Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 318: Joint attack

The sword came suddenly and quickly, almost at the moment when the spirit was up, the sword front was close to Jin Hai's throat, and the skin surface was stimulated by a goose bump.

It was the young assassin who shot, and the corner of his mouth cracked a smile when he first shot.

Because he was confident in the sword.

The other side is too arrogant.

At such a short distance, there was no defense. The moment he drank his head and drank water, he was afraid that he would not even be able to lower his head, and his throat would be punctured by a hole.

The assassination attempt was as good as the young man expected, and the sharp sword tip stuck to Jin Hai's throat, but the next scene made him cold.

Because that sword, which is enough to penetrate the gold stone, is obviously clinging to the opponent's throat, but then it cannot be entered. A crackling blue light forms a tiny electric grid, which firmly covers the sharp sword tip. .

The young man's eyes were unbelievable. It was just a moment of stagnation. Jin Hai's mouth snorted suddenly, and the light flashed suddenly, crackling!

From the palm of his hand to his armpit, the entire arm suddenly numbed, and the dagger in his hand suddenly became unstable and fell to the ground.

"Junior is looking for death!"


In the roar, Jin Hai kicked her feet and poked at the young assassin's chest.

After all, it was a talented killer. At the moment of crisis, the young assassin was holding his arms on his chest, and he was hard hit by Jin Hai.


The whole young assassin, like a shell fired by him, blasted into the building with a blast of smoke and dust, and immediately caused a noise.

This time, instead of failing to assassinate Jin Hai, he disturbed many martial arts figures.

"Who is the one who dares to make trouble here?" In the roar, a white-handed master flew towards him.

With a sneer, Jin Hai looked around and sang loudly, saying, "Here is" Lei Zun "Jin Hai, and the Xiaoxiao generation has not appeared and died?"

The voice didn't fall, and suddenly the wind rang, and eighteen crossbows that broke the suffocation waved a strong wind, shooting out from the flowers not far away.

With the crossbow, Jin Hai's body shot out.

In the vertical setting, the tip of the foot is on a cluster of chrysanthemums, and it is necessary to fly to the position where the crossbow is shot. Knife, then cut two more swords!

Two flying knives, one on the chest and one on the left eye; two knives, one ankle and one retreat.

The flying sword is like lightning, and the sword is as powerful as a mountain ...

It seems that at this moment in Jinhai, you can't hide, you can't stop it either.

He has not been able to step on the flowers, and has no leverage at all. He can no longer jump up, and it seems inevitable that he will be stabbed.

At least one knife, maybe four.

The red line of swordsmanship is truly shocking ...

But it turned out that Jin Hai hadn't been hit with a knife.

He couldn't jump, but suddenly sank.

"Lei Zun" Jin Hai's martial arts were not entirely learned from his master. Speaking of which, his master's martial arts are relatively uncommon, but Jin Hai, stand out from the actual battle. Martial arts skills improved in actual combat naturally have his unique experience.

The body sank, but his left foot was one step ahead, and he placed it on the blade that cut his ankle. The blue light flashed and the blade broke, and at the same time, Jin Hai's hands were combined and two flying swords Became a plaything in his hands.

As for the stabbing of his retreat, it has long since been lost.

When he stepped on the "Purple Dragon Lying Snow" almost to break, his toes pulled back, and the body jumped up again. He took off with a kick, and the sword in the red line was kicked into the air by him.

Jin Hai seemed to know exactly where the knife was going to fly. As soon as he reached out, he had copied the knife in his hand and cut it off towards the red line.

He did not use any weird moves. Each of his moves was natural and swift. With the fastest and fierce moves, he dealt with the enemies in front of him, as if all these things were logical. Not barely.

It's just that he revealed the same, that is the killer he is facing, not a killer in the normal sense, but a weird killer who seeks his own way.

He did hit the opponent with this knife, but Jin Hai's original pride was slightly changed, because the opponent was more like to take the initiative to receive him.

One slash hit the opponent's lutea bone, and the other's body support breath was also extremely effective, resisting most of the power, but the remaining strength still allowed the blade to deeply penetrate the opponent's bone, and even hurt the lungs.

A big mouthful of blood sprayed out directly, Jin Hai smiled coldly, waiting to press the sword, killing the opponent, but the opponent took the first step and hugged his waist!


He never encountered such an opponent. Where is this killer?

All this happened too suddenly, all the actions seemed to happen at the same instant, even with Jin Hai's experience, he was caught off guard.

How can such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be missed?

Ye Qingxuan sighed softly. Following the twelve crossbows, his wooden sword finally shot ...

He held the hilt and slowly stood up. At this moment, his whole body changed, and the whole body seemed to emit light.

So did his sword.

An ordinary mahogany sword, like a sharp sword in a worn leather sheath, was suddenly pulled out and flashed a dazzling light.

His people appeared flowers, but nailed to the place like nails, staring at the sword in his hand, stabbed out with a dagger.

The sword was shaved from peach, dull and awkward. But the sword pierced, and the sword seemed to have changed, and it became light and life.

He has poured the power of his life into this wooden sword.

A sword stabbed lightly without any change. But suddenly the change came, as natural as flowing water.

This deadly wooden sword, in his hands, not only had life, but also aura.

The terrifying light flashed in Jin Hai's eyes. At this moment, he saw the death of the Buddha ...


It looked like a flash of electric flowers, the red line that hugged him seemed to have been split by thunder and lightning, and was shaken by the scorching smoke ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And Ye Qingxuan's sword was also stabbed from the position of the opponent's shoulder blade Go in and pierce his shoulders through the lute bone.

If it wasn't for Jin Hai to evade in time, this sword would be enough to penetrate the heart.

Ye Qingxuan and Jin Hai passed by, and the secret letter originally hidden in his arms went directly to his hand, and if the other side's body was severely hit, he flew out.

Ye Qingxuanfei stepped forward, grabbing a line of red from Zhenfei, greeted him, and flew up to the wall, rushing outward.

The young assassins covered their chests, and before they were besieged by baidao masters, they fled across the wall.

At the same time, a dark cloud swayed from a dark corner of the garden, angrily humming, and chasing after Ye Qingxuan.

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