Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 483: Surprised by the plot

After all, he was an old enemy who fought several times. When Nangong Changsheng appeared, his breath was broken by Ye Qingxuan.

The head of the family pretending to be a mysterious romantic guest, covered with a thick long cloak, completely covered his head and face, for fear of being pierced by his true appearance of Lushan.

Even the boatman who handles his boat is not an ordinary person. He has a light weight and a relaxed attitude. It is known that he is such a master. Such people are certainly not easy to carry, and it is impossible to **** them. The host asked for flowers and asked Liu to come.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan faced two choices. One was to drive Nangong Changsheng and dive directly into the mansion to save people. The other was to keep up with Nangong Changsheng to see what medicine the old guy sells in the gourd.

With almost no hesitation, Ye Qingxuan locked his target on Nangong Changsheng.

Although it is important to rescue the Liu family, they will not be in danger for a while. Time should be on the side of Ye Qingxuan.

But if any important information can be found here in Nangong Changsheng, it will be even more icing on the cake.

Ye Qingxuan secretly shouted fortunately, and quickly pressed against the bottom of the ship, spreading his consciousness, and dropped on the footsteps unique to Nangong Changsheng, locking his position.

The paintings returned to the lively Qinhuai River, and left and right interspersed among the many paintings of the blue building, hiding their whereabouts.

As the ship passed by with the other two larger, floating-style pavilions, Ye Qingxuan was slightly surprised, and found that the locked Nangong Changsheng changed his image again and quietly fell on the left of the pavilion.

This river-lake obstacle method is simple but effective, and it can make people lose track of it without knowing it. But if the old man in Nangong is cunning, how can he conceal Ye Qingxuan who is beyond ordinary knowledge?

The three paintings were separated by mistake. Among them, the painting where Nangong Changsheng was located went straight into Wuyi Lane. Ye Qingxuan said nothing and pursued it.

The ship was 25 feet long, 6 feet wide, and five floors high, with about eight or nine cabins on each floor. At this time, the ship was full, the lights were bright, the sound of silk bamboo orchestras, and the noise of guests' guessing and toasting. Resounding through the ship, even with Ye Qingxuan's ears, it is impossible to hear Nangong Changsheng talking to people from the bottom of the ship under such circumstances.

If the other party converges the sound within, the masters generally cannot hear the content of their conversations even if they listen attentively in the vicinity.

Ye Qingxuan emerged from the water next to the ship, and bursts of laughter came down from the deck. It turned out that there were a few family members who did n’t know which family was carrying Mei on the deck leaning on the rail to laugh about the wind and moon.

Ye Qingxuan avoided people on the deck, dived to the center of the boat, and even yin to soft suffocation, so that the hands and feet gave birth to the clever force of sucking and adhering, as quickly as a spiritual ape climbing a tree, and treating the ship as flat ground. In a blink of an eye, he climbed to the top of the ship like a building.

The evening breeze blew, and the beautiful scenery of the Qinhuai River was seen. The bright lights and loud music filled this section of the river. Bai Lian was severely disciplined. Only through the screens that have been strictly screened can he be in this section. Soliciting business on designated river sections, the usually suppressed humanity was released at this time, but it became a more lively scene than before.

The center **** of Ye Qingxuan set walked on the top of the triangular boat, and found out after a while. He immediately crouched near the stern and put his ears up.

A cold hum came right into the ear at this time.

With this utterance, Ye Qingxuan felt that this was a worthwhile trip, and the vocalist's skill was unfathomable, and he was a master of heaven.

Then he heard the cold humming man say, "Hall Yi is really a waste. In order to please a woman, Ye Qingxuan saw the old man clearly, and was seriously injured on the spot, and became a waste."

Ye Qingxuan's mouth was raised, and the person who heard it was Xing Wuyou, the "snake stick" who had not appeared for a long time.

This heavenly master who trusted in the magic gate has a connection with the Great Wu Dynasty, and the story inside is deep.

At this time, the voice of Nangong Changsheng said: "Hall Yi's accident this time is a big trouble. I am afraid that the plan of the elder‘ Holy Lord ’will change accordingly.”

