Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 349: Invite alliance

A terracotta tea bowl is filled with turquoise tea soup, and the clear aroma has shocked people before drinking it.

Ye Qingxuan took a sip, and the sweetness and bitterness rolled down the throat like a stream of fragrance, and the aroma returned.

"Good tea." Ye Qingxuan sighed sincerely, but glanced at the two sitting on top of An An.

One was Ning Huiru, and the other sat on the more prominent left side, but was a skinny old nun.

This old nun was the first Dingyi teacher of Qifeng Pavilion for many years.

Even with Zhuo Huifan's complete control of Fengyi Pavilion, she was still too helpless for the teacher, and even if the entire door collapsed, she received no help at all.

"Ye Shaoxia came here, but only Jiang Yanyue?" Ning Huiru asked after a moment of silence.

"Yes." Ye Qingxuan put down the tea cup and replied, "But judging by his tone, there should be other masters of the same level."

Ning Huiru frowned slightly and sighed too much to the teacher Ding Yi aside: "Hui Ru has hurt the teacher's door. I didn't expect this secret meeting to be known by the evil faction, which caused Uncle Shi to be out of danger.

Master Ding Yi, who has been closing his eyes and keeping his eyes open, opened his eyes too, his eyes shining like cold electricity, which surprised Ye Qingxuan a little, and secretly said that the old nun had a deep internal force.

"It doesn't matter." Master Dingyi's tone was as cold as ice. "The other person's calculation is the old nun. The leaked secret may not be yours. I'm afraid the old nun was caught by the mountain as soon as he got down."

Ning Huiru sighed quietly.

Ye Qingxuan was confused, and asked quickly: "Senior Ning, uh, senior Ding Yi ... what are you talking about?"


Master Ding Yi snorted too coldly, rising up, saying coldly: "Hui Ru, the poor is tired."

As soon as the words fell, he ignored Ye Qingxuan, who was embarrassed, straight out.

Ning Huiru was busy giving each other away, but was pressed by the Ding Yi teacher too hard to press back to the seat, fluttered away, and disappeared instantly.

"This ..." Ye Qingxuan smiled awkwardly, and said, "This senior Dingyi, I'm afraid he still has big stereotypes about Xiao Ke."

Ning Huiru smiled quietly and sighed: "The crux of Feng Yige lies in mistrusting Zhuo Huifan and not blame others. My uncle is a hard-headed, hard-working and unsociable person. Ye Shaoxia didn't care."

"No, no." Ye Qingxuan waved his hands quickly, "I just don't know what senior Ning said ..."

Ning Huiru smiled bitterly: "This incident originated in a letter from Lingyun Palace."

"Lingyun Palace? Letter?" Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but feel shocked, and it really had something to do with Ning Zhongliu.

Ning Huiru said: "Half a month ago, I received a personal letter from Ning Sanren, saying about the Wulin Conference. I hope Fengyi Pavilion and Lingyun Palace can abandon their former suspicions and contribute to the martial justice. I intend to be a monk, not Li Jianghu complained, but later he received another letter. The person who wrote the letter was someone I could not refuse anyway. "

Ye Qingxuan listened for a moment.

Ning Huiru didn't even care about Ning Zhongli, who couldn't refuse her letter.

It seemed that Ye Qingxuan's doubts were seen, and Ning Huiru looked dull, and slowly took a long and narrow package from the case and handed it to Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan picked it up for unknown reasons, slowly opened the parcel, and was shocked.

"This, this is ..."

Inside the package was a narrow sword and a letter.

The sword has a length of three feet and six inches with an ancient sheath.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.


A lingering blue air was revealed, the sword popped out of the scabbard, and the room suddenly became blue.

"It really is this magic sword, it really is the Bilan sword!"

Ye Qingxuan sighed, but looked again at Ning Huiru, excited: "This is the beloved sword of Lin Nanxuan Lin's predecessor. Later, it was given to Jiang Feiran. How can he now be in the hands of his predecessor?"

Ning Huiru pointed to the letter again.

Ye Qingxuan obtained permission and quickly opened the letter to view it.

It turned out that this letter was actually written by Lin Nanxuan, depending on the date of the payment, a few days before the death.

In addition to a few brief questions, the content of the letter is Lin Nanxuan's thoughts on the martial arts event. Among them, he sincerely stated that Feng Yige's wrong way was only with Zhuo Huifan. Ling Yun Palace especially hoped to cooperate with Feng Yige. Rebuilding the old one, I also hope that Ning Huiru can go out of the mountain and rectify Fengyi Pavilion to get it back on track.

Unexpectedly, before Lin Lin's death, he devoted himself to martial arts, and Ye Qingxuan was really moved.

However, compared with the content of Ning Zhongliu, the content of this letter is not enough. Ning Huiru dare to ignore even Ning Zhongliu. How can such a bland letter have an irresistible emotion?

Is it ...

Something between Lin Nanxuan and Ning Huiru ...

Thought of this, Ye Qingxuan's face can not help but weird.

"No need to guess." Ning Huirulan, with her wisdom and wisdom, saw Ye Jiuxuan's little Jiu Jiu at first glance and said directly: "I broke through the rivers and lakes, and I had a relationship with Brother Lin, who was like a sibling. Brother Lin saved me several times. In times of distress, the two of them once vowed with the two swords of 'Zhuanghuang' and Bilan '. In the future, they should use the justice of the rivers and lakes to save their lives. Both sides of the two of them would warn with this sword if they renounce their vows. "

"Although the follow-up was upset, I failed to inherit the title of Feng Yige, but I never forgot this vow." Ning Huiru sighed: "Ning Sanren gave the sword as a gift to remind me that I should not forget the vow ... "

Ye Qingxuan knew it. "So Senior Ning wrote a letter inviting Master Ding Yi to go down the mountain and wanted to promote an alliance between the two?"

Ning Huiru nodded. "The letter was also written to Ning San people. I believe he was already on his way here. But Hui Ru was confused, and did not want to go wrong in any of these links. He was informed by the evil people and trapped me. This little water moon. Jiang Youyue you saw, but first, on the way, the uncle was attacked by Taiping Chongsu Taoists ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm afraid this 'Tianshi' symbol Yao and 'Mile' Zhu Wusheng will both show up ... the two cult popes are here, not to mention me waiting, I'm afraid that this will also affect Mr. Ning. "

Even the Ning midstream?

I'm afraid not necessarily ...

Ye Qingxuan strongly suppressed the discomfort in his heart. Without any evidence, he would never blame him arbitrarily. "Ning San's ingenuity is unparalleled, and it is certainly not dangerous. We still try our best to solve the problem at hand ..."

"Ye Shaoxia is also a wise man, what if you see it?" Ning Huiru humbly asked for advice.

Ye Qingxuan groaned for a moment and replied: "Today's plan, you need to protect yourself. Either stick to help, or break through with all your strength. I don't know what Ning seniors have choices ..."

Ning Huiru was just about to answer. There was a scream of shriek from the outside, and then a huge roar sounded like the sky was falling apart. The strong wind was wrapped in dust and stones, smashing through the doors and windows and rushing into the house .

"Not good! Uncle Dingyi ..." Ning Huiru exclaimed, Ye Qingxuan had disappeared into an afterimage.

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