Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 311: Implicated

? Shuai Tianfan really did not say anything.

Within the sphere of influence of Sansheng Island, it was not useful to find Yu Qiuyu for half a day.

But to put it another way, it seems that Yu Qiupu, the demon girl, has no sign of wanting to escape.

Ye Qingxuan followed behind the angered Shuai Tianfan and saw him kicking open the only door to the house of this little inn, just like Shuai Tianfan, was shocked by the scene in front of him.

At this time, Yu Qiuyao was stepping on a stool with one leg, and there was no image of a chicken leg ...

Looking at the few chicken bones still on the ground, the big beauty stayed here for a long time, and seemed to be waiting for them to come back.

"Why did you come here?" Yu Qiuqi licked his fingers and asked with a glamour on his face: "The slave family has waited for a long time for you, and even the whole chicken called Chihuahua has been eaten by me ..."

Shuai Tianfan's anger was suddenly wiped out, and he was so annoyed that he was sitting on the bench with his left hand, and stretched out his left hand, and said, "Less nonsense, tell me the news, we will be clear about this ..."

Giggle ...

Yu Qiuqi laughed for a while, sticking out his bright fingers from his mouth, and turned around in the palm of Shuai Tianfan, chanting: "Brother Tianfan is really good at it, and really sent that nasty guy ..."

Shuai Tianfan retracted his hand violently, as if stung by a poisonous bee, apparently very alert to this woman.

It ’s pretty handsome Tianfan, the kid knows the weight, Ye Qingxuan leaned against the doorpost, and said calmly: "Li Daozong promised us that I won't find you in three days. You can take advantage of this time and go far north to escape the disaster. . "

"Three days?" Yu Qiuyu drank Xiangchi for a moment, shook her head, and said, "No way, the slave family has some important things to do, and can't leave for now. Li Daozong ... Strange, strange, I He has no injustice with him, why bother me? "

"I care if you die or live? The relationship between Li Daozong and Ye Qingxuan brothers is inexorable, maybe it's because they are in their early lives." Shuai Tianfan said impatiently: "According to the previous agreement, to stop this trouble, you hurry Tell me what I want ... If you are still playing tricks with me, now I will tie you to see Li Daozong ... "

"Oh?" Yu Qiupian's face was sullen, with a thoughtful expression, and he ignored Shuai Tianfan's last sentence.

"You ..." Shuai Tianfan got upset and was furious.

Just at this moment, Yu Qiuyu, who showed contemplation, calmly said, "'Lei Zun' Jinhai."

"What?" Shuai Tianfan didn't even return to God for a moment.

"I said-'Lei Zun' Jinhai." Yu Qiu sighed and repeated it again, slowly explaining: "Bai Zhongyun and Jinhai had a deep friendship, and when that small county was not the first time, Go home but see Jin Hai. Now that you can't find what you want on him, in all likelihood, the thing is given to 'Lei Zun' Jin Hai. "Then the look became quite For curiosity, I took a step forward and looked like a curious baby, and asked with a smile, "Brother Tianfan, what is it that makes you so anxious?"

Shuai Tianfan sighed helplessly and replied: "Well, in addition to a few tokens to participate in the martial arts conference, there is a very precious token for my father. Although the value of that token is not great, it is my father for many years. Treasure, if you don't get it back, my father will be upset ... "


Yu Qiuyi shrugged his shoulders indifferently, but in his eyes was a sly light that "I believe you are strange".

Shuai Tianfan didn't care. How could such a thing be told to outsiders, he just turned to look at the killer named Yan Shisan and asked with a smile: "Thirteen brothers, I don't know if this can help the next step. Shuai must be serious. thank."

In Shuai Tianfan's view, this blockbuster killer is absolutely willing to associate with himself as the heir of Sansheng Island. After all, the killer is also a gangster, and it will inevitably be useful to him in the future.

But at this time, Ye Qingxuan was shocked by the name of "Lei Zun" Jin Hai. He never thought that things would become more troublesome in the end. Although he didn't know what Shuai Jiju lost, Jin Hai was under Li Muru. In the end, the news of Bai Zhongyun's death spread, and that thing will inevitably pass to Li Muru. I wonder what the consequences will be ...

Seeing Shuai Tianfan asking, upset Ye Qingxuan faintly replied: "Sorry, there is still something important next, I'm afraid I can't help."

"So ..." Shuai Tianfan couldn't hide his disappointment on his face.

Ye Qingxuan showed his face and slowly said, "The handsome guy doesn't have to be disappointed. In the next few days, Yan will be in Wuling House. If there is anything that needs help, as long as there is time, he will certainly help.

"Thanks so much for the 13 brothers!" Shuai Tianfan stood up and smiled: "It's over here, let's continue on the road and go to Wuling House."

Yu Qiu stood up and smiled, "OK, let's go."

Shuai Tianfan was frightened, and shouted, "Let's go to Wuling House, what's your matter?"

Yu Qiuyu showed an aggrieved expression, and said softly: "The slave family will also go to Wuling House and follow you along the way. The two heroes might as well **** the young woman for a ride, shall we?"

Shuai Tianfan was dumb for a moment, but Ye Qingxuan was frowning, feeling bad.

Yelang quiet.

Because of the sudden conflict with Li Daozong, when Ye Qingxuan and others rushed to Wuling House, it was already late at night.

After rejecting Shuai Tianfan's invitation, Ye Qingxuan came to the street alone, and found the old man Huo according to the contact method left beforehand. In fact, it was the message left by Situ Mingqing. In the end, after several rounds, he found an old street. This house.

Lights were everywhere in the house.

Led by two silent family members, Ye Qingxuan wore the night, stepped on the lights, walked through the flower path, passed the lotus pond, and came to the hall.

This house is quite wide.

"My master is waiting in there." The two leading women were separated from each other and waved their hands.

Ye Qingxuan nodded, stepped on the stone steps, and went straight into the hall.

The white stone steps outside, the windowsills, the halls are equally beautiful.

You can see that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The host here is a lot of money.

Blue smoke musk, gold floor silver coating, nightly lanterns, six curved triangular screen.

Under the light, in front of the screen, next to the stone-carved lacquer carving table, stood a wealthy grandfather with three beautiful lines under his jaw. He was up and down in his sixties, standing with his hands on his shoulders, with great momentum. general.

Ye Qingxuan looked for a moment, but the other side looked at him up and down, a look of irony appeared in his eyes, and he chuckled coldly, "You are late!"

Ye Qingxuan was expressionless and said lightly, "No one asked when ..."

The rich man's eyes fluttered and Shen said, "Of the three people, your last one is late."

Ye Qingxuan said more lazily, but reached out and said coldly, "Anyone killed, what about money?"

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