Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 350: White Lotus Miller

As soon as Ye Qingxuan and Ning Huirufu rushed out of the house, first they were faced by a fiery hot wind, and then their eyes suddenly brightened, as if a sun had fallen in front of them. The intense light and heat stimulated people to keep their eyes open, like a stove. The hot radon falling on the skin is stinging like a needle.

Ning Huiru exclaimed, immediately raised her hand to cover her eyes, and before seeing the enemy performing her stunt, her combat effectiveness was reduced by half.


Several figures blew from the hot wind, Ye Qingxuan glanced, but they were several female masters of Fengyi Pavilion, unable to resist the heat released from the sun, and passed out.


Ye Qingxuan growled, only he squinted his eyes, and he could faintly see the radiant sun at the far end, but in fact it was just a rolling figure.

And underneath this figure, the thin figure trying to support it is Dingyi Shitai.

Just a glance, Ye Qingxuan was already horrified.

The peerless master who suppressed Master Dingyi was full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, like a violent scorching sun. At the scene, only the guardian breath formed by his own [Taiyi Xuanyuan Ningyu Gong] could slightly resist the opponent. The scorching vigor of the people can't resist even the slightest change.

That peerless master not only martial arts looks like a scorching sun, but also has a round figure like a big ball.

The huge bald head is twice as large as ordinary people. The swollen midwinter body can't see the neck at all, and there is another round body under a big round head.

The bright yellow crotch clings to his fat body, flutters and flutters, his stomach bulges like a ball, his body is also tall and thick, and his broad shoulders and thick palms show his strength beyond ordinary people.

Floating in the midst of the air at this moment, the cracked mouth with a relaxed look, arrogant and unforgettable.

Zhu Wusheng! ?

Although he has never seen this master, Ye Qingxuan judged the identity of the other party in an instant.

Only the demon monk in the world can have such violent martial arts.

Ye Qingxuan was born. He flew up alone, and twitched one foot on the tree branch. His body had crossed the distance of 20 feet, and he yelled, "Ye Qingxuan is here, and I would like Maitre to give directions."

Zhu Wusheng laughed wildly, as Lei Fanyin shook the world: "Here is the younger Ye Qingxuan? Since you are dying, you should blame Lord Buddha for being ruthless!" With a big round head turning, he faced Dingyi, who was suppressed under him. The teacher snorted too cold, "Old nun, it's time, let Lord Buddha send you a ride!"


The scorching sun is fierce, and the strong heat is really making a strange noise. The flowers around are scorched and the trees are folded down. Everything is blown out by this flame and burned in midair. The scene is like a small nuclear bomb exploding, hard The speed of Ye Qingxuan's advancing was slow, and his body was pressed down, and he slammed into Ding Yi, who had already suffered.

The sound of the fighting between the two sides was as fast as the thunder, and the crackling sound came out.

Ye Qingxuan's heart was anxious, struggling to move forward.

Of course, he knew the crisis of the situation, and he knew that the "Mile" Zhu Wusheng had already controlled the war. He had not set up a killer before, but he wanted to insult and torture his opponent cruelly. At the same time, he demonstrated to Ye Qingxuan who came later. Now he sees Ye Qingxuan. Suddenly, he killed the poisonous hand and took Dingyi's life.

"Leaves pick swords!"

Behind the applause, a cyan sword light broke through the hot energy like thunder, reaching Ye Qingxuan's eyes.

It is the treasure of the town palace of Lingyun Palace-Bilan Excalibur!

Starting with the sword, the blue cymbal entangled the sword's edge instantly, with a slight forward finger, and the scorching vigor immediately halved.

Ye Qingxuan's speed suddenly increased, and as soon as they were almost at the top, they came to the two.

"Well? Is Bilan's Excalibur here?"

Zhu Wusheng's panic sounded, and the killer's fate had already been pained. At one stroke, he was distracted by Ye Qingxuan's interference. He was right in the palm of his chest and swept Ding Yi's shoulder. In the humming sound, Ding Yi was too. The disconnected kite generally flew out, and the hot blood sprayed was filled with void.

"The demon monk is dead!"

Ye Qingxuan was almost a cold drink squeezed out from the gap between his teeth. Bilan sword rose to blue, and Fengfeng split the flames. He went straight to Zhu Wusheng's chest and prevented him from hunting down Master Dingyi.

Zhu Wusheng laughed a few times, and he didn't see the momentum, but it turned into a volley towards Ye Qingxuan. When he saw the sword tip reached his heart, his two fat hands were folded together, and he held the Excalibur Bilan empty-handed in his palm. At the same time, his shoulders shook, and thousands of Buddha's palms appeared behind him, all entwined by the scorching sun, attacking Ye Qingxuan like a cloud.

For example, Lei Fanyin shouted in Ye Qingxuan's ears at the same time: "Ignorant junior, Buddha's [Vacuum Clean Lotus Energy] has already practiced 'the true fire of the sun', and today I can take you to sacrifice my magic!"

Zhu Wusheng laughed fiercely, and smiled like Mimi's Mimi, but with indescribable evil, such an evil Buddha came to the world, and it was shocking.

But Ye Qingxuan was unmoved, and the "Six Consciousness Can Break the Capricorn's Basic Intellectual Sutra" practiced throughout the year has already cultivated his soul and reached the rock-solid Taoist state of mind.

The sun is really hot! ?

Ye Qingxuan's mind flashed, and he responded instantly.

Since you are fierce, I will fight with the strength of ice!

With the thoughts together, Bi Lan came to her hands and turned into a green mansion that ran away around her body. At the same time, a breeze of water and gas suddenly appeared in the wind of Lan, before the sword body broke out, the temperature suddenly changed, and the sound of cricket cracking sounded, violent. The radon gas turned into frost that grew wildly, and instantly revealed the sword body, reaching the palm of Zhu Wusheng.

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan's body protection breath also changed, turning into a huge ice crystal, blocking the opponent's impenetrable sun.


A loud noise.

The ice burst and Ye Qingxuan flew in response.

The body turned more than ten heels in mid-air ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and put it on the urn to stop the castration. Ye Qingxuan uttered a spit of blood in his mouth.

Zhu Wusheng looked surprised and stared at Ye Qingxuan with a slight sigh: "Good boy! I really have you!"

"Xie Foye praised, let's come again ..." Ye Qingxuan mentioned the Bilan sword, and the sword entangled with ice again.

Zhu Wusheng laughed and shook his head and said, "Boy, Lord Buddha sees you as a personal talent, only then you show mercy. Although your suffocation can be changed freely, you can resist my 'sun fire' with cold air, but unfortunately, Lord Buddha's' "The true fire of the sun" is immortal. Yours is just ordinary. No one in the world can compete with it. Ye Xiaozi, it ’s better to die than to live. Buddha is rare to see you. It ’s better to join me as the Bailian Holy Religion. How about you, an assistant bishop? "

Ye Qingxuan said coldly, and shook his head with a smile: "Buddha is really beautiful, but unfortunately wrong!"

"I'm wrong? What's wrong?" Zhu Wusheng asked ruthlessly.

"Hundreds of years of ups and downs in the Bailian religion are not a climate. It is better for Buddha to worship in his own door, maybe there is a possibility of breaking the void. I do n’t know what Buddha said?" Ye Qingxuan Yi Bilan ’s sword, his body slowly lifted off, scene It's weird.

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