"Where's the Angry Eagle?"

In the garden, Zhong Li Shangxian asked softly.

The copper eagle's mouth twitched coldly, looking at the well on the garden side ...

"Good job." Zhong Li Shangxian smiled away and patted the copper eagle's shoulder affectionately. "Be careful not to leave any clues, and don't show your feet."

"The Lord is assured. The end will be fully prepared." Copper Eagle respectfully saluted.

With the sudden death of Wei Caidie and the unexpected disappearance of the angry eagle, the entire backyard was chaotic.

At the request of Zhong Li Shangxian, including Jiang Feiran and Ruhua, they all invested in the search for the angry eagle.

Wei Yue, who has always been somber and begging to talk, has undoubtedly become the best companion. Before he can handle this one, these people have absolutely no time to focus on Zhan Xiongfei.

Now Zhan Xiongfei's side, there is no one who can guard the side.

A well prepared assassination does not take much time.

But he has to wait for the arrival of the golden eagle, waiting for the best time for the two masters and priests to be alone in front of the puppet, so that the death of Zhan Xiongfei has the most important significance for Zhong Li Shangxian.

Zhu Yun floated again and whispered: "My lord, Golden Eagle is here!"

The team of the Golden Eagle stayed far away, and only the black and white double eagle accompanied him.

Bypassing the front yard of the land of right and wrong, directly outside the hall of worship, waiting quietly.

Inside the hall, the surroundings of Ling Ling are full of eagle claw orchids, and the bright colors have no heavy sense of sacrifice. Zhan Xiongfei gently supported the coffin and put the Buddha in a face-to-face conversation with Aiko.

Zhong Li Shangxian whispered softly: "Xiongfei, Golden Eagle is here."

Zhan Xiongfei was unconscious, and did not respond.

Zhong Li Shangxian sighed, "Old exhibition ..."

Fang Buddha was awakened in the dream, Zhan Xiongfei was a little surprised, his face smiled lightly, and suddenly said: "Zhong Li, would you like to bury Zhan Yu here? Jiangnan, Jiangnan is good, when Yuer was very young I remember Jiangnan, saying that the girls here are beautiful, very gentle, the weather is gentle, and the flowers and plants are gentle ... unlike the northwest desert, it is cold and unfriendly. "

Zhong Li Shangxian froze slightly, and finally sighed, "Yeah."

Zhan Xiongfei smiled and said, "Of course it is good. He is tired and tired ... he won't have to listen to me anymore."

Zhong Li Shangxian's lips wriggled, and she remained silent for a long while. Finally, she said, "I will plant eagle claws on the grave. Xian's nephew will not be lonely. When the flowers are in full bloom, many people will admire. But do n’t like trouble. As long as someone thanks the owner of the tomb, there is no need to talk about his life. ”

Zhan Xiongfei nodded.

"Let the Golden Eagle come in."

The golden helmet and armor, like the **** of heaven, stepped in, pushing the Jinshan Mountain and the jade pillar down to the ground.

Black and white double eagles accompany the left and right, kneeling down and worshiping.

"Let's all go out and let me talk to the boss ..."

The black and white double eagles looked at each other, but the white eagle tried to persuade him, but was pulled by the black eagle, slowly shaking their heads, the two disciples looked sad and bowed back.

Zhan Xiongfei didn't turn around and said, "Zhongli, you can go too."

Zhong Li Shangxian stunned, "Old exhibition ..."

"Come on." Zhan Xiongfei resolutely.

Zhong Li Shangxian glanced at the golden eagle, his eyes were full of various information.

The golden eagle saw nothing, even if he fell to the ground, still aloof.

After everyone was far away and the door was closed, only the pair of masters and apprentices remained in the hall.

Zhan Xiongfei just patted the coffin, and Shen said, "Many old friends who have been fighting together have died. I was sad but I was never weak. But today, Yuer died. Only then do I feel lonely, and I know that I am really old. "

Until this time, Golden Eagle only spoke and asked with his voice like a golden stone: "Master has always been ambitious and will give up?"

Zhan Xiongfei looked at him with deep eyes, Shen said, "Some things, some people, it is worth changing everything. I have lost one son and do not want to lose another."

Golden Eagle's eyes turned red instantly. "I didn't kill Yudi!"

