Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 337: Foresight

Fighting and screaming raged around.

Zhong Li Shangxian and her daughter had trouble breathing and couldn't move.

"Why?" Zhong Li Shangxian asked hard, then smirked and said to himself: "Well, what qualifications do I have to ask you ... I can betray Zhan Xiongfei, of course you can betray me? After all, it is not an interest ... "

"You're right." Zhu Yun stepped forward slowly, Xu Xu sneered: "Although Bi Shimen secretly communicated with you to let me help you ... but you really are not worth the investment, your mind and vision, the biggest It's just the second Eagle King. I don't need it for Zhu Yun, nor should my division. I'm more optimistic about the Golden Eagle, hehe, very optimistic. "

The thick blood dripped from Zhongli Shangxian's nostrils, leaving him with endless bitter smiles and helplessness.

The heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and in the end, it is still calculated by others.

Golden Eagle stepped forward slowly, squatted down, faced Zhong Li Shangxian, and said lightly: "For many years, there has been a shadow of a person in my heart, like a vine, which can only be wrapped around that big tree. I believe You also have this kind of shadow, so we hit it off right away. Zhan Xiongfei is that shadow, and I especially thank you for helping me except this shadow. But you are all old, this world is no longer your world, me, us, us Representing the future, what do you say you are climbing up, I do not push you down, how can I come up? "

Zhong Li Shangxian smiled sadly, and said lightly: "Well said, I give way ..." He spit his blood, and said arduously: "I can die, can I save Ling Qing, after all, she grew up watching you ... ... "

"Young Master!" Zhu Yun saw Jin Ying's face soft, and couldn't help but chuckled coldly, "Cut the grass to get rid of the roots!"

Golden Eagle nodded and smiled apologetically, Zhong Li Shangxian's face was ashamed immediately.

Zhong Li Lingqing said Shen Shen: "Lingqing, I don't want you to die if you die. I am dead and go to uncle Zhan, brother Yu ..."

Golden Eagle smiled coldly, and was about to turn his lips back. At this moment, Zhuo Attili suddenly rushed over, his face was even more ugly than Zhong Li Shangxian, and he couldn't take any suspicion into account. The body is gone! "


Ragged clothes are empty!

Several members of the Golden Eagle flew out and reached the Lingtang.

Among the tattered halls, only the lingering coffin was lifted out, and the inside was empty, not to mention that the assassin was Zhan Yu's corpse, which was not in it, leaving a rancid smell.

The golden eagle's body shuddered and shuddered, and Douda's sweat beads fell crackling.

He Zhuo Attili roared, unwilling to shout, "Young Master, why didn't you kill the assassin?"

Zhu Yun was suffering from cold all over his body, and sighed, saying: "This is a plan to slow down the soldiers. Yan 13 is too strong. If he forces him to join forces with Zhong Li Shangxian, I'm afraid I will encounter unknown results ..."

"What about now?" He Zhuo almost barefooted his feet, angrily: "The eagle king's body is gone, he must be rescued by him, if the eagle king is not dead ..."

"It's impossible!" Zhu Yun's face changed suddenly. "Which sword can pass by, who can't die?"


The golden eagle swept away the coffin, exposing a dark burrow underneath.

With his two fists clenched, Golden Eagle was about to spit fire, and said arrogantly: "If the person out of the sword is him, then the Eagle King can't die!"

"Who?" He Zhuo and Zhu Yun asked in unison.

"Bring Zhongli Shangxian's father and daughter in!" Golden Eagle did not talk, but Shen Sheng ordered, and someone immediately dragged in the dying Zhongli Shangxian father and daughter.

At this time, the outside fight has come to an end, and "Yanzhou Eighteen Riding Horses" has drawn the final stop sign with Zhong Li Shangxian's defeat.

After seeing that there was a big hole in the position of the Ling Ling, Zhong Li Shang Xian first froze, then raised his head and laughed.

The Golden Eagle asked, "Is this your arrangement, or is the Copper Eagle self-assertive?"

The magnificent General Zhenbei in the past was down at this moment. Even if the laughter caused the old injury, he kept spraying blood, but he couldn't stop.

Zhu Yun's brows frowned, and the ominous premonition that gradually rose in his heart made him murderous, and he could not help growling:

"Enough! Answer the young master, or kill your daughter immediately!"

