Under the leadership of several flying eagle guards, the men gathered outside Zhuang, seeing a large number of flying eagle guards surrounded the courtyard, and soon began an attack, and there was a lot of discussion.

No one knew what was happening inside the mansion, so all kinds of speculations came.

Some people say that the King of Eagles should clean up the portal and kill the golden eagle. Others say that the Golden Eagle is well prepared and will fight against the Lord. Others say that all this is a secret provocation by Zhong Li Shangxian to replace the King of the Eagle ...

All kinds of speculations were raging, and all parties frowned, or observed in secret, waiting for the final result of the incident.

Whether the incident ended with the death of the King of Eagles, or the defeat of the Golden Eagle, or the failure of Zhong Li Shangxian, or the higher rank, it is the biggest failure in Lingyun Palace's veins, and the power will undoubtedly be greatly lost.

As the other three parties in the Wulin Conference, the biggest wish is undoubtedly the death of the Eagle King.

"This time, if the eagle folds its wings, it is undoubtedly the best news for us!" Xianlong ancestor smiled down.

"Ill Dragon" Zhu Yang nodded in agreement: "The master of the entire Lingyun Palace, only this eagle king is considered a personal character, others are not afraid of it."

Weng Xiaofei sighed coldly and said coldly: "Although Zhan Xiongfei is qualified, the old man is still not looking at him. Even if the masters in this realm are in the sky, three or five will not be able to match the deification." With a cold glance at the ancestors of Xianlong, he finally said to Zhu Yang: "Anyway, you can be regarded as a half-step deified state. It's a bit disgraceful to humming at such a character ..."

Zhu Yang stunned and laughed quickly: "Three brothers are right, although Zhan Xiongfei is a hero, but it is not in the eyes of our Kowloon Palace."

Although the words were to say Zhu Yang, it was obviously a run on the ancestors of Xianlong, and only the ancestors of Xianlong were very angry and silent.

If he was not threatened by the Southern Dynasties, with his transcendental identity as a suzerain, how could he run into the Jiulong Palace to receive anger.

The ancestors of Xianlong were enraged, and his words were not cold or hot: "The two elder brothers still don't despise the Eagle King. This person has a strong personality and has a conspiracy. Feng Yige has not pursued for decades. Its defeat, on the contrary, has made it impossible to achieve. The experience of the car in front is vividly visible, and the two elder brothers cannot ignore it, so as not to mistake oneself. "

Weng Xiaofei had a violent temper. He immediately became angry when he heard the words. He didn't want to catch up with the black and white double eagle at this time, and everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by him.

Something really happened!

The curiosity of the heroes was immediately aroused, and when the black and white double eagles were ushered into the camp by other flying eagles, a loud cry broke out after a while.


The men were in chaos immediately.

The only thing that can make the group of eagles cry so sadly is the death of the eagle king.

Sure enough, I immediately saw a Flying Eagle disciple rushing out angrily to kill the revenge, but was dragged back again and again.

Soon after, Zhong Li Shangxian betrayed the Eagle King, provoked the relationship between the apprentice and the apprentice, and took the opportunity to assassinate the Eagle King.

The heroes uproar.

Weng Xiaofei and Zhu Yang smiled at each other, and the stunned Xianlong ancestor sneered and said, "This is a hero who should not be underestimated? Huh, it is just an old bird with blind eyes."

Zhu Yang accompanied with a laugh: "The third brother said that even an apprentice has betrayed him, and he has really failed as a master. Such waste is still valued by me, and it is really not appropriate."

Hahaha ...

Hearing the death of the Eagle King, those who are very excited about it are by no means a minority.

The King of Eagles died, and many flying eagles at the scene inevitably caused a panic, but as the battalion screamed, a figure emerged, and the morale of the entire army was suddenly raised, and the chaotic hearts were silent.

In a white coat, the style is absolutely chic, and half of the silver mask conceals it, adding a touch of mystery and majesty to its outstanding style.

who's that person?

The heroes were all eyes fixed.

It is no ordinary person to have a character who can generally stabilize the hearts of the eagle kings.

Silver Eagle.

When the master who knew this person passed on the name, the three offerings of the Kowloon Palace became silent.

"The King of the Eagles is really amazing." This time, Weng Xiaofei's turn exclaimed.

"Why did Brother San say this?" Zhu Yang asked.

Weng Xiaofei pointed to the distant and hidden figure in the distance, and said lightly: "It is not martial arts that is great, but the means by which he cultivates talents. Just now, the kid, on martial arts is not in the eyes of the old man, but when he appeared, The heart of the army is instantly stable. This is where the heart of the army lies. It is the soul of a team. It is not terrible for such a character to fight against the world, but such a character is really terrible! The King of Eagles has ruled Liangzhou for decades. , The old man still looks down on him, his military strategy is unparalleled, occupying Liangzhou, breaking Jingzhao, Ribei Di, the old man still looks down on him, but he can develop a second person like him, the old man has to look at him differently .The Eagle King is really amazing. "

Unexpectedly, the "smiling dragon", who has always been proud of nothing, has such an eye for mind, not to mention the ancestor of the fairy dragon, even the wishing seedlings that have been with him for a hundred years, and he is also stunned.

But then I thought of such a figure of Eagle King, and finally was killed by his close brother-like Zhong Li Shangxian. The three could not help but sighed together. Some regrets, some sadness, some helplessness, and some luck. ...


Under the command of Silver Eagle, a large number of flying eagle guards finally launched a large-scale attack on the manor.

The shouting and killing came one after another, and the screams continued.

Although the rebellions are rare in the hands, but in the face of absolute force, still can not set off too much.

Within half an hour, the assassinations in the manor were all over. A body covered with white cloth was lifted out, and some of the bodies were incomplete. They could see the men's eyebrows jumping, and they sighed that Zhong Li Shangxian was over.

Zhong Li Shangxian, a well-known general of Zhenbei, was completely lost this time.

Twelve Flying Eagles is over.

Even if Yinying is more famous, it is far worse than the Eagle King.

Seeing the dust settled here, many people decided to immediately go back with amazing news and let their own forces do the planning.

At this time, the silver eagle appeared at the right time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with a spring breeze, stopped in front of the heroes, and smiled calmly: "Please stay still, there is an important person, and I want to see you all."

The men looked at each other.

The King of Eagles has just died, and even if the Silver Eagle inherits the throne, the body of the King of Eagles should be dealt with first, so why it is so unreasonable to want to appear in front of the heroes.

Wuhu League's class smiled rudely, and said with a polite smile: "General Silver Eagle is right, we haven't worshiped the show boy ... but, the Guibao is newly lost, and the Eagle King is miserable ..."

"Hum, brother Prajna, who said I was dead?"

The men shook their bodies. Looking back, the King Eagle sneered, sitting on a wheelchair, and the person pushing the cart was actually the "Little Eagle King" showdown.

When the father and son appeared, the men were shocked.

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