Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 359: Xiayang blood battle

It's just that Hanshuang Taoist wanted to challenge Ye Qingxuan, but he was too far away.

Wu Xiangru whistled, Ning Huiru stood aloofly on the top of the building with a look of indifference, and said softly, "Frost Frost Taoist wanted to find revenge, but he hadn't asked the cabinet owner if he wanted to."

"Cut, a horrified phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken." The Hanshuang Taoist smiled sneerly and said ironically, "Ning Huiru, you do n’t want to be a nun in your wild mountains and wild mountains, but you want to go out to find death. Should you be a widow? Don't you want to help you ... eh !? "

Before he finished speaking, Ning Huiru was furious, and he swept the dust in his hands. The fierce howling wind immediately wrapped the Frost Taoist in, so that he could not say the last word, and was forced back by the wind.

The two of them immediately struck out. At the same time, a voice of shouting came from the street.

A large number of soldiers and horses were masked from the surrounding streets.

Especially the gap in the east high wall is the direction of the opponent's attack.

Jairupling sighed and took his apprentice and grandchildren to cover up and kill himself, blocking the enemy from the gap.

On the high walls on both sides of the gap, their own horses bent their bows and arrows, or assisted by hidden weapons to intercept large enemy crowds.

At the same time, Yu Huaizhi commanded Ruoding, a large group of Xia Yang helped the public carry countless sacks from several houses and rushed towards the collapsed exterior wall. After the sacks were littered, the wall was bet on the wall and bet the cave. .

It seems that the Xiayang Gang had already prepared for the destruction of the external wall, but within a quarter of an hour before and after the collapse of the gap healed again.

Jairupling shouted, "The wind is shouting!"


He followed his keenness to intercept foreign enemies and immediately turned back inside the high wall with the help of ropes.

But it was just this short fighting time. The more than thirty Xiayang gang masters who went out only fled back half, and everyone was injured. Lu Bailing's grandson Lu Wanghai also left a scar on his back.

"Lao Yu, how about everything else?"

Jie Lubailing couldn't care less about his distressed grandson, and shouted inquiries as soon as he returned to the wall.

"Look, you are old!"

Wu Yuhuai shouted, "Start greeting!"

As soon as the sound of the crickets fell, in addition to the east, in the other three directions, a whistling wind came from below the ground at the same time. In several cracks in the ground, a sudden flame burst into the sky, and the screams burst out.

Boom, boom!

After a short while, several tunnels collapsed in each of the three directions, burying all the enemies from the inside.

"this is……"

Su Suya, who was standing beside Lu Bailing, was shocked.

Lu Bailing smiled loudly and exclaimed: "The bunnies have treated me as a rookie. When the house was built, several underground defense agencies were dug underground. As soon as they found out that the enemy was invading, they could fall. Put it in the oil and wipe it out. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry that year. I left the street outside the east wall. The street was left unprepared.

Ye Qingxuan, who chased Huang Fu Tairen on the square, laughed loudly and said loudly, "Father Lu, I really have you. Huang Fu Tairen, your wishful thinking is over. Let's die!"

In the palm of his hand, the exquisite sword Bilan rose suddenly and swept Huangfu Tairen in.

Huangfu Tairen heard anger and anger, but in the face of Ye Qingxuan's onslaught, it was difficult to parry. Seeing that the sword of the other party rose, there was love in the heart, and he screamed and suffered three sword injuries. Using the power of Ye Qingxuan's sword, he suddenly popped out ten feet away, angrily: "Ye Qingxuan, let's fight again in Japan!"

Ye Qingxuan originally had the confidence to chase up and hold him under the sword. However, it is expected that there must be peerless masters such as Chongsu and Zhu Wusheng from the outside of the enemy. If they are caught in an ambush and entangled, the defense of the Xiayang Gang will inevitably have irreparable loopholes.

He simply let Huangfu Tairen go, and when he collected his sword, he said loudly, "The brother of the four surnames is here to be treasured, and Ye will teach it at any time."

At the end of the sound, the Frost Taoist on the top of the building also used his skills to flee.

If he was hesitant for a while, and promised Ye Qingxuan's return, it would be his moment of death.

街道 In the past, the streets near the big house, which was very busy and crowded, suddenly turned into a **** battlefield.

The Lengyue Taoist of the Taiping Road, with his Chongsu disciple Zhang Liexian, and the newly-defeated Frost Taoist, led a five hundred yellow towel thief to the high wall on the east side and the watchtower here.

Thousands of white lotus worshippers wrapped in white turbans were led by Cao Tianzhi, the "broken soul", and Lu Tianxiong, the "captured Taisui" respectively, and threatened two unfamiliar swordsmen masters, besieging the two ends.

The rest of the west is "fighting too old" Wen Tianliang, with 800 strong green forests who have come to him, forcibly attack.

Luxia Yang helped nearly a thousand gangs, led by two generals under Lu Bailing and his apprentice Peng Danian's grandson Lu Wanghai, who were respectively held at the east and west ends of the mansion.

Qi Yu Huaizhi dispatched the people in the halls of the house upstairs in the Wangjiang Tower. As a fist master, Lu Bailing fought around to rescue the disciples and the most difficult killings.

Although the number of Wu Fengyi Pavilion is much smaller, the martial arts are among the best and the women are the heroes. I do not know how much better than the gang members of the Xiayang Gang, but also under the command of Ning Huiru, except for more than thirty people staying at the Wangjiang Tower, the rest are guarding the four corners of the mansion, staying high and blocking the enemy's impact.

The watchtower at the corner of the Yangtze House in Luxia is the most defensive place. There are hundreds of crossbows prepared early by the team. At this time, they exerted great power on the high walls and upstairs, inflicting huge damage to the enemy.

Even if it is a master of innate level, facing a strong crossbow, it is also anxious.

This time, the two cults of Taipingdao and Bailianism jointly attacked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to direct the various people who entered the Xiayang government. The number was only about two or three thousand, but they were all good candidates. Coupled with the three swordsmen of the Taiping Road, Bai Lian teaches the five-year-old masters at the level of the level. As soon as they contact, they will be under great pressure from Yu Shoufang.

Miserable screams kept coming and going.

On the four walls, although the gang members of Xiayang Gang fought hard, they were still smashed by powerful enemies. From time to time, there were masters hiding in the crowd, which killed several gang members instantly, and then strengthened Before returning to his own camp, Ye Qingxuan had a limited number of masters. After a while, he was exhausted and his defeat appeared.

Seeing countless deaths and injuries for his own side, the young and vigorous Lu Wanghai forgot his injuries and killed his eyes. He just wanted to avenge his disciples and chased out of the high wall in anger. Opportunity, commanded more than 20 first-class masters to kill them and besieged them directly in the heart of the street.

"Save the Lord!"

The disciples of the Gangxia Yang Gang were so frightened that more than thirty people jumped down the high wall together to rescue Lu Wanghai.

In a burst of laughter, Wu Tianxiong directed Ruoding to send these masters to kill and kill the disciples of Xiayang Gang who had thrown themselves into the net. Seeing that Lu Wanghai was bathing in blood and did not take his life immediately, he deliberately made it so that the Xiayang Gang would be more Many masters came to obliterate the will of the opponent.

Lu Boling was so angry that he yelled, but tearfully prevented his men from continuing to rescue.

I heard a clear howl.

Ye Yeqingxuan crossed the crowd at this time and flew straight away.

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