Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 374: Fight against each other

In the battle field, Wu Xiaoshan and Qu Longxing are coming and going. The moves are fierce and several times more fierce than the previous competitions. Once the years of hostility between the two sides broke out, all shots were deadly heavy hands, regardless of the competition in the conference. Regulations.

精彩 This exciting battle was so exciting that it attracted ten Marriotts to cheer up, and the contest entered the most intense scene in an instant.


When Wu Xiaoshan struck a tiger with a leap, a huge thick-backed tiger-headed sword with a ground-breaking momentum, straight toward Qulong.

The bayonet had not yet arrived, and the violent radon had rubbed loudly.

Qu Longxing's hair was stretched out. Although the guardian's breath was expanded to the limit, he still couldn't fully resist the other's momentum. The whole body gown was blown tightly against the body by the wind, and the whole person was like a furious dragon king, who weighed more than a thousand hands. The faucet steel rod slammed up!

The dragon's head stick and the tiger's head knife hit one place in mid-air, and the whole space was shaken instantly, and then a violent wave suddenly sprang up!


The two silhouettes disappeared instantly, and the violent anger was flowing outward, and the entire battlefield began to tremble.

With the core position where the two played against each other, the bluestone coefficient in the range of ten feet is broken, and outside twenty feet, the bluestone ground is cracked like a spider web!

The violent gas blew around, and the men all hid their faces to dodge, and the shouting of the sky was a stun.

Howling winds pass by.

Suddenly, the cheering of stagnation climbed to a new height.

It's so addictive.

As most people who have no chance to directly participate in the competition, it is not easy to see such a master duel. Some people have not even seen such a high-end powerful person in their lives.

凭 Based on this competition alone, it is worth fifty-two fares. In the future, I will have bragging rights.

After a hard fight, when the two reappeared in the ring, Wu Xiaoshan was still as powerful as the mountain, and although Qu Longxing didn't hesitate to let it go, he could see that his right hand holding the rod was not Shake naturally.

Wu Wuxiaoshan squatted in the bitter kiln for a long time. Although the whole body of the acupuncture point was restrained, he struggled hard and ceased to practice. He had a deep grudge and was tortured every day to look like a human being, in order to add even the slightest strength.

Later, he was brought to prison by Ye Qingxuan, and the suppressed meridians were released. He did not expect that his body, polished like a rock, suddenly broke out at this time. Not only did he not retreat, but from the foreign national, let the power instantly Skyrocketing, to the next level.

In contrast, in the past few years, "Long Fei" and Qu Longxing have been arrogant and enthusiastic, and on the surface they have the spirit of a master, but their strength has not progressed at all for many years.

Originally due to the blessing of "Da Lei Yin Po Tian Wan", he thought he had the power to win the top list, but after being hit by young generation masters such as Ye Qingxuan several times, he had already lost his mind of being on the list, and it was because of the effect of drugs. , Clogging the meridians, it is difficult to get in.

In the face of Wu Xiaoshan, which is extremely vigorous, Qu Longxing apparently feels weak and weak. He is not his opponent, and after thinking, he wants to win some unscrupulous tricks.

At this time, on the observation platform in the direction of Lingyun Palace, life was full of joy and everyone was happy.

明 There are so many people with bright eyes here, naturally it is clear that Wu Xiaoshan is taking the lead everywhere, and the strength should be above Qu Longxing.

Xun Zhanxiong laughed loudly: "It's a Wuxiao Mountain. It was just a green forest robber in the land of Yanyun. I didn't expect that after being locked up for a long time, he broke through the original strength and stabilized Qulongxing."

Meng Yuan said strangely: "The King of the Eagles laughed. This Qu Longxing was just an embroidered pillow. It was only relying on the seniors of Feng Wu to get a little reputation. How could it be the opponent of Wu Xiaoshan and others who licked blood? ? "

"Everyone shouldn't underestimate Qu Longxing ..." Ning Huiru glanced at all the children and said cautiously: "Although the person in Qu Longxing has misbehaved in private, he has a good face, and there are not many bad things on the rivers and lakes. And the strength under his hands is also real. At first, he made an exception in Fengyi Pavilion to refer to the Martial Secret Code, and became a few special cases of enshrining without marrying Fengyi Pavilion disciples. The means cannot be underestimated. "

When everyone listened, they couldn't help but realize.

At this time, Yan Fengfei, who had always been silent, suddenly said, "Sister Ning said it well. Qu Longxing is not only known today by treacherous means. Before I was on the top list, Jiang Hu commented on his martial arts. But it has always been above me. "

Meng Yuanyuan quickly asked, "Since his martial arts were higher than you, why did he do all the tricks with his predecessor's reputation?"

"Some things aren't all nonsense." Yan Fengfei didn't care about the gossip of the surrounding crowd, saying calmly: "I and Qu Longxing are indeed cousins ​​and sisters, and I have a matchmaker. When my family was in trouble, I was alone. I fled into the house of the uncle, that is, the Qu family. The Qu family was also a famous river and lake, and took care of me a lot. I did n’t want to have a strong vengeance, so I came to seek revenge. … Well, I owed great affection to the Qu family until I was rescued by the master and worshipped. "

"It turns out that there is still such an allusion." The crowd could not help but sigh.

Ye Qingxuan sighed: "No wonder Yan Yan's tolerance for this Qu Long was everywhere, and he was allowed to slander your reputation on the rivers and lakes ... but owed so much kindness to their family."

Yan Fengfei bowed his head and looked sad.

Zhan Xiongfei said arrogantly: "Although the songwriters have gratitude to Yan Xiaxia ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, they can't tolerate Qu Longxing's wanton behavior. Yan Xiaxia rest assured that the kind of love you owe his family is almost the same, we also Remember this kindness, as long as Qu Longxing does not go too far in the future, you can spare him three lives. It can be considered as an end to this kind of kindness! "

Yan Fengfei froze, and then quickly said: "I still have the arbiter of the eagle king. Yan Fengfei thanked him."

When everyone listened, they could not help but praise.

He is also Yingying Yingying. In this way, not only can Yan Fengfei not blame himself, but he can also punish Qu Longxing for his evil deeds.

Even if he kills Qu Longxing in the future, Yan Fengfei will decide that he is responsible for it.

"Hahaha ..." Wu Xiaoshan laughed wildly, "Qu Laoer, what have you been doing all these years, have you been emptied by the wine color, to the extreme. The previous tricks are just Lao Wu, I'll talk to you Hello, next, if you don't do your best, be careful to be killed by Wu, and say that I violate the rules of the conference. "

Qu Longxing said with a long sigh, saying: "I haven't seen him for a long time, but Wu Wu's skills have really improved a lot, but it is beyond the expectation of someone from Qu. Well, in this way, Qu will cherish your hard-earned reputation, so The people under me show mercy, I wanted to give you a chance to give up the secret, and it is really a sin to let Brother Wu take a delusional idea. In addition, in this case, Qu will no longer be merciful, and I will take a serious test with you, and divide it.

Wu Mingming was out of control, but said he was merciless.

Regarding shamelessness, few people in the world are comparable to Qu Longxing.

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