Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 340: Bane Prairie

Three people, including Golden Eagle, emerged from the secret path, and He Zhuo and Zhu Yun watched vigilantly until they confirmed that there were no traces of enemies within a mile of Fangyuan, and then they let the Golden Eagle behind them out.

When he was relieved, Zhu Yun just laughed at the long beard. "Hum, even if the King of Eagles has nothing to do, but it is still a secret, and even forgot to block the escape route, but let me wait for the opportunity to ascend to heaven ..."

He Zhuo Attili gave Zhu Yun a cold glance, and faced the golden eagle face to face with frost, and whispered: "Young Master, in your opinion, this is a trap under the cloth of the eagle king?"

Golden Eagle waved his hand and said calmly, "What trap, but the old man just let us go."

"Leave us alone?" The two were surprised.

Golden Eagle looked at the surrounding fields and a small hill at the far end and sighed: "The old man wanted me to go north to the grassland and turn Beidi upside down ... He used to protect me for the same purpose. This is the same purpose now. After all, he was forced into this path. "

He Zhuo Atili confronted Zhu Yun face to face.

Zhu Yun's face was gloomy, and he said coldly, "Zhan Xiongfei's move ... aren't you afraid to let the tiger return to the mountain?"

"The general trend." Golden Eagle said coldly: "I lost the Central Plains, to Beidi, only a single pulse can help each other, want to defeat the wolf court that has more than a thousand units, and governs hundreds of thousands of iron rides, I do not know how difficult ..."

He Zhuo Attili Shen Shen said: "My He Zhuo Bu will also make the last drop of blood for the mainstream."

He Zhuo Bu is one of the most powerful tribes on the prairie. Even if it is a knight, it has a population of 18,000. Although it is not as good as Yelu, it is not to be underestimated.

Hezhuo Atelier is the heir of Hezhuobu. With his support, he not only greatly increased his strength, but also balanced the power of the Golden Eagle in the future, so as to avoid Yelu Yahai's monopoly.

"Attil ..." Jin Ying looked soft and moved: "The future is unknown, you can't achieve the fate of the entire family for my sake ..."

He Zhuo flushed and was excited: "Young Master, when you defeated Atelier, you got not only my loyalty, becoming my master, but also my answer, my brother ... A man can kill someone for his mother's humiliation, and even bleed for his brother's resentment! "

"It really is my good answer!" Golden Eagle laughed, moved forward and hugged Hezhuo, and said loudly, "I Golden Eagle swears to Changshengtian, as long as there is an inch of my Golden Eagle's foothold in the world, half of them Inch is yours! "

The two laughed loudly.

Zhu Yun sighed and nodded with a smile.

Golden Eagle is worthy of its lord. To deal with these grassland mules, it is more emotional to speak of affection than to directly talk about benefits. Of course, after that, it is also necessary to bind the interests, but after all, it is more enthusiastic and direct than the southerners.

"The young master is assured that Zhu Yun will immediately contact the teacher's gate and immediately transfer the main force to the grassland to fund the young master to become the prairie overlord. One day, he will point directly at the Central Plains!" Zhu Yun also stepped forward to express his loyalty.

His mind was clear.

At this moment, the Dalu Temple is inseparable from the Golden Eagle, and has completely offended the Eagle King. Before it was destroyed like the Dachen Temple, all the chips could only be pressed in the direction of Beidi.

"There are two helpers, why don't you worry about a big deal?" Jin Ying laughed loudly. For a while, he was so fierce that he could not see the attitude after being counted.

Herod ...

A sound of horse howling came.

The golden eagle froze, and then made a whistle.

The sound of horseshoes from near to far turned out to be three first-class war horses.

Touching Aiju's neck affectionately, Jin Ying sighed, "I don't think the old man is already prepared, this is to urge us on the road!"

Zhu Yun Leng hummed: "The King of Eagles is indeed extraordinary, but he is not afraid to let the tiger return to the mountain?"

Golden Eagle turned over and laughed when he heard the words: "My master, who has the ability to descend the dragon and the tiger, in my eyes, I am just a defeated man, how can I be afraid? It ’s just Master, Master, a disciple you have worked hard to train How can Tuer let you down? Tuer thank you so much for this last lesson. It ’s really lively and wonderful ... After three or five years, our teachers and disciples will meet again. By then, Tuer will give you a Big surprise! Let's go— "

"What? You let Ba Cang Zheyan escape?"

After sending away the guests, Zhan Xiongfei finally held his own secret meeting, and the news brought by Zhan Yu made the calm Zhan Xiongfei angry.

"Since ancient times, you have had a wife and a child. An Aiguli let you go back and forth, so that you let go of the old grassland dog. Do you know how big a mistake you made?"

Zhan Xiong's anger was unstoppable. He raised Zhan Yu's hand, but was caught by the silver eagle who had a quick eye.

"Master is angry!" Yin Ying smiled bitterly: "Yu's house is kind-hearted, and he has some friendship with Nai Guli, and he will inevitably be used if he is struggling ..."

Zhan Yu secretly shouted his tongue, despite the silver eagle waved his hands again and again, still insisted: "It's just an old man who is about to die. What is the fear?"


Zhan Xiongfei directly lifted the sandalwood table and scolded: "The old man you said is a bad wolf who has fought with Ji Guanglan for decades. In that year, if Qinghua Emperor was not afraid of his talents, he would be reviled. You Will there be today ’s chaos when Beidi? It was already a big offense while fighting in the Central Plains! "

Speaking of anger, Zhan Xiongfei raised his right leg and was about to walk over.

Several flying eagles hurried forward and coaxed Zhan Xiongfei to sit down.

Silver Eagle caressed Master ’s chest and comforted him: “Master may never be angry. Although Ba Cang Zheyan has a cunning name, but the North is in chaos and the golden eagle is lost. Even after struggling several times, it is bound to lose its strength. The Central Plains dynasty occupied the kingship Why is it necessary to plan with the king? "

Everyone thought about it and nodded in approval.

Chu Lingxu gave a deep sigh ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said: "The Silver Eagle is extremely true. Hehe, why should the Eagle King care about the conspirators? If there is no strength to do the foundation, then the evil plan is just no root. Ping, it is difficult to survive. I just need to sort out the Central Plains martial arts and create powerful conditions for the unification of the dynasty. The silver eagle friends have extraordinary eyesight. When there is a bit of the nature of the eagle king, the flying eagles are all talented, and the northern regions are wild. Opportunity shakes the Central Plains. "

Duan Sanshi, Ru Hua, He Qingzhu and others present at the scene praised them together.

Zhan Xiongfei glanced at Yinying with satisfaction, and said lightly, "The Central Plains martial arts is still turbulent. If you can't get rid of the evil spirit, everything is sorrowful. Within one year, you must remove the evil spirit of the evil spirit. Otherwise, it will really leave a chance for the kid of Golden Eagle ... "

There was a moment of silence.

"I hope Ye Qingxuan's boy can set off the big picture and never destroy this martial arts alliance!" Zhan Xiongfei sighed quietly, but made everyone's anxiety feel elevated again.

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