Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 323: Copper Eagle Appears

Wu Lieyang's whereabouts are under his own responsibility for the investigation. The Wulin Conference was held immediately, and he turned to Li Daotian's Wu Lieyang. It is not difficult to find its trace.

Facing Ye Qingxuan's extortion, instead of expressing dissatisfaction, Zhu Yun was very excited.

Not afraid of greed, but greed is better bought.

At this moment, Zhu Yun let his eyes shine, and Shen said, "We can meet the requirements of the 13 brothers, but the matter is not completely over. In addition to Jin Hai, the most important thing is the last one of this transaction. Target, thirteen brothers are required to eradicate. Hey, I'm not afraid to say something you don't like to listen to. The previous two tasks were actually a stepping stone to test the ability of several people to take the last task ... "

Ye Qingxuan smiled arrogantly and asked proudly, "What about now? Are you satisfied with my performance?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied, beyond imaginary satisfaction." Zhu Yunlang laughed and stroked his hand: "The means of the Thirteen Brothers is greatly beyond our expectations. If you let it go, you can definitely achieve the final goal."

"Who? What conditions?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"The conditions are very good. If it can be completed, the wealth will be enough for the 13 brothers to spend a lifetime, even to build a large estate, or to open a school."

"Large manor? Founding a school?" Ye Qingxuan asked in wonder: "Can it reach the level of Yijian Shanzhuang?"

So he wanted to be Li Muchan?

Zhu Yun's heart brightened, and he quickly boasted: "This is of course. Although Yijianshanzhuang was built for several generations, as long as the 13 brothers can complete the final task, Zhu uses my life to guarantee it and get wealth, which is enough for Xiongtai to become independent The foundation of Jianshanzhuang is even better than that. "

Ye Qingxuan suddenly showed a fascinating expression.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing together.

In Zhu Yun's view, this thirteen thirteen is undoubtedly the sharpest sword. It is a chess piece that can turn things around. After the end of the matter, no matter whether it is success or failure, it will not let him live.

Yan Shisan remembers his wealth, while Zhu Yunxi remembers his life.

But this is exactly what Ye Qingxuan made him think.

The mantis catches cicadas, and the carduelis is behind.

It is too early to say who is the last winner of this mutual use.

"The conditions are attractive. But the more favorable the conditions, the more dangerous they are." Ye Qingxuan smiled as a fox, and asked, "Who is the target? What is the final commission?"

Zhu Yun smiled slightly and said lightly: "Thirteen brothers, be quiet and restless. This final goal and character requires you to meet another person and let him tell you in person."

Ye Qingxuan frowned slightly: "It's so troublesome ... then I need to find a third person to testify ..."

Zhu Yun interrupted immediately and shook his head: "Everything else is easy to talk about, but this matter cannot be told to a third party. This is a deadly rule. Even the old man Huo is not good."

One sentence blocked all the delusions of Ye Qingxuan.

Helplessly shrugged, can only accept.

Zhu Yun left, leaving Ye Qingxuan alone to wait for the last person to meet.

The dark clouds in the sky have been blown away by the evening wind, the time is before dawn, and it is also the time when the night is darker.

The haze gradually rose.

The windows of the old building rang suddenly.

Ye Qingxuan jumped up to the window like a cat.

Pushing the window open, he saw a majestic figure watching him silently in the thick fog.

Even if it is heavy at night, even if the dense fog is hazy, it still cannot cover the wild and violent gas emanating from the other person, just like a beast from the floodland, quietly dormant in the dark night, waiting for the opportunity to hunt for food.

Copper Eagle!

The unexpected person turned out to be a copper eagle ...

Ye Qingxuan's heart sank a little, took a deep breath, then jumped down from the second floor, drifted a few feet away, and fell steadily on the barren grass that fell to the ground by his squall pressure.

The fog is heavy and the dew is cold.

The copper eagle's gaze was colder, and he glared at him for a long time before groaning; "Do you know who I am?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded.

It also seems very difficult to not know the famous Copper Eagle.

It's just that the words are like the other person's flattering, so Ye Qingxuan didn't say it.

Copper Eagle said: "Who are you? I have never heard of you as such a figure on rivers and lakes."

Ye Qingxuan said: "You should also know who I am. There are rumors that the twelve flying eagles of Flying Eagle Castle are all willing to serve the King of the Eagle."

The Copper Eagle glared at him for a long time, and finally nodded slowly, and said, "It seems that the rumors of the rivers and lakes are indeed unreliable. Hum, have you seen the secret letter?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "But don't worry, I won't say half a word to that secret letter. This is the norm. If I'm a mouthful person, I might have been in the coffin already ... "

The copper eagle smiled suddenly and said, "You are very careful."

Ye Qingxuan said: "I'm a killer, I rarely take risks, so I'm still alive."

A taunt of laughter drew from the corners of Copper Eagle's mouth: "Since you know we have betrayed the Eagle King, can you guess who the ultimate goal is?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded, not speaking this time.

The copper eagle smiled.

"Why, it's not a risk this time?"

"Very risky."

"Then you still want to shoot?"

Ye Qingxuan replied lightly: "Because I just discovered that people who do n’t like adventure seem to never make a fortune, and I also find that even if one of my killers is careful, and martial arts is strong, it will inevitably turn over the boat in the ditch and catch myself. Xiao Ming. So I plan to take a gamble and worry about it in this life. "

The copper eagle could not help but nodded, saying: "You didn't have to be so careful. This time with my cooperation here, the chance of success is enough to increase 30%."

His face looked dead in the fog, and it was harder to laugh than when he didn't.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly expressed a disgust in his heart, and said coldly, "You were a subordinate of Zhan Xiongfei. I didn't expect you to betray him."

The copper eagle looked the same, and said lightly: "Some things you still do n’t understand, this is life. A person just wants to climb higher ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sometimes you ca n’t help but step on someone else. You are Fight, but do you understand? Betrayal is sometimes a struggle, a kind of transcendence. It allows you to overcome all the excess emotions and face what you want most. This is the real life. "

Ye Qingxuan nodded in agreement. "I don't understand your life, but I want my life."

"Yijianshanzhuang's wealth?" Copper Eagle nodded and praised, "No problem. When are you going to start?"

Ye Qingxuan said: "When the opportunity comes."

Copper Eagle said: "You can't wait for this opportunity. There will never be. Zhan Xiongfei will never give anyone a chance. Waiting another ten years is also a wait."

Ye Qingxuan wrinkled slightly and said, "So ..."

Copper Eagle said: "So you don't have to wait at all. We will create this opportunity for you!"

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