Zhong Li Shangxian fluttered, glanced at Zhu Yun, and sneered: "It's all mortal, what is the difference? I laugh, of course I have to laugh! I can't think of you at the last moment, I can't play with you An old bird! "

He Zhuo Atili asked angrily, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Huh ..." Zhong Li Shangxian's mouth grinned endlessly, and said lightly: "Don't you see that yet? Copper eagle is so cruel, how can it leave that escape route for Yan Shisan? This is the one The means of the eagle, not only he did not die, but he was afraid that the silver eagle and Zhan Yu were also dead! You ... hahaha, and me, were accounted for by him! "

With this remark, everyone present was stunned, cold hands and feet.

Hahaha ...

Zhong Li Shangxian laughed and sighed at the last, sighing loudly: "Zhan Xiongfei, in the end, I will still be defeated by your men. In this life, I am convinced! 噗 ——"

At the last minute, Zhong Li Shangxian spit out blood and fell to the ground.

Zhong Li Lingqing was so anxious that he threw himself on his father's body, weeping slightly, and finally said, "It's okay, okay, both Zhan Bobo and Yu Yu's brother were not dead, and his father's sins can finally be repaid, repaid ..."

The tone weakened, and finally fell to his father, breaking his heart.

"Eagle the world--"

"Huo, Huo, Huo--"

At this moment, a loud roar shook the world outside the manor, and the number of people accompanying him was probably more than 10,000.

It's over.

Zhu Yun lost all strength instantly, sitting on the ground with one buttock.

A messenger flew in, panicking and reported on one knee:

"Report! Master Qi Yun, has the perimeter of the manor been surrounded by flying eagles?"

"Little Master ..." and Zhuo Attili stepped forward, lowered his voice, and sighed, "I'll take someone out and fight to keep you safe."

Golden Eagle smiled horribly, and patted the shoulder of this subordinate, who is also a close friend, and said indifferently: "It's late, my master, there is nothing he can do. If he can play this game, he is doomed to be without us. Machine ... unless he doesn't want to kill me. "

The golden eagle's eyes flickered, staring at the big hole on the ground tightly, and falling into contemplation.

"Why don't you let me kill him directly?" Ye Qingxuan looked at the Eagle King fishing in front of him in peace, ten miles away from the manor, wondering.

With his joint strength with the Eagle King, even if Zhong Li Shangxian and the Golden Eagle joined forces, plus other masters, he never expected that one person could escape alive.

Ye Qingxuan's sword brought out the highest state of [Round Finger Soft Sword]. The sword front was close to the back, bypassed the armpit, and pierced the shirt from the front. The King of Eagles had nothing but leather, except for the waste of clothes. Not broken.

The King of Eagles stunned the fishing rod in his hand, and smiled lightly: "After all, people are old and can't see the blood of acquaintances. What is left is that of Golden Eagle ..."

Ye Qingxuan sighed slightly: "I know, not because of this ..."


The King of Eagles smiled, blinked at Ye Qingxuan, and smiled: "It's a pity that I don't have a daughter, otherwise I'll definitely treat you as a concubine."

Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes and didn't answer.

The King of Eagles sighed and said, "Beidi is still not chaotic enough ..."

Ye Qingxuan Yiyi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ couldn't help but said: "You are almost dead, still counting Beidi?"

"Why not?" The Eagle King snorted and said, "Since ancient times, the Central Plains have suffered from the suffering of the northern grassland enemies. This is even more than the Central Plains internal fighting. If the North is uneven, I will be disturbed every day."

Ye Qingxuan muttered silently, and quietly heard the King of Eagles continue to say: "Disturbing the North King's court with a golden eagle was a plan that was set in my heart when I rescued the Golden Eagle. However, I only lived with the Golden Eagle for many years. With this change, the implementation of this plan will become logical. "

Ye Qingxuan said: "So, you have already made up your mind and let go of the golden eagle? Are you not afraid to go back to the mountains?"

"Huh, is he a tiger?" The Eagle King sneered: "As long as I live, he only deserves to be a dog! Why aren't you surprised that he hasn't arrived yet? He's already arrived in Beidi. At this moment, Yeluoer's scheme is afraid he has It ’s exposed, if you can escape the wolf court alive, it depends on his good fortune. The silver eagle took my token and successfully took over the golden eagle's account, Yuer, if the time is not bad, it should be removed With the head of the old ghost of Beidi ... As for the golden eagle, hum, I will return to Beidi with his remnants. After three years, I will lead the soldiers to the north of the desert! "


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