Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 347: Overwhelming Feng Zong

What does Ning Zhongliu want to do, where is he now, and even what he looks like ...

Ye Qingxuan's heart was blank.

However, one thing is certain: the destination of this "savvy man" is Wolong Island.

Boarding the ferry alone, Ye Qingxuan traveled from Wuling Prefecture to Jiangling Prefecture north, and then went up the river along the river to Xiayang Prefecture on the north bank.

Xiayang House is northwest of Wolong Island, which is exactly in the middle of Luzhou House and Jiangling House. If Ningzhongliu comes from Jiangbei, whether it is to Jiangling House, Wuling House, or directly to Wolong Island, it must pass through Here.

In the box of a restaurant near the city gate, Ye Qingxuan leaned against the window, looking dumbly at the bustling crowd of the city, at his own discretion.

At noon.

More than a dozen large tables on the second floor were almost filled with people, both passing by business travelers and local people, and more of them were martial arts figures with fierce looks and weapons.

The convening of the martial arts conference has attracted various heroes from all over the world. Even if they are not qualified to participate, it is worthwhile to see the world's top martial arts masters.

Pedal pedal.

A rushing sound of ascending the tower sounded, attracting the attention of all martial arts figures.

Under the guidance of six or seven disguised gang members, a strong old man with gray beard floating on his chest walked up the stairs solemnly.

As soon as he appeared, local warriors at several tables on the second floor got up, bowed their hands, and shouted "Lu Ye".

The old man laughed and saw the ceremony one after another, but his gaze was all around. A man who was already waiting at the restaurant whispered a few words. The old man pleaded guilty to many martial arts people and went straight to the box where Ye Qingxuan was.

Six or seven men guarded the corridor. The old man leaned out of the curtain and lowered his voice. Respectfully, "'Xiayang Gang' Lu Bailing asked Ye Shaoxia."

Ye Qingxuan sighed secretly, and said lightly, "Come in."

"Observe." The old man lifted the curtain and walked into the box, arching, "I don't know Ye Shaoxia is here, his subordinates are slow."

"Anyway." Ye Qingxuan smiled lightly, "Ye is here a personal matter, so he did not disturb Lu Ye."

The old man is the local underworld magnate, Lu Xia, the gang leader of the "Xiayang Gang".

This "Xiayang Gang" is the head snake of Xiayang Mansion, and secretly it is a secret man and horse deployed by Jiang Yiwei of the Southern Dynasty in Jiangbei.

Xiayang House was originally the base of the underworld "Wuxia faction", but because the former faction master "Zhenshanhu" Qin Zhao colluded with Fengyi Pavilion, he betrayed his righteous "halberd" Xun Aotian and opposed the Southern Dynasty.

After the establishment of the Southern Dynasty, the geographical location of Xiayang House was extremely important. Naturally, it became an important place for the economic management of the Southern Dynasty. The "Wuxia faction" also became the target of the Southern Dynasty.

After several suppressions, the "Wuxia faction" was severely divided, and the deputy leader "Xiashanyu" Lu Bailing led most of the gang to set up the "Xiayang Gang", while the gang leader Qin Zhao led the public to leave Xiayang House and went to Sansheng Island .

With the secret support of the Southern Dynasties, Lu Bailing vigorously developed the "Xiayang Gang", which had already surpassed the "Wuxia faction" that year.

It can be said that this "Xiayang Gang" is directly under the supervision of Jin Yiwei, so Lu Bailing called his subordinate in front of Ye Qingxuan.

After Ye Qingxuan entered the city, he did not contact any of his own troops, but he could not think of this "Xiayang Gang" a bit capable, and found his whereabouts.

Lu Bailing smiled hurriedly and hurriedly said, "Ye Shaoxia is here alone, he must be responsible for important things, old age would not dare to disturb, but ..." At the end, his tone was slow and his face was embarrassing.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "But what's the hard thing?"

"It's not that the gang encountered something difficult to solve, but that the gang members got a difficult news!" Lu Bailing said.

"Oh? Come and listen." Ye Qingxuan didn't want to get involved in anything else, but if there is any strange news, it is most likely related to Ning Zhongliu.

Lu Bailing sighed and said, "Since the identity of Zhuo Huifan's magic gate has been exposed, the power of Fengyi Pavilion has plummeted, and its high-level figures have long since died and fled. The masters of Fengyi Pavilion appeared in Xiayang Mansion, and even the old nuns who had been hard-working in Qifeng Pavilion appeared one after another, and their whereabouts were extremely secretive. At the time of the martial arts convention, Fengyi Pavilion was with us. With water and fire, as soon as the old man got the news, he was ready to report. He didn't want to meet Ye Shaoxia here, so he came to the obituary and asked Ye Shaoxia to show it. "

Brotherhood of Fengyi Pavilion! ?

Ye Qingxuan frowned.

The internal structure of Fengyi Pavilion has always been divided into the inner door and the outer door. Outside disciples can marry, their husbands and wives are all levels of worship, and the Kowloon Palace is the top master of worship; and the inside gate has always been forbidden to marry. Among them, the masters have voluntarily shaved their hair to a Nepali at the Qifeng Pavilion. In practice, they rarely participate in worldly disputes. Even if Zhuo Huifan almost destroyed Feng Yige, the nuns did not help.

The people Lu Bailing said are undoubtedly the old nuns.

But what the **** is going to get these old nuns down the mountain?

If they are to report the blame for the destruction of Fengyi Pavilion, naturally they will not let go of their side easily. The entire Southern Dynasty will be their enemy, but most of the power is destroyed. Fengyi Pavilion, which has fallen to the altar, really wants to fight with their side. Is the fish dead net broken? Or is there another purpose?

Will it ...

Their appearance is related to Ning Zhongliu?

Ye Qingxuan played drums in his heart, but still could not let go of the news.

"Lu Ye did a good job." Ye Qingxuan sighed heartily, "I don't know where these teachers are now? How did you find out?"

Lu Bailing said: "This group of people are now gathering on Tietouling, northwest of Xiayang Prefecture, where there is a" Water Moon ". Fruits, vegetables and food are delivered to the city every month ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is a disciple. There was a quota for food in the cricket, but recently the disciple suddenly found out that the demand for food and vegetables has skyrocketed, and for a moment, he was peeping into this group of people. Because the disciple recognized a Fengyi Pavilion executive Therefore, the report was made, and the observation was obsolete for several days, which finally determined the identity. "

Ye Qingxuan groaned a little, finally she said in a deep voice: "This matter is not allowed to be reported for the time being, and I will reconsider it later. Lord Lu, please ask your party to keep your tone and never leak it."

"Oldness understands." Lu Bailing looked suddenly and responded quickly.

Ye Qingxuan asked Ming Shuiyue's direction, took out a bar of grained silver, put it on the table, and arched his hand slightly, and he had already floated out of the window, hiding in the crowd.

At that time, Zhuo Huifan tried his best to fail to invite the masters of Xifeng Pavilion. Their chances of being hostile to them should be small, but at this time, they most likely came from the "Wulin Conference".

Even if these people are not enemies, they are never friends.

In the unlikely event that they falter with the Dragon Club or the Kowloon Palace, they will undoubtedly greatly shake the balance between the major forces.

Don't relax.

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