Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 332: look away

"Prepare for the ceremony." The King of Eagles sighed and returned to the back hall with the peacock's head.

Weng Xiaofei and other three dragons smiled at each other, glared at Chu Lingxu, stepped into the outer hall, and somebody gave up the seat, so that the three sat at the top.

Chu Ling snorted humbly, and took two disciples to sit opposite the three of the Kowloon Palace.

Stop it.

For a moment, the attention of the heroes shifted from the two sides to the golden eagle.

The real drama seems to be staged.

In Eagle King's favorite garden, Zhong Li Shangxian stood in the position of Zhan Xiongfei on weekdays, looking up at the sky from time to time, looking down at the flowers from time to time.

Zhu Yun came slowly, standing not far from Shang Xian behind Zhong, without any intention to disturb the host.

On the contrary, Zhong Li Shangxian sighed softly, "Why is Chu Lingxu here ... According to the plan, shouldn't he be entangled on the island?"

Zhu Yun Shen chanted: "It looks like Shuai Ji is finished with our own hands."

Zhong Li Shangxian's eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly, "Is it handsome, handsome or golden eagle?"

Zhu Yun took a sip of air-conditioning, and said, "Is there anything else that Golden Eagle can't do today?"

"Hum, when the final card is revealed, who isn't trying to squeeze out aliens and have exclusive benefits? Fortunately, someone from the Kowloon Palace unexpectedly appeared, distracting Chu Lingxu's attention ..." Zhong Li Shangxian took a deep breath , Commanded: "Creating some trouble, dispersing the strength of the old exhibition ..."

"Leave it to your subordinates." The figure in the flowers flickered, and the copper eagle made a reply first, and then disappeared.

Zhong Li Shangxian looked at the petals in his palm, and said lightly, "You can't press Baodu on the golden eagle. At the critical moment, we must master the initiative ... Zhan Xiongfei, we must die today!"

Zhu Yunzheng focused his head.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps, and there was a bruised "shadowless hand" Zheng Liang on his forehead, who broke into the garden and bowed his hands in courteous manner: "Master, Miss is here."

"What !?" Zhong Li Shangxian was furious and gave Zhu Yun an angry look.

Zhu Yun also panicked for a moment, and replied in a hurry: "Miss Lingqing ... how could it be."

"Waste!" Zhong Li Shangxian stood up and hurried to the outer hall, but surprised the "shadowless hand" Zheng Liang.

How can I let my daughter appear here at these critical moments?

Recently, he kept Zhong Li Lingqing in the other courtyard of Xiangyang House. Without his permission, it is impossible to know the news of Zhan Yu's death.

Zhongli Shangxian was full of anger, and walked to the hall. Before the person arrived, he had heard the cry of the lover's uncontrollable voice and the comfort of another person.

Looking at the two supporting shadows in the outer hall, Zhong Li Shangxian frowned, struggling to suppress the killing in his heart.

It was her!

In sight, Zhong Li Lingqing had already cried so much that she had pear blossoms before she reached Lingtang, but it was Jiang Feiran who was always comforting by the side.

It turned out that she conveyed ...

"Ling Qing ..." Zhong Li Shangxian greeted helplessly.

"Daddy!" With a sorrow, with a scent of incense, Zhongli Lingqing slammed into Zhongli Shangxian's arms and said sadly: "Why, why don't you tell me, brother Yu, brother Yu ... Whoo ... "

Zhong Li Shangxian relented for a while, soothing: "Your body is weak, and dad is afraid that you will be overly sad, crying badly ..."

"No ... I don't ... Even if Ling Qing is weak, I will send Brother Yu a ride."

Zhong Li Shangxian was speechless for a moment.

Zhong Li Lingqing was a few years younger than Zhan Yu, and she has been urinating behind Zhan Yu. The relationship between the two is not siblings, but they are better than siblings. Zhong Li Shangxian is a beloved daughter and does not want her to participate in all this In the midst of it, unexpectedly, it failed to stop in the end.

The corners of his eyes flashed bright yellow, Jiang Feiran stepped forward and said, "The younger is brilliant, I have seen the general ..."

Zhong Li Shangxian nodded, bowed his head to suppress the killing in his eyes, and Shen said: "It's good to come. You and Zhan Yuxian's nephew are the best friends, so send him the last trip. Come, bring Jiang Xianzi Go to the backyard with Miss. "

After the command, "the shadowless hand" Zheng Liang ushered in, taking the sad Zhongli Lingqing and Jiang Feiran to the back hall.

