Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 342: River assassination

The might of a sword, the three-story three-masted ship, and the powerful means of the attacking people made everyone in the scene a little stunned.

Although he had expected that the Eagle King series would not give up on the peacock, he still did not expect that the other party would be so stupid and outrageously openly attacked.

Such acts of giving away people should not be the trick of Zhan Xiongfei.

Seeing that the other party had broken through the void, suddenly appeared in front of him, a cold humming, and a golden light flashing, "Sick Dragon" Zhu Yang took the first shot, his right palm wrapped with suffocation, and turned into a huge blade with a length of more than one. Remember the slash, the huge golden stern blade bends directly across the void, blocking the attacking line of the attacker.

Wu Weng Xiaofei waited for someone to carry his hands and looked at the attacker with a sneer look.

Even if the shot is "the world's number one killer" Si Kong is worried, facing such a powerful opponent, it will be a dead end.

病 "Sick Dragon" Zhu Yang's move was unparalleled. With one stroke, the entire space was cut and the Buddha was chopped into two pieces. The sound of breaking air was like cracked paper.

At the same moment, a bright light like a crescent moon emerged, and the suffocation of Zhu Shengsheng and Zhu Yang was cut into one place, but the two sides were not able to compete. The next scene surprised everyone.


With a crisp sound, Zhu Yangping was proud of his stunt, and even the opponent cut it off. Not only was the slashing of his spitting gas chopped, but even the body formed by Zhu Yang was divided into two.

Xun Ruofei wished Yang Yang to gather fast enough, but he was afraid that even his arm and even the whole person would be split in half.

Wu Zhuyang lost a move, and in a hurry, he rolled on the spot, avoiding the end of being hunted down by the attacker, and the attacker took advantage of the air again, holding his sword in both hands, and stabbed Weng Xiaofei.

Wu Weng smiled and changed his face, gathered his strength, and a roar of beasts roared beside him. The immortal dragon ancestors ushered in, and a huge dragon head emerged, gazing towards the attacker who fell from the sky.

The cold humming, a sudden white light burst on the attacking person, especially condensed on the right foot of the downcast, the white light was fierce, and punched and kicked again without any fuss.

In the loud sound, the ancestor of Xianlong was shocked by his face, and was kicked out by the other party. His body flew like a cannonball, but he couldn't control the castration, and directly broke a mast and hit him. Into the sails that followed.

Raising his hand and throwing his feet even frustrated two peerless masters in the world. This operation made Weng Xiaofei horrified.

Especially the opponent's last sword is like condensing all the killing spirits between heaven and earth, and the colors of the heavens and the earth have changed. No glory is more than one tenth of the glory condensed at the tip of the sword.

If the master who enters the deified realm is like the **** of this world, then this sword is the divine punishment, and it is a sword that even the gods can punish.

Many master coefficients are just awesome.

This kind of master showdown is not something that other people can get in.

However, in the end, he is a peerless master who has stepped into the divine realm. Weng Xiaofei is in danger, and when he sees that the other party is cutting into a sword, the light behind his head is just a flash, and his open mouth sends out a hypersonic wave that exceeds the limits of human hearing.

Sui Yi, who has no sharp spirit, can completely split his head, and suddenly pauses in the air, only one foot away from Weng Xiaofei's brows.

Jain was like a sword of divine punishment, all visions disappeared, leaving only the ordinary blue steel sword.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Weng Xiaofei's forehead.

It is unheard of for a character who can cast an ordinary steel sword into such a powerful sword.

Radon is pure to return to the realm. Ordinary steel can hardly withstand the impact of radon. Only when it reaches the deification level can radon return to true and control all the blades of the world. Even a branch can reach the weapon of the magic weapon. Effect.

The opponent's toughness was unexpectedly unexpected by Weng Xiaofei, but fortunately, he was also extraordinary, and finally stopped the opponent's offensive at a critical juncture.


After a moment of solidification, the sealed sword tip began to overclock tremor.

Wu Weng smiled with a smirk in the corner of his mouth.

His title of "Smiling Dragon" is not stigmatizing. It comes from the unique sonic shock in the world. Once it is introduced into the human body, it can completely destroy the physical function of the opponent. If it does not escape from the tremor, the energy accumulated in the human body will be a moment later. The one-time outbreak directly shattered the opponent into a piece of ground.

The severe tremor started from the point of the sword and passed upwards gradually. When the sword stalk was seen, it was about to be transmitted to the opponent's body. Then the constantly trembling green steel sword suddenly started to move.

The sword handle was held in the palm of the hand, and the entire green steel sword looked like a huge drill and began to drill towards Weng Xiaofei.

Beacon burst!

It was only momentarily that Weng Xiaofei felt that he had lost control of the sword again.


The sound of shattered glass came, and a subtle sword gas broke through the defense, and a spit flowed on Weng Xiaofei's cheek, and the blood immediately flowed down.

Wu Weng smiled and smiled, completely stunned.

Uh, uh ...

More and more uncontrollable broken swords have broken the defense, and the green steel sword that has been getting faster and faster has already redened the blade, but the offensive has not increased.

All this happened too quickly, except for the masters who had reached the level of people in Kowloon at the scene, the rest did not have time to respond at all.

In short, Weng Xiaofei has lost the assistance of others ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can only survive the difficulties by himself.

At the moment when his second cold sweat was about to drip, not long away Ruda, who had been gazing coldly, shot.

With a touch of inhuman cold smile, his right hand hidden in the cloak just stretched out a little trick, and a gray, black and ruined floating cloud suddenly appeared on the ground below the attacking person, and then in the cloud, like The flowers are in full bloom, with white petals as thin as chrysanthemums.

But the white ones are not petals, but slender arms with dry bones.

The multitude of dead bone arms gradually converged, eventually forming three huge tentacles, which were directly rolled towards the attacking people.

哪里 Where is martial arts, it is simply demon!

The attacking man's eyes suddenly glared to a great extent, and the Qinggang sword, which was stubborn with Weng Xiaofei, suddenly withdrew, and at the indescribable speed, clicked on the tips of the three bone tentacles.

The body of the attacking man was struck by lightning, shaking his hand and flying the blue steel sword, and the whole person did not stay. He flew into the river under the boat and disappeared.

Suddenly, the blue steel sword flying towards Luda melted like ice and snow before attacking, until it turned into a fly ash and disappeared invisible.

From beginning to end, Ruda, the "dead bone", did not move at his feet, as if dead. It was just that his eyes were turning round and round, and he looked at the water disappearing with interest, and made a ridiculous giggling sound.

He also looked at the endless water surface. Weng Xiaofei gritted his teeth and whispered, "Ye Qingxuan? You are really good."

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