Both of them sent out the words by accumulating lines. If they were not masters like Ye Qingxuan, they would not hear a word.

Hearing the name of "Magic Zun", Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt a big shock in his heart.

Hearing what this means, not only did Nangong Changsheng take refuge in the magic gate, but the magic gate also had a plan to specifically target the Great Wu regime established by the Bailian religion, and Halliyi was an important part of it. broken.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help paying more attention to eavesdropping.

At this time, the voice of a strange man said, "Will the Holy Lord press Baodu on a person? Since Hall Yi is unusable, then we might as well support others. As long as we can seize the Da Wu regime, my gate can be raised. The banner and the Daxia dynasty chamber resisted the ceremony. Hehe, he is still thinking about unifying the three religions, but he does n’t know that the old strategies of the elders have been implemented, and they are included in my gate together with the evil three religions. "

"Support others? The elder saint means ..." Nangong Changsheng asked.

"Son of Holden, John Thompson." The man said a name, and suddenly exclaimed the others.

"Replace Lao Tzu with Holton's son?" Nangong Changsheng asked, "Is he willing to follow?"

The man snorted and said lightly: "Hum, there is no father and son before power. He is not only a son of Huo Tingzun, but some of them are quite flattering, and even at the request of Holden, he got Zhu Wusheng himself. Guidance, although he has no discipleship, compared with Huo Tingzun, he will undoubtedly be more recognized by the high level of the White Lotus. He Huo Tingzun attacked the land of Baiyue, conquered Ruan Boqiu and mastered it, and even held Holden against him. This son is taking precautions. Do you say we have a chance? "

"If so, there is no problem. Hahaha, originally seeing that Hall is not pleasing to the eye, if there is a substitute such as Huo Tingzun, kick him aside as soon as possible." Xing Wuwei could not help but laugh out loud, in a very good mood.

That's it.

Ye Qingxuan knew instantly that the original way that the Momen replaced the Wu regime was to kill Holden and secretly support the rest of the Huo family in order to complete the change of regime.

At this time, Nangong Changsheng said: "In order to control and appease the famous people in Jiangnan, I have been refining" Changsheng San "to meet the demand. However, due to the rush of time, I do n’t have much stock here, and I have been urged several times. I have a hard time coping. "

The man seemed to be studying a package of things that Nangong Changsheng handed over, and it took a while to say, "Does this thing really control people's hearts and is fascinating? Now there must be no omissions, and it is vigilant against this material harm, otherwise it must be It will cause uproar. "

Nangong Changsheng said with a grin: "The envoy is assured. The" Changsheng San "refined by me will only be fascinating and energetic after taking it. Any abnormality, even if not taken for ten and a half months, will not cause any harm. Only after half a month, its addictive symptoms will appear. Now that Holden has been taking my special increase of 'Changsheng San' for many years, then It is Zhu Wusheng who has not noticed the abnormality, let alone others. As long as we plan to implement it, I will add the medicine to the elixir to ensure that Holden will die when he is happy, as long as the Holy Lord removes Zhu Wusheng, the entire Dawu is What's in our holy gate. "

Ye Qingxuan heard it in his heart. Finally, Nangong Changsheng's mouth confirmed the amazing plan of the magic gate.

The man known as the special envoy laughed loudly and exclaimed: "Okay, well, Elder Nangong is worthy of my sacred door brachial shares. If this time you can remove Dawu, elder Nangong will make his first contribution ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There will be a great reward there. "

"Then the special envoy, please give me a good word."

Hahaha ...

A burst of laughter rang out, Ye Qingxuan heard in his heart. I never imagined that the Nangong Changsheng was the owner of the Nangong family on the bright side. He was secretly a man in the magic gate. This old product was hidden so deep.

At this time, Xing Wuwei, who was listening, suddenly interjected: "Don't be too happy first, now Jiangnan, in addition to Zhu Wusheng and Holden, don't forget that there are personal needs to deal with."

"You mean Ye Qingxuan?" The envoy's voice was cold and slowly said: "Hum, this lucky boy is indeed a big trouble. In order to prevent him from interfering with our holy plan, he must be eliminated."

The elder Nangong hesitated and said, "The envoy is at ease. I have a plan here, it is for him."

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