Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 319: Cruel means

According to the previous plan, Ye Qingxuan arrived at the broken building with a dying line of red.

In the living room on the first floor, a pile of bonfires was lit, and the weak red line was set down near the bonfires for heating.

Jin Hai's knife almost split the whole line of red into two halves. The blade cut off the lute bone and hurt the lungs. As he breathed, he continuously spit out blood foam, his chest sizzling like a bellows.

Ye Qingxuan plugged a potion of elixir to the first line of red, stopped the blood veins with silver needles, stopped the blood from flowing into the lungs, and the first line of red side felt better, but still unavoidably coughed twice, and said lightly: "Let me die there. Now you need to save me ... "

Ye Qingxuan frowned: "If you want to die so much, why not wipe your neck with one stroke? You have to torture yourself this way?"

A line of red bitter smile shook his head, silent.

Ye Qingxuan sighed and continued to deal with his wound. He used a fine needle to pick out the broken bone residue from the flesh-shouldered shoulders, straightened the bones, sutured the wound, and said lightly: "Everyone has his own secret, and I also I do n’t have the right to ask more questions, but today ’s mission may well be that you have won this opportunity for everyone. I remember this friendship. It ’s a compensation to save your life this time. ”

"I didn't ask you to save me ..." The line of red face was pale, but the speed of speech was abnormally calm, without the slightest weakness.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "No matter what happens, there is hope for people alive. If I save you redundant, let time check."

Yixianhong is a tough guy. With such a serious injury and no sutures, he didn't let him groan in pain.

When the pipa bone is broken, the martial arts is half spent. In the future, his right hand will have no force at all. His killer career is considered to be a waste.

Looking at the sky outside the window, Ye Qingxuan frowned slightly--

According to the agreed plan, at this time, the young assassin who is acting together should have arrived ...


Li Muru's gaze was quiet and gloomy. When he crossed the street, he saw the young man at the corner.

The young man sat under the tree, panting slowly, slowly chewing a piece of oiled pancake with beef ...

Although eating pictures is laborious, there is no way. In addition to the severe pain in the whole body, there is only one right hand that can move.

Jin Hai's kick came, and he used his arm to resist. As a result, his left arm was fractured on the spot, and the bones of his whole body fell apart after landing.

Although he was anxious to reach the hidden point earlier, he was too thirsty, too hungry, his whole body was too painful, and he was too tired.

He is a killer, but he cannot suffer at all.

He entered this practice of licking blood with the blade of a knife just to enjoy, enjoy the most beautiful woman, the most beautiful food, the most beautiful life ...

Therefore, after each action, the silver in his body will be exhausted in the fastest time before proceeding to the next task.

He bought a piece of meatloaf and was ready to eat it before hiring an empty car, which was comfortable and safe to return to the joint.

He is not afraid to be followed, because he is extremely confident in his own ability, and even if someone remembers his appearance, even if sent immediately to catch up, it will never be so fast.

Speaking of the means of escape, even he himself could not help but admire himself, he felt wonderful.

The white tyrants who were immediately behind them, followed the streets like a mouse, and finally they were confused, and they couldn't find the way back ...

Those who work on their imagination are often naive.

A cunning man may not be mature.

The young man almost smiled smugly.

But before he allowed him to laugh, he saw a ghost of black shadow drifting towards him.

The hot, large meatloaf fell directly from his stagnant hand.

He has never seen such a mysterious ghost figure, as if the suffocation fused with the darkness, set him against the void, no expression can be seen in the dark hood, but only his pair of eyes, Like two burning flames, like evil spirits from hell.

The young man bit a piece of beef patties in his mouth, but forgot to chew, his body began to tremble.

Fear, like an inevitable nightmare, always entangled his mind, and even scared him into forgetting to scream.

The black shadow floated to the front like a ghost, and asked with his lonely voice like nine hells, "Where is your companion ..."


The young man finally came to his senses, and the roaring voice was both an angry indignity to himself and a shout for exhilarating the mind and body. With the roar, the young man suddenly jumped up and flipped a dagger in the only hand, piercing the other Blood-red eyes in the dark.

His martial arts were fierce, accurate, and fast.

Such martial arts rarely leave room for others to fight back under one blow.

Unfortunately, he is not fast enough.

Especially today, in the past, he thought that the extremely fast assassination action had been missed twice in a row.

The dagger had just reached between his eyes, less than three inches away from the face door covered by darkness, but it was no longer easy to enter. The dark black flame floated like a floating cloud, but blocked his impeccable assassination.

Before he could close his hand, the black smoke tangled up, covering his wrists in an instant, and then tightened tightly!

The young man immediately broke the sound of his bones breaking, but did not scream, because a black smoke hit like a pillar, sealed his door, and sealed his scream.

His mouth full of teeth was broken immediately, but blood was sprayed from his nose, just like two sticks of blood arrows.

The young man's consciousness began to dissipate. He left only one thought in his heart, which was regret. He regrets that he should not stay in this invisible place and meet this demon-like opponent.

The black smoke entangled his body, slowly lifted him into the air, and came to the other side.

The dark face smiled slightly. After a pair of blood eyes, the young man saw a sharp and pale tooth like a vampire again!

"Tell me, where is your associate ... you have a chance to choose a more humane way to die!"


The young man's only lasting affection ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ made him spit at the other side.


As the black smoke tightened, the young man's ears were filled with the sound of his bones breaking, but it was only a moment when his spine was broken into seven sections, and the whole person was as soft as a snot.

"Hard bones! Uh ..." The other person's ridiculous laughter penetrated the young man's head directly like a maggot, and said arbitrarily, "I like hard bones like you the most, so that our games can play longer. See how long you can stand ... "

As soon as the voice fell, the black smoke on the body of the black shadow suddenly stretched and became thinner, like a maggot or a devil's tentacle, and instantly penetrated into the young man's seven tricks and penetrated into the brain.

The young man's eyes turned white, and his body shook uncontrollably.

The screams were blocked in the throat by black smoke, leaving only endless pain ... Remember this site's website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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