Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 344: Sky Road Missing 1

Rivers and mountains are blue, green waters are blue.

Ye Qingxuan tossed several times and fell behind a giant rock in the deep forest.

Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth and shredded the sleeve of his right hand, exposing the entire red and hot arm, from his fingers to his elbows. Not only was he swollen and hot, but also densely packed with large and small blisters.

"His grandma, who is that monster? He couldn't even prevent Tai Yigong."

Ringing that skeleton-like weird, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help getting cold in his heart. While complaining, he took out a small box from his arms, pulled out a silver needle, and pierced the small blisters on his arm.

The water droplets exuding the cold air dripped from the blisters, not only the silver needles instantly turned black, but also the grass on the ground was blackened.

By the time Ye Qingxuan broke through the blisters and lost a lot of blackened silver needles, the entire arm was already dripping with blood, and a layer of skin was completely removed.

Endure the severe pain, crushed and applied "Constant Dan", the whole arm used a dozen pills, covered completely like a layer of plaster.

Ye Qingxuan silently exercised his power, and after a while, the white light lingered on his arm, the cold chilling gas that penetrated into his body evaporated into a ray of white smoke slowly dissipating in the air.

In half an hour.

Ye Qingxuan got up and trembled his arm with a bang. The blood-red "Wangchangdan" powder was peeled off from the arm, exposing the delicate white skin again, as if he had never been sick.

Ye Qingxuan took a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing: Fortunately, he researched and forged his own strengths and performed with [Bai Changchun Gong] and [Taiyi Divine Gong]. He finally recovered his injury in such a short period of time. Faced with such a dreary cold and kung fu, I was afraid that I would die in an instant. Even if I didn't die, at least one arm would be abolished.

Thinking of his own experience, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but be a little scared.

I was still too impulsive, and almost caused a disaster!

It is true that this Kowloon Palace has hidden dragons and crouching tigers. The strength accumulated over thousands of years is not so simple. If not for his meritorious deeds, once he died on the spot, he would not only lose his life in vain, but also the other party could bring his own body to confess his crime on Wolong Island, and the consequences would be unthinkable.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qingxuan was conceived with a sorrowful heart, and he was about to turn to Wuling Mansion. His feet were about to move. Suddenly his expression sank, and he slowly turned to one side. He said in a cold voice, "Are you looking for Yan?" "

A burst of snoring rough laughter sounded, and then a plume of black smoke emerged from a tiny stone gap ten feet away, slowly condensing into a black smoke.

Ye Qingxuan looked for a moment, and almost immediately shot.

Because the other person ’s breath was too familiar, Luo Luo appeared, but Ye Qingxuan rejected his judgment. Although the opponent ’s suffocation was no different from Luo ’s enemy, it did not include it. Any negative emotion is completely different from the result of the supreme breath obtained by the magic gate.

Although it is smoky, it is also upright, and even takes a little ...


After a long laugh, it was like a croak from the bottom of the water tank: "Yan thirteen, Yan thirteen ... Oh, really interesting. Are you really Yan thirteen? Is there anyone in the world? I do n’t want to talk to someone who does n’t exist. What people say does n’t make sense. ”

Ye Qingxuan frowned, Shen said, "Who the **** are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is who you are?"

"I am me. What is it?" Ye Qingxuan said coldly.

The smoky man said, "I want to negotiate a deal with Ye Qingxuan ..."

"Sorry." Ye Qingxuan was startled. It seemed that the person who came from the other side was not good, and even knew his true body, he couldn't help but said coldly, "You've found the wrong person."

"Really?" The man in the black smoke laughed and said ironically: "Ye Qingxuan, there is no airtight wall in the world. Your skill can deceive others, but you can't deceive the master of deification. Just now you have launched a sneak attack. Weng Xiaofei saw it through. "

Ye Qingxuan was startled, silent for a moment.

"Ye Qingxuan, I'll work with you ..."

Ye Qingxuan was motionless.

When 啷.

Thrown something in the black smoke, Ye Qingxuan glanced at him, surprised again.

It was a square token, with the circle of Kowloon etched around it, a large number "three" in the middle.

"You know what this is?" The man in the black smoke asked.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

"This is Weng Xiaofei's token. What you just didn't do, I did it for you."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't keep calm this time, exclaimed: "You killed Weng Xiaofei?"

"No. He's not so easy to die, but it's almost like death ..."

Ye Qingxuan narrowed his eyes and slowly said, "You seriously hurt him. What do you want to do?"

"I said, cooperate."

"I don't cooperate with people in the magic gate." Ye Qingxuan calmly.

"What about the peacock?" A word from the black smoke made Ye Qingxuan speechless. "Rest assured that our cooperation will not make you embarrassed, nor will it threaten Wulin. On the contrary, it will be extremely beneficial to you in martial arts."

"Tell me."

"I want to destroy the Kowloon Palace!"

Ye Qingxuan said coldly, "This is also good for martial arts. Although the Jiulong Palace is a bastard, but Guimen's deities are alive, Jiulong Palace can be regarded as a resistance ..."

"Even if these people are able to deal with the devil against the sky, wouldn't it be another scourge to Wulin? These pitiful people, for the evil of Wulin, are even more vicious than Momon!"

Ye Qingxuan had a look on his face, "Of course I know this. But destroying the magic gate first and then dealing with the Kowloon Palace is the right thing to do for martial arts."

Hum hum……

A burst of cold laughter came from the black smoke: "Ye Qingxuan, I was disappointed in you! Did you forget these so-called righteous people, how did you deal with your Kunwu sect then? Did you forget the feud of the peacock? Did you forget Shen How did Jiang Ping and his wife get killed by these righteous people? "

"Who the **** are you?" Ye Qingxuan said anxiously.

The man in the black smoke really sneered, "My name has long been forgotten, and only my obsessions remain in the world. You can call me 'Seven Kills'!"

"What is the" Seven Kills "?"

"Unfaithful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ kill; unrighteous, kill; unkind, kill; unbeliever, kill; dishonest, kill; unfilial, kill; innocent, kill! This is' Seven kill'!"

The complaint by the black smoke was really cold and cold, and Ye Qingxuan listened, and goose bumps also appeared.

"Seven kills !?" Ye Qingxuan took a breath of air, and praised: "A good 'seven kills'! But ... the number of Dayan is fifty, and its use is forty-nine. The heavenly path lacks one, and what remains is It's that line of vitality, it's also a chance to rehabilitate. My friend, you're so addictive, I'm afraid it's not a good thing! "

"Everything is done!" Seven kills a word, Shen said: "There are too many idiots like you who don't know how to shit, so that those outrageous and despicable people have a breeding ground. You think you give the wicked a chance, Will he let go of the butcher knife and punish evil for good? Naive! Ye Qingxuan, I will give you a chance to think about it for a while, and next time I meet, I hope to get a different answer! "


The black smoke rose to the sky and disappeared instantly.

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