Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 375: Each heart

Wu Xiaoshan suddenly became furious: "I am alas. You shameless thing. Eat me a knife!"

The words did not fall, the thick-backed tiger-headed sword screamed in his hand, and the knife turned around, a "sword-breaker-style" cut across the dragon's waist.

Qiu Longxing took a deep breath, and his body remained motionless. In the face of the huge knife screaming from Wuxiao Mountain, his stick was boring—


The humming sound started, and Qu Longxing disappeared in situ, and was suddenly smashed away by Wu Xiaoshan.

it is good--

喝 Applause came and went around.

At the Lingyun Palace, the horse and horse immediately cheered and celebrated.

"not good--"

At this moment, Meng Yuan 筠, who had a clear ear, shouted and pointed at Wu Xiaoshan, who was standing still on the field, roared, "Lao Wu seems to be a hit!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone saw that Wu Xiaoshan was standing still, and the Buddha was ordered into the acupuncture point.

But when seeing Qu Longxing being hit at this time, he was shaking a pair of arms, and the leading steel rod was also thrown aside by him. He stood tremblingly and laughed at Wu Xiaoshan: "Brother Wu, I said earlier, face Little brother, you are not my opponent at all. Although you are superior to me in terms of strength, you are already hurt by my suffocation at this moment, so don't act rashly, lest ... uh? "

Wuqu Longxing, while boasting about himself, walked slowly towards Wuxiao Mountain.

他 In his opinion, the opponent has already hit his own tricks, and there is no possibility of another shot. He only needs to push forward to make him fall down and easily win the game.

But what he never expected was that just when he was about to walk behind Wu Xiaoshan, Wu Xiaoshan, who couldn't possibly move, turned his head and turned slowly.

这 "This, this ... you!" Qu Longxing was frightened, staring at Wu Xiaoshan with a stunned look, "This, how is this possible?"

"How is that impossible?" Wu Xiaoshan sneered at the corner of his mouth. He drew his left hand in his arms. When he stretched out his hand, there were already a few silver-like needles in the palm of his hand, and he drank loudly: "Qu Longxing, this Is it your divine skill that is not disadvantageous? You are mean and careful, even if you have installed such a wicked hidden weapon in the faucet. If the old man was not warned by Ye Datong in advance and he wore the wonderful silkworm silk brocade, you might have been attacked by you. This game is up! "


For a moment, the 100,000 heroes who watched the battle were uproar.

Master Bai Dao's "Long Fei" Qu Longxing who secretly heard the world turned out to be a villain with an inferior method secretly, which immediately caused the anger of the crowd.

"Dirty villain", "Legislative teacher", "Disgraceful appearance" ...

Various verbal abuses came like waves.

Yuqu Longxing's face was pale, and the reputation cultivated over the years was ruined at this moment.

He never imagined that Wu Xiaoshan, who had always been stubborn, would sneak on the silkworm, not only making a trick he had done completely invalid, but also lost his face in front of people all over the world.

Liaoqu Longxing instantly became a bit lost, and at the moment of his misconduct, a loud and clear whistle was uploaded from the observation platform in the direction of the Kowloon Palace-

"Stop being calm, and listen to your husband!"

清 The sound of this shout was majestic and righteous. How loudly the shout of 100,000 people couldn't hide the sound of this shout, revealing his profound internal strength.

严 "Good Dragon" Yan Gong Exhibition.

As soon as this person spoke, Ye Qingxuan and others frowned.

"This old man will never utter any good fart!" Gui Yisheng muttered behind Ye Qingxuan, making everyone around him laugh.

Ye Qingxuan glared angrily at this unblocked guy, and the voice of Yan Gongzhan had been heard in his ears: "In this competition, the participating heroes should do their best. Whether it is light work or hidden weapon, it is considered a way of self-cultivation. The use of hidden devices does not need to be so targeted. Dare to ask if the people of the Tang and Tang dynasties come into play, are they not allowed to use hidden devices? "

Buzz buzz ...

At this time, the judgment immediately caused a sound of controversy.

In his own place, Qu Longxing's behavior is indeed disgraceful. The statement of strict public exhibition really makes people in the rivers and lakes unable to say anything wrong.

Ye Qingxuan snorted coldly, "It's really smelly!"

Everyone immediately smiled.

Sahahaha ...

A burst of laughter rang out, and Zhan Xiongfei's vigorous voice sounded: "Brother Yan is saying very much, and we have no objection, why not let this contest continue?"

As soon as Xi Zhan Xiongfei said this, the heroes immediately realized.

Td, the old man of Yan Gongzhan is not only trying to make excuses for Qu Longxing's despicable behavior, but is also trying to get him a respite.

"This old ghost is shameless than Qu Longxing!" Gui Yansheng screamed again.

Everyone took it for granted.

Rather than stop, Gong Keyan publicly said, "Slowly. Don't worry, but some rules should be made clear-"

Ye Qingxuan and others frowned and were waiting for opposition. The somber tone of Li Daotian came from the direction of the Dragon Gang: "Brother Yan has won a comment of" justness and rigor "in the rivers and lakes a hundred years ago. Beneficial, I first agreed with You Long Gang, please ... "

In the face of Li Daotian's uncle, Shuai Jijie was the first to be impatient, and he interjected directly: "Let the horse fart less and say something, and it would be a delay."

的 Leng Hu, who was under the broad public, immediately let You Long Gang be unhappy, yelling and cursing.

"Hahaha, okay, the handsome guy is quick, and the old man no longer talks." Instead, Yan Gongzhan laughed loudly and said plainly: "The world ’s martial arts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ whether it is internal, external, physical, hidden weapon, all It is the performance of personal cultivation. The use of hidden devices, how to use hidden devices, and when to use hidden devices are all based on the personal experience of the contestants, but ... "

The sound of was prolonged and attracted everyone's attention.

"But what?" Shuai Jize asked coldly.

"Hum, but it ’s unfair to use‘ Skysilk ’and other things to improve defenses! My husband proposed that Lingyun Palace ’s defeat in this contest!”


言 The words of Yan Gong's exhibition this time have completely subverted the expectations of the people in the rivers and lakes, and caused far more reactions than Qu Longxing's farce that was pierced by a hidden weapon.

比 The entire battlefield was instantly drowned by the exclaimed sound.

At this time, even if Shuai Jize, Zhan Xiongfei and other people screamed and protested, they couldn't suppress the yelling of the crowd of 100,000 onlookers.

If this is really the case, this martial arts conference will undoubtedly be ruined.

咄 ——

此时 At this moment, a Sanskrit sound suddenly appeared.

The chanting sound of the Buddha came from nine days away. Everywhere the Sanskrit sound passed, everyone was shocked, and the meridians trembled. At that moment, there was only this Sanskrit sound in the world, and no one said anything more.

Everyone looked stunned and saw Ye Qingxuan's eyebrows shimmering, floating gently in the air, and said loudly: "Mr. Yan's judgment is probably unfair. If this judgment is used, then he won with a half-sword. Fang Yanming, should it be changed to negative? "

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