Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 348: Feng Laiyi


Just listening to names is not good.

The same is true.

The whole ridge is spread to the north of Xiayang House, there are many ditches, and the ridge is high enough to enter Yunting.

Ye Qingxuan arrived at the foot of the mountain and walked up the mountain. Although he had walked several forcible paths at first, it was not difficult to walk. Later, he crossed several mountain beams and went straight into the mountains, as Lu Bailing described.

In front of me, a small path went straight up to the top of the mountain. After passing through a cloud-covered sea of ​​clouds, I walked for more than ten miles.

I saw a cliff facing the front, standing like a barrier, the cliff was covered with moss, and the whole mountain was dyed green.

The lake in front of the cliff is so beautiful and clear that there are lotus flowers inside. At this time of the flowering season, the bowl of large lotus flowers, thousands of Tingting, dew contains beads, the breeze passing, Fang Xin blowing his nose, people are intoxicated.

Thousands of waterfalls plunged into the lake from the top, surrounded by countless exotic flowers, beautiful woods and forests, infinite beauty, green streams, and eyebrows.

Like a fairyland.

To the end of the road, someone cut a tunnel on the barrier-like cliff, which seemed to be no more than 20 feet away, and the far end was bright.

On both sides of the tunnel opening, a couplet is engraved on the left and right:

Shanghai Alliance: Fame and fortune, all are fantasy bubbles;

The second line: moving appearance, but the mirror is blooming.

Above the mouth of the cave, four large characters "Shuiyue Dongtian" are chiseled with a bird's badger.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sigh softly, like a blessed land born, practiced in the sky.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qingxuan stepped into the tunnel.

The bright world suddenly fell into darkness, and the light changes before and after made Ye Qingxuan's eyes narrowed.

At this moment, the fragrance came suddenly.

A ray of sharp murderous anger came, almost as fast as lightning, and suddenly hit Ye Qingxuan's brows.

The speed is so fast that even the guards can't hold their breath. It is hard to avoid headshot and death even with a thick iron shield.

The world can compete with this move, I am afraid that only the "first killer in the world" Si Kong Jianyou worry "ten kills in one step".

A proud grunt came from the enemy in the dark.

The opponent is bound to win.

Unfortunately, her opponent is not very human, but Ye Qingxuan.

Facing the stabbing to the heart of the eyebrow, Ye Qingxuan Fei did not back down and avoid, but instead hurried forward, and despite the sharp cone-like pain at the center of the eyebrow, he still had no dyke.

Dripping around his feet, but curled a finger, and bounced back suddenly.


It sounds as small as a mosquito.

Then a violent gale came from the place where the sound was heard. The narrow tunnel suddenly made a violent wind, and then the violent wind, Ye Qingxuan floating like a leaf, was gently blown out of the tunnel, and fell perfectly to the other extreme. One side.

"Ye Qingxuan !?"

A terrifying sound came from the other side of the tunnel.

The fragrant wind came with Jiaoyu, and it was clear as a meeting across a tunnel.

Looking at the opponent who was wearing a palace costume and looked angry, Ye Qingxuan smiled and said politely: "Predecessor Jiang had a good trick, 'Life and Death'. If I hadn't been enlightened in Luodu that year, I'd be afraid to be a master of the sky. , You also have to suffer a lot from your senior's move. "

Jiaoheng came.

As a contemporary descendant of "Acacia Treasure", Jiang Yanyue was almost furious to bite the silver teeth, and a pair of beautiful eyes were about to spit fire. "Ye Qingxuan, if you have a way in heaven, you do n’t go, you have to break in to hell. There is a martial arts convention just around the corner. You are not fighting for your martial arts leader on Wolong Island, but what kind of hero are you going to this barren mountain?

"Then you have to ask your predecessor ..." Ye Qingxuan smiled mysteriously, and said lightly, "Isn't the predecessor connected with Bai Lian's" Mi Le "Zhu Wusheng's knot? Why isn't it in your Lingnan romantic marriage Merry, do you have to stir up trouble on this river? "

Jiang Yanyue bit her lip, and slanted her Xiu Mei's eyebrows slightly. Shen Ye said: "Ye Xiaozi, before you intervened with Yan Fengfei's grievances. I still think that you and Yan Fengfei are old, but this time, I settled my old grievances with Fengyige. Why did you stop them, don't you remember your encounter with Fengyige? "

Ye Qingxuan hugged his shoulders and laughed: "I took part in it before, I like it, but now I am more than happy ... what can you do to me?"

