When the King of Eagles appeared, there was a sudden chilling sound at the scene, especially the upright Zhan Yu standing behind, everyone could not help but burst of cold air.

Since even the death of Zhan Yu is false, it shows that from beginning to end, it was a plan of the Eagle King, not to mention Zhongli Shangxian and Golden Eagle, even the men who were present were completely covered in the drum and became The object of Eagle King Liwei.

At this moment, the three worshipers of the Kowloon Palace could not help but feel cold.

Cough, cough, cough.

"Eagle King" Zhan Xiongfei coughed a few times, a trace of blood appeared on the sip covering his mouth, and he quickly concealed his head, grinning, and said indifferently: "Let you all laugh, and Zhan will eliminate the traitors, but not want to be involved It is a sin for you to worry about your husband and father. Yuer, apologize to your uncles for your father! "

Zhan Yu should make a sound, and take the first two steps, respectfully, to the end, reverently said: "Tired uncles are affected, young nephew Zhan Yu apologized to all of you."

In front of the layers of flying eagles riding in front of each other, the heroes hurriedly waved their hands, indicating that it was not a problem.

The Hengshan martial art leader Liang Bagong, who has always regarded himself very high, licked his face in front of his smile and complimented, "Oh, my brother and his son are all right. The younger brother is finally relieved. Hearing bad news before, hey, my younger brother is very sad. I didn't expect this to be a brother-in-law scheme, and it really deserves to be the eagle king in the world of majesty, and my brother admires it. "

Liang Bagong represents a group of people who deliberately pleased the eagle king family. These people are also walking between the four major forces and looking for benefits. The idle forces who sold for the price, immediately after the eagle king showed great strength, immediately Step forward to please.

Zhan Xiongfei showed leadership qualities in a timely manner, and treated everyone with the most respect.

At this time, a cold voice sounded: "Brother Zhan has nothing to do and admire, but I don't know if the body is embarrassed, why is it so weak?"

The crowd turned around, but it was Cheng Buyi, the deputy leader of the sympathy from You Long.

The fierce old man with his short-bearded hawk, who was over fifty years old, stared at Yin Xiong without blinking in his eyes.

Zhan Xiongfei smiled slightly and said calmly: "It was just a note of being attacked by someone when rebelling, but it didn't bother him.

Cheng Buyi froze coldly and stopped talking.

The heroes looked at each other for a moment.

Zhan Xiongfei has nothing to do, but in the end, his martial arts are not strong enough. In the face of attacks by Zhong Li Shangxian and Golden Eagle, he suffered a lot of internal injuries. Even if he deserves vigilance, he has limited threats.

Almost instantly, some masters of the rivers and lakes who had the same psychology as Cheng Buyi showed a sigh of relief.

Cheng Buyi was so treacherous and smashed by his flying wounds that suppressed his momentum like the sun and the sky. Many floating gang masters suppressed the idea of ​​relying on the Eagle King and decided to observe for a while.

The four major forces fought openly, and only the Jiulong Palace showed a transcendent attitude. Based on its own superior strength, it was confident that it would be able to win the war. Naturally, the dry grass on the field would not be taken into consideration.

Weng Xiaofei looked at Zhan Xiongfei with a cold smile, and said lightly: "Since Zhan Xiong's father and son are intact, then I will wait for the brother to leave. Zhan Xiong, take good care of our body, we will reunite on Wolong Island."

Having said that, I took the Jiulong Palace masters away without going back.

Zhan Xiongfei looked at the other person's back, and said in a cold voice: "Brother Weng is going away. Today's things will be rewarded in the future."

Zhan Xiongfei said politely, but at the same time someone with a heart stunned and heard the killing in Zhan Xiongfei's words.

The origin of this killing intention is naturally the peacock.

Weng Xiaofei laughed arrogantly from the far end, but his figure disappeared long ago.

Mr. Xuanjing stepped forward and said, "Brother Zhan, here is the matter, the next class will leave!"

"Wait." Zhan Xiongfei stopped and said, "Mr. Xuanjing is aloof, and the princes are waiting here for a long time, so I can take this opportunity to worship and exalt my brother."

Suspended from the mirror, he then asked, "General Zhong Li is dead, old age can be exaggerated, but worship ..."

Zhan Xiongfei sighed: "Although my brother Zhong Li is confused, from the beginning to the end, I hate only Zhan Xiongfei, and never betrayed the court. The law does not require Zhan to act for him. My friend is another person ... "

The heroes are speechless.

Everyone could not help flashing the peacock's glorious appearance.

"This ..." is an overlord of the Demon Lord, and even Mr. Xingjing couldn't help hesitating.

If Mr. Xuanjing dares to overdo it for the peacock, he will undoubtedly stand on the side of the eagle king and directly oppose the people in the Kowloon Palace.

With a sigh, Chu Lingxu's voice came from the edge of the crowd: "Mr. Zhan will not be able to embarrass Mr. Mirror, Mr. Peacock's soul, let Chumou overdo it."

The crowd left and right, He Qingzhu and Tieqing Stone guarded the two sides. Chu Lingxu was so sad that he came forward.

"That would be hard for Brother Chu." Zhan Xiongfei sighed and sneered: "Unexpectedly, this bureau originally set up to deal with traitors has finally become a spiritual hall, and worshippers have become peacocks ... ... "

Zhan Yu comforted: "Father, mournful."

"Man cannot be resurrected, but the peacock's enemies ... can't be reported for a while!" Zhan Xiongfei's eyes flashed with anger, and he finally turned into a helpless sigh.

The invasion of the Pimo against the sky is ahead, and only if the Wuyuan of the Central Plains is wholeheartedly united, can it have a fight. If it fights with the strongest in the Kowloon Palace, the Wulin Alliance will undoubtedly be destroyed, as if it were self-destructing the Great Wall.

"Set up a spiritual hall, worship the public in line!" Yin Ying shouted loudly, leading the men into the manor to worship.

Chu Lingxu suddenly pressed on Zhan Xiongfei's shoulder while no one was around, and Shen said, "Brother Zhan, you deliberately pretended to be injured. Wouldn't you want to do it and sneak in the Kowloon Palace?"

Zhan Yu, He Qingzhu, and others heard the words, and their expressions were so frightened that they looked at Zhan Xiongfei together.

No one expected that Zhan Xiongfei's move was actually for the peacock.

Zhan Xiongfei's face sank, and he calmly said: "Brother Hua died unjustly ..."

"I'm the same as you think, but ..." Chu Lingxu sank and said: "Your pretend to be sick has been seen by Weng Xiaofei. If you act lightly, you will be taken away by the other side ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ counterproductive. "

Zhan Xiongfei's face was ugly, but he said helplessly: "Brother Chu can talk, but he did not pierce the fact that I am defeated by Weng Xiaofei ..."

Everyone was dumb.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Xiongfei was desperately planning for the peacock.

Knowing nothing to do, but want to do it, in addition to desperately, what else.

"But it's a pity ..." Zhan Xiongfei sighed: "Although Brother Chu stopped me, I was afraid he couldn't stop the apostles ..."

Chu Ling frowned, eagerly saying, "Where is the bad guy? Are you making an appointment?"

Zhan Xiongfei shook his head, "I only saw the boy's determination to help each other, but since Weng Xiaofei saw it, I was afraid that he would endanger the leaves ..."

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