Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 484: Changshengdudan

"Oh? The plan will be out?" The envoy asked quickly.

Nangong Changsheng smiled slightly and said, "Don't forget, the Liu family members in my hands ... Hum, with the sympathy of Ye Qingxuan and Liu Qingyan, Ye Xiaozi will certainly not sit idly by. I The hostages have already been transferred. The mansion is only a trap set up by Ye Qingxuan. As soon as he appears, he will ensure that Zhu Wusheng will appear first and besiege Ye Xiaozi. Regardless of who wins and loses, Zhu Wusheng and Ye Qingxuan will, for us, Only good. "

Without saying everything, everyone was laughing.

Drive tigers and wolves.

The old thief of Nangong really has some poisonous tricks, but what Ye Qingxuan didn't expect is that the information obtained by Shui Roujing turned out to be the trick that the old thief leaked intentionally. I wonder if the water soft and quiet will reveal his identity and cause the death of the body.

The next few people talked about how to obtain military and financial rights after the Dawu regime was acquired. Those in the court need to be drawn in, those people need to be eradicated ...

The three chatted up, but Ye Qingxuan was lost in thought.

How do you do it yourself?

The strategy of the magic gate has begun to be implemented. Ye Qingxuan also wanted to help the Bailian religion to keep the power, and the conflict between the magic gate and the Bailian religion was more conducive to the unification of the court.

As for now ...

Ye Qingxuan's mind has been wandering between shooting and not shooting.

Three people, three sky-high masters.

Ye Qingxuan didn't have the absolute confidence to leave the three of them completely. If it was to fight the grass and scare the snake, whether it was the Liu family or the soft water, they might fall into extreme danger, not to mention that if the magic gate found that his conspiracy had been exposed, he would have been Ye Qingxuan knew that what the Momen would do next and how the Bailian Church would react would exceed expectations. This was not a good thing.

After a little thinking, Ye Qingxuan decided not to take a shot for a while, waited for Nangong Changsheng to appear, and then continued to follow up to see if he could find the place where Liu's hostage was really hidden.

At midnight.

Wuyi Lane.

Nangong Changsheng's last hidden building still shimmered in light. Within twenty feet, Nangong Changsheng, locked by Ye Qingxuan's consciousness, couldn't escape Ye Qingxuan's ears even with a heartbeat.

Ye Qingxuan hid at the branch of a large tree, heard the footsteps of Nangong Changsheng stepping up, and finally came to the highest point of the small building. The gentle breathing of a woman also began to become clear.

Ye Qingxuan's heart fluttered suddenly, because the woman's breathing sound had a very familiar feeling.

Nangong's elated laughter came from the small building at this time, "Ha ha ha, light smoke girl, I wonder if the environment here is satisfactory?"

Ye Qingxuan's heart sank, and the woman on the small building really was Liu Qingyan who was less than a month apart.

After seeing Nangong Longevity, Liu Qingyan, the heavenly pride girl's breathing suddenly became sharp. Obviously, the beauty's emotions were extremely excited, but the voice of strong anger was coldly sounded: "I have done as you ordered. Why haven't you let go of my family? "

"It's just a delay of Ye Qingxuan for a few days. It's too easy to lead people home like this, isn't it?" Nangong smiled. "It was just a tentative test to see if the light smoke girl was obedient." That's it. "

"Despicable." Liu Qing smoked his teeth.

"Thank you girl for your compliment." Nangong Changsheng touched his bald head and smiled. "Our disciples are not as hypocritical as you Baekdo people. Now that you have a good tool, wouldn't it be a waste if you don't make good use of it? Hehe, but You can rest assured that the cooperation between us is still sincere. I am a long-term friend of Nangong. Since you are so obedient, I will let go of your Liu family ... "

"Is this true?" Liu Qingyan asked urgently.

"Really, really. It ’s more than what you are upright." Nangong Changsheng smiled, and then clapped his hands. The two maids below the small building immediately touched a secret office somewhere. An underpass appeared on the ground, and four powerful masters carried an iron box and walked up to the small building from the underpass.

Not far apart, Ye Qingxuan could clearly hear a panic breathing in the box.

Ding Dong!

Grunt ...

After being lifted up to the small building, the iron box was kicked over by someone, and a man tied with flowers was rolled out.

Before the man got up, he saw Nangong Changsheng aside, and immediately climbed up like a dog begging for mercy, grabbed the legs and feet of Nangong Changsheng, and hissed out, "Changsheng San, Changsheng San! Senior Nangong, please Do n’t torture me, give me longevity! What do you want to know? I said everything, what do you want me to do? I just ask you, do n’t torture me anymore! Give me longevity! Ah! what--"

An inhuman roar came, and the man with a yellow face and a miserable face was Liu Mengyan, known as the "first genius of Jiangnan", the eldest son of the Liu family, and the future owner.

Hahaha ...

Nangong Changsheng raised his head and laughed, and was able to kick Liu Mengyan very much.

"Brother, Mengyan brother!" Liu Qingyan sighed in a sorrow, struggling to pull Liu Mengyan who had to crawl over.

Until then, Liu Mengyan found Liu Qingyan next to him, as if he had found a savior. He yanked Liu Qingyan's skirt corner and begged with a snot and tears: "Sister, sister, Qingyan, please help My elder brother begged for a senior from Nangong and asked him to give me a 'Changsheng San'. I really can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore! "

"Nan, Gong, Chang, Sheng!" Liu Qingyan burst into tears, staring at Nangong Changsheng and shouting, "How did you treat my elder brother, Changsheng San, what Changsheng San?"

Nangong Changsheng had a goatee and sneered: "The light-smoked girl doesn't have to be anxious, but it's some elixir of Peiyuan Guyuan. Since the granddaughter of the Liu family wants it, why can't he give up?

After speaking, a pill was drawn from the waist, and a weird fragrance suddenly dispersed the small building.

"Ah, longevity, give me, give me ..."

Seeing Changsheng scattered, Liu Mengyan suddenly felt like a life-saving straw, abandoning Liu Qingyan, and rushed directly to the past ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Nangong Changsheng gave a cold slap, and threw the medicine.

Liu Mengyan rushed away like a bad dog, picked up the elixir, and did not care about the dirt on it and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Just for a moment, Liu Mengyan's original convulsive body slowly opened, stretched out comfortably, a certain wonderful world appeared in front of Buddha's eyes, with a strange red rhyme and brilliance on his face, smiling and indulging in the illusion.

Ye Qingxuan looked so frowning that he couldn't think that this Nangong Laoer had become such a harmful psychedelic drug. It seemed not only addictive, but also had great complications.

Although this Liu Mengyan is extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed himself several times, his achievement at a young age still shows his talents. If these characters are so easily controlled by drugs, once Nangong Changsheng mass-produces this Dan, I am afraid Most mortals in the world will be controlled by it, which is really the only choice for the magic gate to control the world.

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