Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 345: End of year 0

Ye Qingxuanxing could not stab, but was slightly injured by Lude, a "dead bone", but unexpectedly encountered a strange magic gate man during the treatment, claiming to be "seven kills".

A series of adventures upset him.

Knowing that this field can't stay long, he ran all the way and turned Wuling House.

The people who had gathered in the mansion of the outer city had already retreated, but the spiritual hall inside the house was put on for another three days.

The unfortunate death of the old nine angry eagle still brought a lot of blow to the twelve flying eagle castle.

After all, my brothers and sisters who grew up from a young age have been used by the enemy because of their impatience and innocence, but the grief in Qunying's heart has not diminished.

"Eagle King" Zhan Xiongfei scolded day and night in front of the angry eagle's urn, and finally drank three spirits and wailed.

When Ye Qingxuan returned, it was just after the Eagle King's mood had just stabilized.

In the reception hall, the heroes took their seats, listening to Ye Qingxuan's narrative to pass the assassination of the three dragons in the Kowloon Palace.

After hearing the last "Seven Kills" in which Wu Gong and Luo broke the enemies appeared, Zhan Xiongfei and Chu Ling faced each other in imagination. After a moment of groaning, Chu Ling Xu said slowly: "This man is very mysterious, but from the bad guys description It seems that it should not be a big threat to me, but it has a deep hatred with the Jiulonggong department ... but where does this hatred come from? Based on the martial arts revealed by this person, I am afraid that it should be no less than the senior master of Pima , But poverty is clueless. I wonder if Eagle King has any impression of this person? "

Zhan Xiongfei shook his head and said, "No impression. Except for Luo breaking the enemy, there should not be such a figure in the magic gate that can compete with the next monster, otherwise the magic gate would not wait until today, and it would have ruled the rivers and lakes. "

"What about the enemy?" Zhan Yu next asked.

Zhanxiong Feidao said: "The masters who are in the same period as Vimo against the sky have long been legendary figures in rivers and lakes. The rivers and lakes have not been seen for hundreds of years. These secrets, I am afraid, are only known to the three holy places. "

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

Chu Lingxu asked: "I don't know where Jiang Xianzi is?"

Yinying interjected, "Jiang Xianzi blamed herself for the death of Ling Qing's sister and has been guarding her spirits in the backyard."


Everyone could not help but sigh.

Although Zhong Li Shangxian was wrong, her English name was ruined once, but Zhong Li Lingqing died unjustly, remembering the laughter and laughter of this little girl and everyone in the year, everyone in the presence was very hurt.

"Heaven is jealous." Zhan Xiongfei sighed slightly and continued: "Second child, although it is unfriendly, please let the fairy come out and see you."

"Observe." Yinying got up and saluted. At this moment, there was a faint wailing from outside: "No need. It's coming."

When the voice fell, Jiang Fei, who was dressed in a pure White House, came to her.

In the past, the bright clothes were replaced with filial whiteness, and there was an irrecoverable sorrow in his eyes. After Jiang Feiran arrived, he saluted everyone and took the seat moved by the next man.

"I heard that Brother Ye had returned, and it was already in a hurry. Everyone said that it happened to be heard by the slaves." Jiang Feiran took a seat and talked bluntly: "As the King of Eagles said just now, the magic gate can communicate with Vimon. The characters who resisted the sky have indeed been dead and wounded. This has nothing to do with the selection of the leaders of the magic gate. All previous leaders of the magic gate cannot tolerate the existence of aliens who challenge their strength in the gate, so this 'seven killer' I am afraid it is not from the magic gate. "

"What about the fairy?" Ye Qingxuan frowned and asked, "In addition to this" Seven Kills ", I also encountered a master shaped like a skull and using Yindu Gong."

Ye Qingxuan to Jiang Feiran described in detail the character who made him eat a secret loss.

After listening to Jiang Feiran, he sighed and said, "I know the origin of this person. The King of Eagles must have some guesses."

Zhan Xiongfei nodded his head and said, "As Ye Zi said, this man must be 'dry bone' Ruda."

"Dead bones" Luda! ?

There was a lot of discussion among the junior masters present, and his face was stunned.

Zhan Xiongfei explained: "This Ruda was a martial arts master a long time ago. Even in the early years of Zhanmou's smashing of rivers and lakes, only rumors about him were left on the rivers and lakes. According to the teacher, 'Dead bones' Luda once Is a big disciple named Zhen Wulin who almost replaced the magic gate of the sect of the sect, "Skull Gate". There was a rumor in the rivers and lakes that said "Yin Gong but Ghost Mountain, but seeing the skeleton is astonished". One ', extremely gloomy and powerful. Later, competing with the demons and being defeated by a group of masters including the demons against the sky, became a major event that caused a sensation in Wulin that year. It ’s no longer the focus of Wulin ’s argument. It ’s no surprise that your kid has n’t been able to bargain. ”

The atmosphere at the scene was heavy for a moment, and everyone's mind was put on a scale.

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

Duan Sanshi thought for a while and said, "Although this Luda was invited out of the Jiulong Palace to come out of the mountain, it should put more pressure on the magic gate instead of waiting for me, right?"

"I'm afraid not." Jiang Fei smiled slightly and looked at Ye Qingxuan. "This old monster is the uncle of 'Hanlong' Lu Weishuang. This time out of the mountain, I'm afraid I will avenge his nephew!"

When Ye Qingxuan saw Jiang Feiran laughing at him, he couldn't help but said, "Lu Weishuang didn't kill me. Find trouble. The first is the instructor, the second is Brother Xiao, the third ..."

"The third is you!" Jiang Feiran sighed, "Taking Luda's actions on the rivers and lakes at that time, I'm afraid that everyone who has fought against Lu Weishuang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he will not let go However, his relationship with the master of Jiang Jin's broken string is not invincible, and he will not care about Jiang's order to break the string, otherwise ... "

The crowd suddenly felt a headache.

Ruhua said angrily: "It really hit the child and sprung up. Hey, there is a skill to come out together, what a piece of stuff is a piece of stuff."

Yinying pondered for a moment, and asked, "Jianxian, these old monsters on the rivers and lakes have recently appeared. I wonder if there are still such powerful figures as" Bone Bone "Ruda?"

Jiang Feiran sighed and said slowly: "Since the Dragon God, the rivers and lakes have been quiet for thousands of years. Of course, there are many older predecessors of more than 100 years in this millennium. Two hundred years is a big mark. In order to have this longevity, and the masters of this level are mostly active in various majors, and rarely hide the rivers and lakes. What really hides are mostly evil masters and lone thieves with many enemies. "

"And the masters who are more than two hundred years old, that is to return to the virtual realm, and even deify. The masters of this level, such as 'Bone Bone' Ruda, have a small number even if they have thousands of years of history. According to the records of Lingyun Palace Over the past millennium, the number of masters of the deified realm has not exceeded half the number. Based on the five hundred years of the deified realm, most of them have become ancient. There are even fewer who can live to this day. "

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