteen?"

"Yes." Copper Eagle was full of doubts. He didn't understand. At this time, Golden Eagle suddenly asked what the **** was doing, and could only answer truthfully: "According to the plan, the three killers selected were assassinated by him. Zhong Yun ... Well, originally this assassination target was another person, Bai Zhongyun really popped up ... "

Golden Eagle didn't care, and still said in his voice with no emotion: "Yan thirteen. [Fighting thirteen swords], very interesting name, very interesting martial arts ... You said, our plan, he can Done? "

The Copper Eagle was speechless for a moment, and I didn't know how to answer.

After all, he hasn't seen the Yan thirteen, nor has he seen the set of the thirteen swords.

Only at this critical moment, what did Golden Eagle mention about this irrelevant killer?

The rare sigh of Golden Eagle was like saying to himself: "I miss the feeling of being happy in those days. If I could be as envious as I was at the time, challenge the masters, and fight a deadly battle, how pleasant it would be ! "

As soon as the voice came down, an old voice suddenly came out in the felt room next to it, coldly: "Please master yourself, be a monarch, don't take the risk lightly, and fight hard. This is a husband's act, nothing in the cause benefit."

The curtain of the felt room was lifted, and a cold and hard-working old man around sixty years old walked out, with a thin figure and a cheek. Standing there, the same as the crane, but the temples on both sides are soaring, with a pair of eyes shining bright, but those hands are slender and fair like a big girl. At this time, they are being supported by another pair of more tender and fair jade hands. The masters of these jade hands turned out to be Aiguli, the famous big beautiful woman on the grassland.

The appearance of the two made the heads of the people lower and heavier, and even the golden eagle rarely showed a smile, and said softly: "Mr. Ba Cang, I am just a joke ..."

"How can you make fun of being a monarch?" The old man in Bakang raised his eyebrows, and immediately reprimanded him: "If in the eyes of the young master, this world battle is a game. If you act arrogantly, please return to the old day Prairie, tell Yelu Yahai that I cannot afford to be a wise man, and ask him to seek help from others. "

After the old man snorted, he turned and walked towards the tent.

Golden Eagle's face flashed with anger, but Ayi Gulilian's glances, Golden Eagle's proud head could not help but lowered, sighed, and raised his hand, saluting: "Mr. Ba Cang, I know something wrong. Please also please don't be angry To stay and help me. "

Ba Cangzheyan glanced at Aiguli and sighed, "I know that the young master is not convinced, but he is old but a shepherd and an old man on the grassland. He is dying in your ears in the Central Plains, but the young master knows that now You are the only hope on the prairie. Where can old age put his mind on you? "

The Golden Eagle kept silent and was educated.

Ba Cang Zheyan said that he was called "the first wise man on the grassland", but was visited by his mother-in-law Yelu Yahai several times before he asked for help from the mountain. As a matter of course, Golden Eagle did not dare to offend.

Ba Cangzhe looked northwards and said in a Di language: "My child, the blood of Sirius on the prairie has been cut off. Now the wolf master on the prairie is brought by the unclean Zhongyuan woman. The wild species does not have the blood of Sirius at all, but you are different. As a prairie royal family, your mother is a princess of the White Deer family. Her child has a natural noble bloodline. Since Sirius' blood is already dirty, naturally When the ancestry of the white deer tribe inherits the great steppe of the grassland ... and you, we are the heirs of the white deer tribe that deserves the king of the steppe. "

The golden eagle had a heavy expression, and Zheng focused his head. He also replied in Di: "Never live up to the expectations of the people ..."

Ba Cangzhe nodded his head and continued: "This time, your Central Plains strategy has made some mistakes, and you don't have to worry too much ... After all, the grassland strategy has been carried out smoothly. Now your uncle Yelu Yahai has mastered Right, even if the wolf master still has a guard, but Nalan Chengji is in front, he must get the support of your uncle. As long as he fights with Dong Hu, a large number of golden wolf guards go east, it is your chance to seize the power of Beidi. Here in Zhongyuan With a little strength, you can only gain one more step on the pedal of the Central Plains in the future. It is lost, and it will not affect your plan to inherit the master of the prairie! "

"Teacher, I have a different opinion on this point ..." Jin Ying suddenly said in a frosty sentence, and his eyes burst into amazing light at the same time.

"Oh? You don't want to be the prairie master?" Ba Cang Zheyan also narrowed his eyes and looked at the Golden Eagle coldly.

The indescribably fierce eyes stared at Ba Cang Zheyan, who has always given the image of a golden eagle with a moraine-like appearance. The temperament of the whole person suddenly changed, becoming dazzling like the sun, and proud and extremely confident. He yelled, "Mr. Ba Cang, I, not only want to be the master of the prairie, but also the master of the entire Shenwu continent! The contention here in the Central Plains seems unnecessary, but only through the richness of the Central Plains can I make Beidi's Tieqi traveled all over the world ... Teacher Ba Cang is already the first wise man on the prairie. Is this time out of the mountain, just willing to repeat the title in front of the world? Do n’t you think that the title of “the first wise man in the world” is even more so? Is your identity better suited to your abilities and ambitions? "

At this moment, the golden eagle shouted from his heart, shocked everyone present, and ignited the blood of everyone.

Aiguli was completely lost, looking at the man in front of him, with irresistible worship shining in his eyes.

Hahaha ...

Bacang Zheyan smiled.

Laughing openly.

"Sirius and White Deer are on, and the overlord of the prairie is finally born!"

Ba Cang Zhe Yan grabbed the shoulder of the golden eagle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and roared proudly: "It is indeed the son of the steppe. Today I finally found such a hero. Hahaha, if you just An Yu steppe, where the old man needs to go out of the mountain, and Yelu Yahai is enough, but if you have the ambition to dominate the world, the old man has a place to use! Go, enter the account, let's talk about it! "

After talking about the arms of the Golden Eagle, his eyes motioned outwards.

The Golden Eagle immediately understood, turned and shouted at the copper eagle and others, "Let's loose the account. Jinyiwei alert."


Nearly a hundred gold guards stood up and laid out three layers on the outside and three layers on the outside of the felt room. Even masters like Copper Eagle were isolated.

The copper eagle frowned, but had no choice but to recoil.

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