Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 341: Egami challenge

Outside Wuling House, the waves are soaring above the river, and the ancient trees beside the river are towering.

In the slight morning light, three big ships docked at the ferry in Wuling House, the sails were raised, ready at any time.

The first ship is a huge ship with four floors and five masts.

In the rumble, the leading five-masted ship first moored next to the shore, stretched out a long pedal, and more than a dozen men of different heights came down from the boat and greeted Weng Xiaofei, who was already waiting on the shore. people.

The more than ten people who came down from the ship were all peerless masters. Even Yao Dingsheng, the "Nine-Headed King" of Megatron, could only rank in the middle.

The masters of the same level, there is the "Beast King" Longjiang and the "Long Fei" Qu Longxing who once hooked up with Bei Ming Invincible.

Everyone was stubborn, calm and hot.

The masters recruited by the Kowloon Palace are different. They are all the doormen and nephews left by the secular world in Kowloon. They are the same as the Kowloon coefficient. Only such people will be truly trusted by the Kowloon Palace. The next point is the vein of the ancestors of Xianlong. Because the entry time is relatively late, it has become an embarrassing situation for the stepmother.

Even the "Long Fei" Qu Long Xing has surprised the world. It is actually the registered apprentice of the "Long Dragon" Yan Gong Exhibition in Kowloon. No wonder this Qu Longxing will be so desperate with Feng Yige, the original source is here.

Among these people, one was particularly special. He was extremely thin, with a shaved shawl, and his eyes were deeply sunken. He looked like a walking skeleton, and looked terrible.

However, this person was standing in the forefront of the team, and even Weng smiled and couldn't help but smile on his face. He stepped forward to greet him and smiled: "Unexpectedly, Brother Lu came to greet him, Weng was very happy."

The ancestor of Xianlong looked aside, and did not understand why Weng Xiaofei, who had always been arrogant, was so concerned about this person.

"Who is this? Why is the third brother so valued?" The dissatisfaction of Xianlong's ancestors secretly lowered his voice and asked Zhu Yang aside.

Zhu Yang hurriedly pulled the ancestor of Xianlong back a few steps, and the beam sounded into a line, saying: "This person can't offend. Have you ever heard the old saying," Yin Gong can't be a ghost, but you can't even see a skull "?"

The ancestor of Xianlong stunned and said, "Is it the rumor that the Yin-Yin method has surpassed the skeleton gate of the Demon Sect? Isn't this martial art destroyed by the whole martial arts hundreds of years ago?"

Zhu Yang said: "The martial arts are extinct, but no one has died. This Luda is the big disciple of the Skull Gate. Lu Weishuang, the last member of our Kowloon Palace, is his nephew. Our palace master, and even Several Fengyi Pavilion masters of that year did not want to make friends or hang him, but this time he was brought online by the death of his nephew. This grandfather had a bit of a grudge against Vima. This time, I heard that Vimon went out of the mountain against the sky, so I was interested in going down the mountain. I couldn't think of the boat that picked him up and came all the way from the middle of Fujian, but also happened to receive us. "

"Dead bones" Luda.

Unexpectedly, this has almost become a villain in the legends of the rivers and lakes. It has also appeared in the mountains. The back of the ancestor of the dragon can not help but feel a little cold, and he puts a little pride on him. .

The "skeletal bone" of Luda's skull-like face turned and looked at the two of them, especially a pause on the face of Xianlong's ancestor, and a smile swayed from the corner of his mouth.

The ancestors of the immortal dragons were sweating at the back, and the Buddha was seen transparently. This feeling of being on the back was only felt in the body of "Jinlong" Jiang Broken String and "Magic Zun" against the demon sky ...

What a great character.

No wonder that it was a long and short time with Vimo.

Such a character also unexpectedly joined the Kowloon Palace camp. Fortunately, the ancestors of Xianlong had a bit of friendship with the "Lianglong" Yan Gong exhibition. They were specially introduced into the Kowloon Palace. If they were in other camps, they would become enemies. It's an unhappy thing.

Luda's skull-like teeth rattled, the corners of his mouth were not moving, and a weird voice came from deep in his throat. He said, "My husband has never been out of the mountain for more than 200 years. It does n’t work if you do n’t want to be old. Originally, you were expected to keep clean and get through the last moment, but since the old ghost who was against the sky was unwilling to be lonely, the old man had to go out to compete with him.

Weng Xiaofei and others heard the words and quickly agreed.

Without knowing the origin of this person, the ancestors of Xianlong almost blurted out a "big word".

Fortunately, he still knew how to write the word "fear", so he didn't dare to say such things.

In accordance with the rules of the rivers and lakes, all the people talked on the big ship with a smile, a horn, and the five-masted ship sailed into the river and went downstream.

Starting from Wuling, straight into the Dajiang River, you can reach Wolong Island in less than a day.

This five-masted ship, which is enough to ride the waves above the sea, rarely sails into the huge river, and the slipway as high as four or five floors is as small as a hill.

At the bow of the ship, Weng Xiaofei and the three men accompanied Lu Da, who was behind him, followed by more than a dozen master-level masters, pointing at the mountains and mountains along the way.

Even when entering the waters near Wolong Island, there were many boats, but no one dared to stop the fleet from seeing the banner of the Kowloon Palace.

However, there were more sandbars ahead, and the waterway gradually narrowed. A small flat boat suddenly broke out from a reed sway, and it actually crossed the center of the waterway, firmly blocking the route of the Kowloon Palace fleet.

Above the little flat boat, there was a back dressed in a robe, fishing leisurely.

A warning tweet.

A three-masted ship sailed out of the fleet and headed up to try to force the boat to change course with its huge size, or even force the boat directly with the breaking wind and waves.

Facing the three-masted ship that came down like a mountain, the fisherman on the boat not only did not move, and even he was too lazy to turn around. Even if the sound of the horn on the ship blew the sky, he remained indifferent.

It seemed to be provoked by the fisherman on the boat, and the curse of the three-masted barge rushed towards the boat without evasion.

With the weight and volume of the three-masted ship, the boat is completely crushed to pieces.

On the five-masted ship later, Weng Xiaofei and others watched with sneer, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Zhu Yang took the first half step ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said in Weng Xiaofei's ears: "It seems that someone is going to take revenge for the peacock!"

"The King of Eagles is not so stupid!" Weng Xiaofei said with a smile: "He knows that we will pretend to have no knowledge and directly kill all the incoming enemies ... Pi Mo is against the sky, and the old man does not want to cause unhappiness inside Wulin Zhengdao , But if they provoke me, then we must blame us for being ruthless. "

Sanlong smiled at each other, all of them are a sly expression.

At this time, Lu Da, the "dead bone" who had been wandering around, suddenly surprised and pointed at the three-masted ship ahead, saying, "This person you are going to deal with seems to be amazing ..."


The three men looked up in surprise, and a flash of light suddenly appeared. In the field of vision, the three-masted ship in front of them suddenly split, the incision was extremely smooth, and it was cut directly into two sections on the river.

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