Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 334: Fight for power

As soon as Zhong Li Shangxian entered the hall, he was very eloquent, no doubt blaming the Golden Eagle, and the following black and white double eagles looked at each other, but when they saw the corpse of the eagle king lying on the ground, they were all shocked. Ground, shouted in unison.

"Boss, this ... is this really what you did?" The black hawk shivered, pointing at the golden hawk and screaming.

On the one side, Bai Ying screamed and scolded: "Brother, what else to say, who else is here besides this beast? Golden Eagle! I ca n’t think of a teacher who has supported you for a lifetime. We treat you as a big brother. In the end you make it. Such injustice! Let's meet! "

Before waiting for the black eagle to hold his brother, the white eagle, who was stunned by hatred, roared, and his finger claws plowed three finger marks on the ground, and then assisted, not rushing to kill him.


There was a slight scorn in the corner of the golden eagle's eyes, one copy with one hand, no wind and waves in the hall, and a gust of wind violently lifted from the ground, which was off guarding the white eagle that was slamming head-on.

White Eagle's foothold was unstable, and a grabbing attack was chaotic. Before he retreated, Golden Eagle turned his left hand into a claw, and greeted him with two beeps. Then he captured Bai Ying's arm and turned his body. One turn, the other hand locked his throat.

"Stop it for me!" The Golden Eagle screamed, and everyone at the scene couldn't help but be stunned.

Baiying angered: "Don't worry about me, kill ... uh ..."

The golden eagle's hand with a tight throat tightly forced the second half of the white eagle back, and Shen said, "Sir, you are still so impulsive, forget how I told you?" He looked up at the black eagle and said. , Drinking: "Fiveth, stay away from Zhongxian Shangxian, he is the real murderer who killed Master!"

"What are you talking about?" The Black Eagle was shocked. Although he didn't believe the Golden Eagle's words, his obedience and obedience for many years made him subconsciously take a step forward and slightly guarded against Zhong Li Shangxian.

Zhong Li Shangxian had his hands on his shoulders, his eyes were cold, and he cried, "The old man and the two nephew are always outside the door. Only you and Xiongfei are in the house and say I'm the murderer? Golden Eagle, I think you're crazy. "

Golden Eagle smiled coldly and said in a deep voice: "Zhong Li Shangxian, your organization has done everything to frame my discord with Master and brothers. Kill the Master first and get rid of me. Then you can take control of the Eagle King. With good intentions. At this moment, I am afraid that your people are full of people near this hall, waiting to wipe out my brother? Bronze eagle, Zhu Yun-planning for a long time, now it is time to show up? Only your master, only Afraid to stay with me! "

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhong Li Shangxian frowned, knowing that Golden Eagle was right, "How could I--"

While hesitating, I heard a shout from the outside, and hurrah, masked masters flashed on all four walls. Everyone was an innate skill, and a crossbow was used to surround the hall.

Hahaha ...

Zhu Yun laughed proudly and got out of the crowd, bowed to the cold face of Zhong Li Shangxian, and said loudly: "The Lord is angry, because Zhu Yun did not act according to plan, it is really true that Golden Eagle said nothing. The two wastes of the eagle, it is extremely impossible to leave the golden eagle. Rather than watching their brothers fire, I'd wait for all my strengths to be exhausted.

Zhu Yun's unreasonable playing card instantly annoyed Zhong Li Shangxian.

But he was right.

The black and white double eagles and the golden eagle brothers are deeply in love. Even if they are hands-on, I am afraid that they can remember the past, and it is not possible to be merciless. People killed together.

"You—" Hearing the anger, Black Eagle pointed at Zhong Li Shangxian and cursed, "You are a traitor!"

"Do you understand?" Golden Eagle snorted in Baiying's ear, and threw him out.

The white hawk flushed, and joined the black hawks in a row, and said in a low voice, "Boss, it's my brother, I can't hold you, we'll entangle them later, you run! Come back with other brothers, Kill Zhong Li, the old thief, and take revenge on Master! "

There was a smile on the corner of Golden Eagle's mouth, which was the result he wanted.

Zhong Li Shangxian sighed, turned slowly, and glared at Zhu Yun, then glanced over the three brothers, and said in a dark voice: "To this day, what else can you say ... Copper Eagle, do it!"


As soon as the voice fell, the roof of the hall suddenly opened a large hole.

Like a demon-like copper eagle, roared and rushed towards the golden eagle below.

At the same moment, Zhu Yun ordered a secret master who appeared around him at the same time, while firing a crossbow towards the black and white double eagles, suppressing the three's range of activities, while preventing the two from assisting the golden eagle.

The copper eagle that slammed down, a pair of huge copper-clad eagle claws in its hands, already weighed more than 10,000 yuan. It has both the powerful force of a copper hammer and the sharpness of eagle claws. The finger claws can move. The hammer can be grasped, but it is the product of the fusion of the old-fashioned copper-bladed hammer and the claw of the eagle, which has been secretly cultivated for many years. For the first time today, it was used in front of people.

As soon as I used it, it turned out to be prestigious in all directions, and the wind was howling. The exquisite furnishings in the whole hall were blown away in this way. The strong pressure was concentrated on the golden eagle. First brave general.

The Golden Eagle's most powerful Red Flame Condor Gun was not at his side, and the copper eagle took the advantage of the weapon. Then he took a favorable position. The copper eagle took a great initiative, and he screamed loudly: "Tong Qianjun in Therefore, the little **** will not die! "

Unfortunately, at this time, the black and white double eagles desperately resisted the shooting of the crossbow arrows around them, and could not support them separately. The golden eagle could only rely on the strength of one person to counter the violent attack of the copper eagle.

An eagle cried and rushed into the clouds.

Obviously, the golden eagle's Xiao Xiao was to attract the attention of the lobby, and at the same time smiled coldly, his claws were lifted up, and the violent golden sorrow soared into the sky, but he barely fists and grasped the copper eagle of the copper eagle without fear. !!


The sound of a heavy golden stone clash instantly spread!

The violent howling wind raged, and at the same time, the corpse of the king of the eagle and the puppet were blown out at the same time, that is, the black and white double eagles were also unstable, and were blown out of the hall. Www.wuxiaspot.com It is even more difficult to resist, flying backwards and going forward for a while.

Open the bow without turning back!

Zhong Li Shangxian's expression calmed, and he said, "Be real. Take my double whip!"

Hiss ...

The masked masters around him ripped off their face towels and black shirts, revealing the "Yanzhou Eighteen Riding" costumes. Obviously, the King of the Eagles was dead, and Zhong Li Shangxian didn't want to be jealous of the world's heroes. .


Suddenly, the houses around the house started to burst into flames. Zhong Li Shangxian was fully prepared, and at this time, the tinder that had been prepared was lit, and then set fire to block the participation of the world ’s heroes and provide more time for himself.

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