Zhan Xiongfei sighed weakly and said, "No need to explain. I said earlier that my current position is yours sooner or later ..."

Golden Eagle stared at Zhan Xiongfei and said in the same heavy tone: "I don't want you to give alms. I want this to belong to me!"

Zhan Xiongfei frowned and shook his head: "Do you know what you said? You know, back then ..."

"It was you who saved me then. Without Master you, there is nothing I have now. Even your life is given by you, and I shouldn't be delusional! Right?" Can't help tears.

"Who asked for my opinion. I was just a kid then. What was wrong with me?"

"Just because I am an illegitimate child?"

"Just because my mother is the grandfather of Beidi Lang?"

"Just because I was born out of sight, should you deprive me of all my powers? Atrophy, can't you even have a last name in your life?"

"Master, tell me, what's wrong with me?"

The golden eagle's eyes were bright, and the successive questions made the eagle king dumb for a while.

Zhan Xiongfei suddenly felt ruthless, and said in a deep voice, "Child, this is life!"

"I don't agree!"

Zhan Xiongfei has a long body and must-have hair. His majestic spirit suddenly bursts out, and his majesty is soaring, and he chants: "One day I am, you have to obey! Go, take your grassland minions, and roll back to the prairie Well, even if you break Beidi's heaven, I don't care, but if you dare to touch the Central Plains, I will not spare you! "

The golden eagle snorted, and three of his heads were raised, soaring up, Shen said: "I have the blood of the Huangfu family, not only Beidi, but also the Central Plains!"

"Do you want to mingle with me?" Zhan Xiongfei was furious and stared at the golden eagle.

Golden Eagle also did not budge, and condensed: "My hand will not be contaminated with any brother's blood, nor will it be contaminated with you ... but please do not force me!"

"Do you have this ability?"

Zhan Xiongfei turned his hands, his claws were like the eagle's standing claws, and he slammed into the golden eagle's forearm.

Golden Eagle turned his hands and claws, and instantly countered with the same moves.

The golden light shone and there was sound.

The fingers of the two sides tangled in everything in an instant, and the violent suffocation contested between the square inches. For a time, they could not help each other.

Zhan Xiongfei's face was shocked, and Jin Ying said in a deep voice: "Master teaches you well, I've already had your eight successes!"

Zhan Xiongfei smiled coldly, "Unfortunately, only 80%!"

The golden light was fierce, and in a short time there was a tendency to overpower the golden eagle.

But at this critical moment, hey

A soft sound.

In the coffin behind Zhan Xiongfei, he suddenly stabbed a sharp sword and stabbed at his vest with an unbeatable potential.

The eagle king was terrified and wanted to dodge, but was suppressed by the golden eagle!


The sharp sword broke through the guard's breath, penetrated the heart, and the sword's tip emerged from the chest ...

Zhan Xiongfei couldn't believe looking at his chest. The whole body's strength poured out instantly.

The golden eagle eyes burst into tears, biting steel teeth, and solemnly said, "Master, the disciples said that they will not contaminate any of your and your brother's blood, but have not said that they will not borrow the hands of others." , In Zhan Xiongfei's ear, he whispered softly, "You always rest assured, Yudi can't go far ... As for Zhongli Shangxian, who killed you and Yudi, I will send him on the road soon!"

"Okay, you're fine." Zhan Xiongfei had a **** mouth, but drew a smile, slowly said: "You are really cruel and hot ..."

Golden Eagle smiled sadly. "Kung Fu is taught by you, but your mind is Taoism in this world. Don't blame me!"


Sharp sword retracted ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Zhan Xiongfei stared angrily, the body slowly fell to the ground.

Golden Eagle wiped his tears, and regained his former cold expression, Shen said, "You are the killer that Copper Eagle found? Well done ..."

There was silence in the coffin.

Then a somber voice sounded, "You know who I am, are you the master behind the scenes?"

Golden Eagle sneered, and said lightly: "It's not exactly right. The real ambassador will appear soon ... You are a smart person, I appreciate you so I don't want you to be a scapegoat. Next, I ask you to see play!"

The words didn't fall, the door of Lingtang's closed room suddenly exploded, and Zhong Li Shangxian took the lead to fly in, screaming: "Golden Eagle, how dare you do such a rebellious thing and not be dead?"

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