"Okay! Good voice!" The voice almost squeezed out from between the teeth, Jiang Yanyue couldn't hide his anger, and said in a dark voice: "After going through this tunnel, even if you want to get out of your body, you can't tolerate you. Today I don't want to You fight, wait for tomorrow again and again! "

The words didn't fall, Jiang Yanyue flew his sleeves like a fairy, but disappeared.


Ye Qingxuan stunned and shouted, "Why wait until tomorrow, if you have the ability, try it now ... Hey--?"

The voice spread far and wide, but there was Jiang Yanyue's response.


Ye Qingxuan shrugged, turned and walked towards the mountain again.

I didn't expect to encounter Jiang Yanyue's obstruction at the beginning of the mountain. He even used his opponent's transcendental identity to intercept. The target was obviously not himself. This shows that the enemy's secretly mobilized masters are not few, and their status is not low.

Who was there in Fengyige on the mountain? It attracted such a master, and his strong curiosity caused Ye Qingxuan to refuse to stay away and hurriedly climbed up.

Bypassing a section of cliff path, Ye Qingxuan's eyes brightened again. The endless sea of ​​flowers appeared in sight. Countless peach and apricot flowers surrounded a small temple in the far end.

The stone steps under the foot, with a total of 10,000 levels, extend to the depths of the sea of ​​flowers.

The peach red complex contains the rain, and the willow green is even more smoke.

Hualuo's family was not swept, Yingying Mountainer still slept.

Ye Qingxuan sighed, stepped up, and quickly entered the sea of ​​flowers.

The mountain wind blows the surface, and waves of layers waft in the sea of ​​flowers. The fragrant wind rolls up the petals, messy and falling, full of sad beauty.

A few petals floated, with a touch of cold fragrance, Ye Qingxuanxin came in hand, and his fingers were covered with delicate and smooth pollen.

Abnormal protrusions.

Several petals falling from the left and right at the same time suddenly burst sharply. From behind the petals, it was like cracking the gap of time and space. It suddenly pierced more than ten long swords. The radon gas raised above the tip of each sword had congenital levels It is dense and continuous, and it is a layer of sword arrays that seals the space of ten feet behind and behind Ye Qingxuan, leaving him nowhere to go.

In a blink of an eye, the sword tip had reached Ye Qingxuan's eyes.

"Well, why is this so hard?"

Ye Qingxuan sighed slightly, and her fingers holding the petals moved again.

Just a random circle around the body, the more than ten innate sharp swords were all sandwiched between Ye Qingxuan's two fingers.

The surprise sounded at the same time!

More than ten long swords were pulled out at the same time, and Ye Qingxuan's two hand fingerprints remained motionless.


The wind screamed, more than a dozen figures appeared at the same time, and Yu Shouxuan patted Ye Qingxuan's front and back together.

"No! Stop!"

With a tender voice.

More than a dozen figures were set in place at the same time, and Cyclonus's palm wind came to an abrupt halt.

Ye Qingxuan let go of his fingers, patted the petals on his body easily, and smiled at the voiced person: "Xun Fairy, thank you for coming in time, I have stopped!"

The mountain wind rolled, ten Fengyi Pavilion masters stood in place like woodcarvings, and each person's acupoint was stuck with a petal, but it was Ye Qingxuan who simultaneously clicked the acupoint.

And that "stop" was definitely not shouting at them, but at Ye Qingxuan.

Wu Suya's Huarongyue appearance, as always, was just a delicate face, with a little tiredness, and looking at Ye Qingxuan's eyes was full of surprise.

"You're here soon!" Su Suya gathered her hair ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ softly: "But have you received our distress letter?"

Help Letter! ?

What is it ...

Ye Qingxuan asked with a stunned face, "What the **** happened? How could you be trapped here?"

Wu Suya was so restless that when she didn't know where to start, a soft voice came from the far doorway: "Ye Shaoxia, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Ye Qingxuan's eyes widened and he looked up. In the sea of ​​flowers, a beautiful woman in a Buddhist outfit like the prince of Guanyin appeared, with a white veil on his head, which set off the peerless temperament of the whole person.

Ye Qingxuan's throat was tight, and he quickly stepped forward to salute, saying: "The younger Ye Qingxuan has seen Ning Xia."

That man was no other, it was Zhuo Huifan's sister, Ning Huiru, the "sword god" Li Muchan's wife.

Unexpectedly, this little "water moon" between the barren mountains and mountains was actually a hidden cultivation place for Ning Huiru. The people in the evil faction were so active that their purpose was very clear.

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