Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 358: The opening of the war

when! when!

Two clear sounds shook the whole square.

Xi Huangfu Tairen continued two swords, blocking Ye Qingxuan's fatal stab.

But he was not stable, and he had stepped back several times before he could stabilize his figure.

I was surrounded by spectators and immediately cheered.

Everyone can see that Ye Qingxuan is completely dominant at this time. Huangpu Tairen, who was comparable to that time, has now been surpassed, and is not Ye Qingxuan's opponent at all.

Ye Qingxuan was carrying a long sword, and in the center of Zhuo Li Square, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he said loudly: "Four surname brothers, if you call progress, that's all. I'm afraid Ye will take your life within the next ten swords. . "

"Baga!" Huangfu Tairen yelled in Luzhou language, his hands were long and short, and the katana bloomed again. This time he no longer waited for Ye Qingxuan to shoot, instead he turned over and flew to it. The two swords flew against the opponent's head, anger and split Come.

Ye Qingxuan's mouth scorned a smile of contempt, and his body remained motionless. When the opponent slashed to five feet above his head, he quickly connected the two swords, and the exact point was on the opponent's blade.

The cymbal sounded twice again, spreading all around.

At this time, Lu Bailing, Ning Huiru, and others held out the house, lined up at the railing on the fourth floor, and watched the battle.

Xi Yu Huaizhi retreated secretly and organized secretly to disperse to the high wall of the fortress around the mansion in accordance with the defense plan to prevent the enemy from sneaking in.

Since the establishment of the Southern Dynasty in Jiangbei, the Xiayang Gang station was built like an iron bucket. Not only the high walls around it, a female wall, but also watchtowers at the four corners and the main entrance. garrison.

Inside and outside the house are divided into two circles to form the "Hui" structure, and even there is the design of the city. Every room in the house is connected by a secret channel.

大 Such a big hand is from the hands of Jiang Shuihan.

Once the North and South dynasties went to war, the southern army fell to the north, and in the battle of Xiayang House, it could be used as a secret base to cooperate with the siege forces inside and outside to capture the city.

Even if besieged by the enemy, you can stand by and wait for the city to break.

Wu Yuhuai was planning in secret, and the remaining Fengyi Pavilion and Xiayang Gang masters couldn't help but gather at the entrance and sides of Wangjiang Tower, watching the thrilling dragons and tigers fighting on the square.

The swords strike each other.

Xie Ye Qingxuan's leisurely courts generally forced Huangfu Tairen's offensive.

Ji Huangfu Tairen turned over and fell to the edge of the lobby, thirty steps away from Ye Qingxuan, facing away.

Although he still maintains a personable manner, if he takes a closer look, he will notice that his hands are shaking slightly.

Ning Huiru and Lu Bailing, who were watching the battle on the second floor at the moment, looked at each other and saw the shock and doubt in the other's eyes.

It is of course that Ye Qingxuan's martial arts is advancing by leaps and bounds.

Lu Bailing just heard how powerful Ye Qingxuan was from the rumors of the rivers and lakes. Only when he really learned about it did he realize that this young man's swordsmanship had already exceeded his imagination. Everyone's seemingly irresistible attack arrived. His hands are like sweeping leaves in the autumn wind, and with a single stroke, he can make opponents obey. If you let him do it, his strength is unimaginable.

In Ning Huiru's view, a young man who was inferior to the sword **** in more than one skill, but within a few years, the sword skill improved to the level of the sword **** of the year. No, it was even easier than the sword god. Level, how can this not excite her?

另一方面 On the other hand, the two questioned at the same time.

皇 That Huangfu Tairen is obviously not Ye Qingxuan's opponent, but why is he still relentlessly launching an attack?

疑问 This question also exists in Ye Qingxuan's mind.

He can defeat him at any time, of course, it is not easy to take his life. But just because he couldn't guess the opponent's thoughts, Ye Qingxuan didn't launch an irreversible raid, instead he thought like a scrutiny, what was the purpose of the other party.

Wu Fengming sounded.

的 The disciples sent by Ning Huiru sent all signals of safety outside the street.

Su Ning Huiru was certain, nodding slightly toward Ye Qingxuan on the square.

On the contrary, Ye Yexuanxuan became more restless.

With a yell of anger, Huangfu Tairen rushed to Ye Qingxuan again with lightning. The left hand "Tianye Cloud" used Yuan Laizhou's autobiography, and the right hand was the usual windward sword.

He rushed one after the other, one heavy and one light, and the storm thundered against Ye Qingxuan like a thunderbolt, all of them were desperate tricks without reserve.

For a moment, the cold electricity was exciting, dazzling, and extremely powerful.

Even if he is one of the hundreds of spectators, he can not help but applaud Huangfu Tairen secretly.

Ye Qingxuan has a big frown.

Why the emperor Tairen changed to the past is all such a stupid move, so he had to fight this note with himself.

The next move of Ye Xuanxuan's heart, a change of the previous tricks that he had worked hard with, instead, he used the Lingbo microwave to turn it into a thin smoke, turning around Huangfu Tairen.

Xi Huangfu Tairen was so moved, he couldn't beat a few times, immediately yelled and drank, chased Ye Qingxuan and kept yelling.

But the more he did, the more Ye Qingxuan didn't fight it.

I was just breathing, Ye Qingxuan's face suddenly changed greatly, the original floating pace was constant for a moment, when a roar, Huangfu Tairen should fly with a sword.

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan flew up, but instead of chasing Huangfu Tairen, he went straight to a high wall and slammed his heel toward the ground when he landed.


The huge ripples spread and the whole house shuddered.

At the same moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It was close to the outer wall of the east side of the street. It collapsed a corner, and then the sound of rumbling continued to collapse. The deep groove appeared to the other side of the street. Ye Qingxuan's prestige knocked down a tunnel.

what! ?


Jairupling yelled badly, flew up to the top of the building, and shouted, "Guys, hello, some thieves have dug into the tunnel!"


The alarm gong sounded at the same time, and many Xiayang helped the public to go out and get busy.

Wu Huangfu Tairen laughed and laughed, "Ye Qingxuan, your dog's ears are really sensitive, and you heard the excavation, but you heard it later, your house will be broken tonight!"

"Fart!" Ye Qingxuan whispered and attacked in tandem, only to force Huangfu Tairen in a few strokes.


A loud roar came from the top of Wangjiang Tower.

The sound of beating of beeping sound came, a Taoist in purple clothes fell to the top of the building, and Lu Bailing was forced to retreat with a few laughs: "Ye Qingxuan, the cold frost Taoist is here. The vengeance of Lone Star Master! "

Lone Star, Leng Yue, and Frost, the three swordsmen of Taiping Dao Chongsu's real account. At that time, Lone Star was captured by Ye Qingxuan in Shuzhou, and finally turned into the hands of his predecessor "literature" Xia Hou Boxin. Rescued, but also suffered severely, making it difficult to work with others.

Today's brother of the Lone Star Taoist came to collect debts, but it should be.

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