Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 322: Sitting price

"Help me do things." Looking at the tombstone in front of him, Ye Qingxuan said indifferently, "Give the income of this mission to the family members of the two of them."

"Do you think ... are you qualified to ask our brother to do something?" The second black wolf among the Lang brothers snorted slowly, "Don't forget, the goal of this mission is to kill Lei Zun" Jin Hai, but he wasn't dead, your mission was not completed! "

Ye Qingxuan looked back suddenly, and his cold eyes were full of murderous spirit. The Lang brothers were under the pressure of murderous gas and took a step back.

Not long ago, the battle between Yan Shisan and an unknown blood sect master has already shocked the two who watched the game from afar. Although he has not seen it with his own eyes, the power of destroying the world comes from the person in front of him. No matter how arrogant, he also knew that he was not Yan Shisan's opponent.

Ye Qingxuan's voice snapped, and Gujing continued without saying, "Are you sure that this mission is only to kill Jin Hai? The content of the secret letter is not so simple, is it?"

When the two wolves heard it, they suddenly panicked, and the boss wolf grunted, and said in a dark voice, "Do you want to threaten us? Are you trying to die?"

"The threat can't be talked about, but this matter is very important. I don't want to make money and spend it!" Ye Qingxuan raised his chin and said coldly, "If your host wants me to keep my mouth shut, this task The remuneration should go up accordingly. "

Ye Qingxuan at this time changed his face to sit on the ground, not to stir up the task, but to fully penetrate the role.

The killer, this trader's life, is a business after all, to make money. If he behaves too much, he will not look like a killer.

Appropriate greed for self-defilement will not be suspected.

as expected.

When the Lang brothers heard Ye Qingxuan's words, although they were so angry, they immediately dispelled more profound doubts about their previous strength.

It is indeed a desperate man who sees money!

The vicious wolf yelled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ye Qingxuan stretched out his hand, compared to three fingers.

The Lang brothers looked at each other and asked in unison: "Three times?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled coldly and shook his head: "No, three million two."

The second wolf was shocked. The black wolf was about to be furious, but was stopped by the evil wolf.

After a moment of groaning, the evil wolf slowly said, "Our brother has said nothing about what you said. Please ask the young master."

Ye Qingxuan smiled coldly: "There is no room for negotiation in this matter, and I did not ask you, I asked him ..."

Jaw lifted, compared to the wall behind the two.

The Lang brothers froze slightly, but heard a burst of applause. Zhu Yun, dressed as a rich businessman, walked out of the moon door with a big laugh and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, okay. It is worthy to defeat the Blood Sect The master of the suzerain is indeed worth the price. "

The Lang brothers were furious when they saw Zhu Yun.

The black wolf stepped forward, and Shen drank, "Zhu Yun, the old man, it's not up to you to be the master ..."

Zhu Yun gave a cold glance at the two brothers and scorned: "This kind of hard work is really not your brother's strength. The two of you are still good at your job. You don't need their opinions here."

"Zhu Yun, old dog, how dare you ..." The black wolf was furious, screaming and yelling at his nose, but unexpectedly, before speaking, Zhu Yun's face changed, and a sudden turn of his hands was a palm.

The Lang brothers were startled, did not expect Zhu Yun to dare to turn his face, and the shot was both fierce and sudden, the two were not ready, but the barnyard showed the true nature of the killing, the body was left and right at the same time, rotating in the air, forming two nonstop The rolling sharp wind wheels echoed each other from left to right, shattering the palm wind that had condensed into a pillar.

A wolf howling, the two would fight back in an instant, but saw a taunt of ridicule on Zhu Yun's face, the second wolf secretly made a bad noise, but saw that the torn palm wind suddenly split into two, turned into a rope net generally covering two People, throwing their hands and flew out.

No matter how the two wolves struggled, they couldn't get rid of it for a while, and finally snored and fell out of the wall.

"Zhu Yun, old dog, I really have you."

"Today's shame, my two brothers will report tomorrow!"

The sound of Yi Yi's air blasted out, apparently the brother, the two werewolves, went ugly in front of him, and did not want to show up, and went straight away.

Hahaha ...

A burst of laughter sounded again, and Zhu Yun arched an apology and laughed again and again: "Let thirteen brother laugh, these two brothers are just messenger dogs, can't take the idea on behalf of the master. The old age is different, the brother's At a price of three million two, it's worth a lot ... but ... "

Looking at Zhu Yun's familiar face, Ye Qingxuan smiled coldly: "But ... how?"

Zhu Yunzhang laughed: "The words of the Lang Brothers were correct, after all, Jin Hai was not dead, and the worry of my husband is still leaked ..."

"Relax." Ye Qingxuan sneered: "If money is in place, people will die."

"I believe this, brothers." Zhu Yun clapped his hands in an air, and continued: "What else is required, brothers please speak up."

"It was said before that the share of these two brothers should not be less than one point. The silver of 300,000 per person must be sent to relatives."

"Fighting right. There is no problem with this." Zhu Yun grinned, and then scratched his head again: "We have been inquiring about the identity of these two people, and indeed they all have relatives alive. Where does the side still have parents and a sister alive, they are all there Hometown farming. On the contrary, the front line is a bit difficult to handle ... "

"Why?" Ye Qingxuan was really curious when she remembered the past of Hongxi looking for life.

Zhu Yun sighed and slowly said: "This frontline is red, married early and had a wife and a daughter, but the wife was not willing to live in poverty, and ran away with a daughter who was under the age of one. The wife and loved one have to be embarrassed, and constantly provide money to keep the girl safe, and they can meet her daughter from time to time, but they ca n’t recognize each other. If the front line is red, or they ca n’t provide money, they will sell his daughter to the green house, and thousands of ride Tens of thousands across! "

Ye Qingxuan asked curiously: "With the first-line martial arts, I still can't get back my daughter. Who is that lover?"

"You know that person, too ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Zhu Yun has long hair, saying one word at a time:" He is the fierce lord of the fire sect, Wu Lieyang. "

It's him?

It is no wonder that with the skill of Wu Lieyang, the first-line red is indeed difficult to counteract, not to mention that Li Daotian stands behind his back. Even if the first-line red wants to die, it is difficult to escape.

"It turned out that there was such a reason." Ye Qingxuan grinned and said lightly: "I will solve the matter of the afternoon sun, but I want you to ensure the safety of frontline red wives and daughters."

Zhu Yun hesitated and asked, "I know how to save his daughter, but why save his wife?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled coldly: "Since that woman likes the blue house so much, I believe you can find her a place to go."

Zhu Yun smiled and agreed: "No problem."

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