Zhong Li Shangxian had a heavy heart and said silently: Qianjun, Qianjun, we must lead these people away ...

With an extremely depressing mood, Zhong Li Shangxian entered the outer hall again, talking and laughing with heroes from all walks of life.

Just when everyone thought that the ceremony was about to begin, Zheng Liang, a "shadowless hand", stared in a hurry, and whispered in Zhong Li Shangxian's ear: "Master, it's not good, Miss Wei's family died in the back garden. . "


Zhong Li Shangxian looked startled, but almost laughed.

The copper eagle finally started.

Distract everyone with a small murder case, this woman died a bit of value ...

"Where is the body?"

"Just in the back garden, didn't dare move ..."

Zhong Li Shangxian Shen said: "Notify Wei Yue immediately ... remember, don't say anything!"

After speaking, he pleaded guilty to the surrounding hordes, and Zhong Li Shangxian hurried to the back garden.

"My daughter! You have died so badly!"

In the back garden, Wei Caidie leaned on the stone steps, her neck was severed, and she was unnaturally tilted to one side, her eyes were full of incredible expression.

Wei Yue was sullen and angry, paralyzed on the stone steps, and wept bitterly.

Wei Zitong stood beside his father, not knowing how to comfort him, and looked at his sister's body from time to time, also full of anger.

Around the corpse are all relatives who are eligible to enter the backyard, including Ruhua's brothers, as well as Zhong Li Lingqing and Jiang Feiran.

At this moment everyone looked dignified, looking at the others' eyes full of scrutiny.

Wei Zi was full of anger, and looked at the other flying eagles around him, and said in a deep voice, "My sister died under the nobles. Please also give me a few words for the Wei family!"

Everyone looked at each other, and the flying eagles were silent, but Zhong Li Lingqing, who still had tears, glanced around and said softly, "Brother Wei, will there be any misunderstanding here?"

"Misunderstanding? Huh ..." Wei Zitong sneered, and said coldly: "Since Yinying's intentions against Shemei were absurd and she abstained from sin, all the members of Feiyingbao have already regarded my Wei family as a vengeance, and they are even more impressed with Shemei. Dissatisfied, maybe this is someone who angered her sister, and finally hurt her poisonous hand! Sister Yingying, are you right? "

Wei Zi's speech was getting colder and colder, and finally turned his finger at the residual eagle.

Everyone knows that this residual eagle has the most dislike of Wei Caidie. Not only has he been accused several times, the two always face each other. Wei Zitong pointed his finger at the residual eagle.

Everyone was a martial arts expert. A quick glance revealed that Wei Caidie had indeed died under Feiyingbao.

Can Ying's face was cold and he smiled coldly, and said, "Boring!"

"You ..." Wei Zitong was furious.

"Brother Wei, please be calm and calm," Jiang Feiran said softly. "I can assure you that the murderer is not the sister of Yingying, because she has always been with our sister and has not left half a step."

Wei Zitong's face turned red, and Shen said, "I'm not her or not, anyway, you are responsible for Flying Eagle Castle!"

The blood eagle could not help yelling. "Wei Zitong, why are you so unreasonable ..."

"I made trouble out of no reason?" Wei Zitong shouted, "I think it was your coups flying up and down and killing the sister-in-law. If this matter did not give me a statement from Wei's family, today I will be in front of the martial arts and let the world comment Judge! "

"Enough!" Wei Yue's face was gloomy, erect, his eyes glanced over everyone's face, and Shen said, "No matter what the truth is, I believe Brother Zhan will give me an account of the Wei family ..."

The scene was at an impasse.

It seems that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this matter must start to show Zhan Xiongfei.

At this moment, among the silent crowd, Copper Eagle sighed softly, looked around, and suddenly asked: "Well? Hasn't Lao Jiu always deal with Miss Wei's family? Why hasn't it appeared yet?"

The words awakened the dreamer.

Wei Zitong jumped up, looked around, and said loudly, "Yes. The angry eagle has been entangled with her sister, and she will definitely not leave her half step. She has something wrong. Why isn't the angry eagle showing up?"

There was a headache for everyone.

Wei Zitong sighed sadly, and said, "Isn't it ... that the real murderer of Sister She is the failure of the angry eagle?"

Just under the rule of the six gods, Zhong Li Shangxian's heavy footsteps came, and at the same time, his deep voice said, "At any cost, find the angry eagle!"

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