Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 310: Meet 1 sword

? When the sword came out, the light was dazzling, and the world was dark.

All the light in the world was absorbed by the point of the sword at the moment of the release of the Buddha. It was frightening, irresistible, and so mysterious. Even if it was known to be extremely dangerous, it was still impossible to look away. It's hard to even take the pace!


Suddenly, Shuai Tianfan finally moved.

He is not mortal, and even if the light of that sword tip is captivating, he is not without resistance.

So, he slammed his feet and resisted the sword ...

Even if it was him who shot first, there was still no room to turn around, and the attacker became the defender directly.


Jian Guang touched Shuai Tianfan's folding fan directly into powder, and Shuai Tianfan's face turned red instantly, almost spurting blood, but he still resisted.

Jian Guang is still stabbing!

Shuai Tianfan continued to perform life-saving stunts. The trick of "Lingshan Miaoshu Heart Sutra" was "flowering six knots", with his arms forward, just like a growing bamboo knot. The arms grew out of six consecutive periods. The palms of each quarter were like flowers blooming , Resist the light of the sword tip in various forms.

But that light was cast by Li Daozong's years of hard work, how can it be easily resisted?

As a result, the bustling end, the bamboo breaks!

Jian Guang is still moving forward. Shuai Tianfan's life-saving move was defeated by the opponent's blow. His breath was repelled by Jian Guang and shot out. The whole restaurant was shot in a horrible manner at once. On the slate floor, numerous potholes were shot.


Shuai Tianfan couldn't resist anymore, his body fell back silently and spewed blood on his back.

At this moment, Yu Qiuyu was startled and startled.

The big backer she used to rely on, she couldn't resist a sword under the opponent's hands. Fortunately, when she met, she had the right hunch and didn't take it easily. What chance is there to resist?

Fortunately, Yu Qiuyu's light work was slightly better than Li Daozong's, and "Feng Wu" Yan Fengfei's body style is famous after all.

But for a long time, the other party's tracking kept on, but Yu Qiuyu was weaker than the length of Qi pulse, and was gradually chased up by his opponent. Today, he finally has no strength to escape ...

Who is he?

At this moment, Yu Qiuyu was full of despair and doubt.

Shuai Tianfan's body flew out, Li Daozong's sword light remained.

Shuai Tianfan's body has not landed yet, Yan Shisan's sword has been sheathed!

If Li Daozong's sword is an indescribable and unavoidable light, then Yan Shisan's sword is a complete darkness and death!


Li Daozong finally couldn't ignore these opponents, but unexpectedly there were such masters with swords ...

His face looked as if it had died, finally ignited interest. The light in his eyes almost blinded Ye Qingxuan's eyes when he turned around ...


This sword idiot is going to move!

Ye Qingxuan was too late to explain, the opponent's swordsmanship changed, and the [Zhongguang Dieying Thirty-Three Swords] of Yijian Villa was cast out instantly.

At least three feet away from Ye Qingxuan, his strong sword has locked his body.

The strong air pressure almost made all the clothes on his body cling tightly to his body, just like on the bottom of the sea, the huge pressure made him unable to move.

Three feet away, thirty-three swords!

When Ye Qingxuan approached, it was his thirty-fourth sword!

Li Daozong breaks through the limit of the lintel and evolves a unique skill ...

The light at the tip of the sword suddenly rose to the size of a basketball, which contained the majestic energy superimposed by the previous thirty-three swords, and its power was enough to destroy the world.

But in this narrow restaurant, Li Daozong showed it out indifferently.

At this moment, Li Daozong who saw in Ye Qingxuan's eyes suddenly turned into the "sword god" Li Muchan who was despised in his life and had only the sword in his hand and the enemy in front of him!


Ye Qingxuan can't reveal his identity and can't use his sword skills, so he can only resist with the thirteen swords.

The opponent's Jianguang flashed on his face, and his face suddenly appeared a strange expression!

Masters fight together, life and death only in a moment, in the face of strong pressure, Ye Qingxuan's heart rises as excited as a gambler.

This feeling is nostalgic.

The light of the opponent's sword end continued to expand, and the black sword stabbed in his hand suddenly became darker, constantly swallowing the sword light passed by the opponent ...

A fluttering sword stabbed!

Then there is a fluttering sword ...

The crooked black light converges, freezes, strengthens, and transcends in the air as the sword's dance moves ...

The sword in his hand was like the axe in Luban's hand, and the characters in Cangjie's writing not only had life, but also aura.

He understated and waved the dust and wished, and in a moment he had pierced thirteen swords. Swordsmanship was flowing lightly, just like a dark river, but after the thirteen swords were pierced, there seemed to be murderousness on the river, and there seemed to be murderousness in the heavens and the earth.

[Fighting Thirteen Swords] also brings together all the murderous power, all the darkness, and all the horrors in the heavens and the earth. At a moment, facing the opposite Jianguang, the dark river wrapped up without fear.


Suddenly, a loud noise from the tide hit the reef.

The restaurant, which has long been full of scars, was immediately shattered and shattered, and immediately capsized!

The scene was shrouded in smoke, and the crowd on the street fled ...

Howling winds suddenly!

A large swath of smoke was blown away, and people were surprised to find that in the ruins of the restaurant, the two figures were still facing each other.

Shuai Tianfan couldn't believe looking at the scene in front of him. He didn't even realize that the first killer, Yan Shisan, had the strength to catch Li Daozong's sword.

Although Yan Xizhan also looked the same, how not only his shirt was damaged, but even the sword in his hand had only one hilt, but his wolf-like sharp eyes still stared at the opposite Li Daozong firmly.

"What's your name?" Li Daozong asked with a strange expression.

"Yan thirteen." Ye Qingxuan raised his chin and replied proudly.

"Yan thirteen ..." Li Daozong recited silently and nodded earnestly, and said, "Good people, good swordsmanship, but the sword in the palm is not good ..."

whispering sound.

Ye Qingxuan discarded the hilt of the sword.

Li Daozong continued: "For the sake of interrupting the sword in your hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Within three days, I will not trouble that woman again ... Yan Shisan, your sword is incessant, waiting for you to find a new one Sword, let's compete again! "

After speaking, Li Daozong turned around and went proudly.


When Li Daozong walked away, Ye Qingxuan spit out blood and fell down softly.

"Brother Yan ..." Shuai Tianfan hurried forward to help, sincerely said: "Thank you Brother Yan for your help, I didn't expect Brother Yan to have such a profound sword skill ..."

Ye Qingxuan pretended to shake his head with difficulty breathing, and asked, "That woman ..."

"Run away." Shuai Tianfan turned up with a bamboo-faced expression on his chest, disdainful: "Smelly **** girls dare to play with us, but it really is a trouble for Master Ben? Rest assured, we can find her within half a day!"

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