Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 351: Nissei Yuehua

Ye Qingxuan's momentum suddenly rose, but Zhu Wusheng's eyes were fierce and fierce, and he looked up and laughed, and said, "Boy's tongue is fierce, it seems that it is not useful, let Lord Buddha overdo you today."


The body of Zhu Zhusheng shook, and the robe with wide sleeves and large sleeves rose sharply to the extreme, and the extremely hot "sun fire" spread over Ye Qingxuan.

For a moment, Ye Qingxuan felt within 30 feet of the surrounding area, and everything was under the pressure of the opponent ’s powerful aura. The burning qi was pressing from all directions, and he was very hot and abnormal, which made him not only burn his skin and breathe. Difficulties, even the ability to see and listen.

Awesome "The Sun Is Real"!

Even though Ye Qingxuan has been defensive and self-defeating, he ca n’t stop the vision of Zhu Wusheng ’s qi. He can even say that his qi can suppress any internal power and qi. The opponent's confrontation ability is greatly reduced, and there is no power to fight back.

Sorrow is worthy of the suffocation from the world to the yang, and if it is to be countered, it is necessary to suffice from the yin to the tenderness to resist.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's heart suddenly lighted up, and finally made him suddenly realize.

"The real sun" is called "Nissei", and the opposite of "Nissei" is not "Yuehua"!

At the same time, the supremacy of his own teacher is not only the essence of the moon, but also the Taoist cathode.

The ancestors of the first school of the Kun Kun School practiced in the veins of the Yin. Whether it is the Taoist name of "Jade Toad Real" or the legendary sword "Yueruyu", it reflects the Yin system's attributes.

On the contrary, Chu was a master and apprentice of Chu Lingxu. He practiced on the basis of it. He focused on the peaceful practice of Zhongzheng. He did not deliberately practice in the negative veins.

For a long time, Ye Qingxuan almost forgot the original characteristics of this method. He can think of it at this time, thanks to his strong memory.

Qi Yexuan practiced for many years. She has already trained her own meridians as if instructed by her arms. If you want to modify any of the exercises, you can do it with a single thought.

When Ye Qingxuan condensed his fortune, Zhu Wusheng at the far end sang suddenly: "Rebellion is useless, the junior will die."

The roar was endless, and a hot wave had waved from the blazing sun, bang—

The flames flew into the sky, the flames of the flames burst into the sky, and a meteor-like punch came out of the sun with a hot temperature, crossing the distance of thirty feet in an instant, and before Ye Qingxuan's eyes, it had become a punch that filled the world!

The powerful heat radiation covered the sky, and there was nowhere to dodge. The amazing vigor struck from all directions at the same time, stubbornly oppressing Ye Qingxuan toward the scorching hot star.

The small sun-like fist continued to expand in Ye Qingxuan's eyes, and there was only the unavoidable light and heat between heaven and earth, and Zhu Wusheng's stunt was really amazing.

Ye Qingxuan knows that in the face of such a mighty power, the pure water system and ice system are already irresistible, but unfortunately, his moonlight-like radon has not been refined much. In desperation, he can only forcibly extract it and display it with the cold ice .

The ice with the moonlight gas swelled, and strange things happened instantly. The heat wave that had been irresistible was stagnation for a while. The eyes that were grilled by heat radiation instantly returned to the clear, the ubiquitous fire was One off, Zhu Wusheng was shocked by a fist, and his power was halved immediately!

Even with only half left, Zhu Wusheng's might of punch is by no means easy.


Ye Qingxuan's body flew backwards, and two deep furrows were plowed on the ground by her legs, reaching twenty feet away, before she could barely maintain her figure.

Qi Yexuan was suddenly blasted with blood and blood, and the hot alien qi was broken into the meridians and destroyed.

Xie Ye Qingxuan was busy transporting the air pressure system, and then a burst of blood blew out of him before he sprayed that very radon gas out of his body.

Wu Zhusheng laughed loudly: "Happy! Happy! The kid can stop me from hitting it all, I really did not read you wrong. We will come again!"

Taking advantage of Ye Qingxuan's unsteady footing, Zhu Wusheng madly laughed, forcing it again.

Ye Qingxuan Shen sang aloud, his feet stunned, and he hurled up suddenly, flew towards Zhu Wusheng like a shell, and Bi Lanjian swept across the air at the same time, straight toward his opponent.

The punches and swords fought, and they suddenly burst into a blast.

Ye Qingxuan's swordsmanship is clever and magical, and his movements are chic and free, as if it were natural.

But when I saw Zhu Wusheng's "sun real fire" gradually suppressed, half of the body holding the sword was sore and numb, and tears flowed in his eyes, and he couldn't watch for a long time.

Xi Zhu Wusheng looked in his eyes and couldn't help laughing wildly. The Buddha had seen the day of Ye Qingxuan's defeat.

But Zhu Wusheng didn't know. Ye Qingxuan's bad appearance at this time was just an illusion secretly condensing the power of Yuehua.

Twenty-six consciousnesses have reached Ye Qingxuan's point of view. He does not need to stare at the opponent at all. Even with his eyes closed, he can fully grasp the trace of his opponent.

Even though the body is wolverine, Ye Qingxuan runs the yin vein in secret, and the large force of Yuehua condenses in Dantian. Just between the breaths, the cool Yuehua will dispel the hot and evil air that invaded the body.

Just at this moment, Zhu Wusheng's laughter rose sharply, spinning and swirling like a whirlwind, his whole body fluttering, and he seemed to be at the core of a strong whirlwind. At the same time, "the real fire of the sun" was as violent as the sun. pouring.

Ye Qingxuan only felt that the pressure suddenly increased sharply, and half of his body was squeezed into the mud.

Wu Zhusheng finally hurt the killer!

The whole person fell down like Ye Qingxuan like the sun.

Ye Qingxuan is inevitable, retreat is inevitable ...

At this moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ye Qingxuan only felt the whole body qi and blood twitching, his eyes were venomous, his ears were filled with the sound of roaring fire, and no other sound could be heard. The flesh seemed to be burned into a human torch by the "sun real fire".

Wu Zhu laughed wildly: "Ye Qingxuan, let's die!"

The pressure is increasing!

But at this time, Zhu Wusheng's eyes showed a touch of wonder.

As the pressure increased, Ye Qingxuan Fei was not suppressed to sink into the ground again, but forced him back a bit.

Then he noticed the blue wind between himself and Ye Qingxuan.

Qing Lan's sword qi on Bi Bilan's sword was skyrocketing, and a cold luster of luster bloomed from it.

弦 A round of strings appears at first sight!

Wu Yuehua was against Nissei.

The scorching vitality suddenly disintegrated. Under the moonlight, there was a cold, and Qing Lan helped out, and he suddenly caught Zhu Wusheng by surprise.

Zhan Yipeng's blood redened the moon.

"Ye Qingxuan, I won't spare you!"

Zhu Zhu was screaming and screaming, and flew away like a meteor, leaving blood flying in the air.

Ye Qingxuan's footsteps were sloppy, but between his body slightly swaying, he swiftly and swiftly rushed to Dingyi Master not far away.

Teacher Yun is too scorched and angry.

Ning Huiru only arrived at this moment, looking at everything in front of her, screaming in disbelief: "How can this be ..."

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