Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 250: Arrival of the final

When Mei Yinxue saw Ye Qingxuan's gift for her, her pretty face lighted up the holy radiance, which made people dare not to belittle the enemy and profanity, and felt deeply embarrassed.

Ye Qingxuan was full of pride in her body and mind. Such a woman turned out to be her unmarried wife. How could she not be excited and show off everywhere.

Ye Qingxuan's gift for Mei Yinxue was of course the three things left on the "water and cold pimple". The cold horns and cold pimple beads remained the same, but the cold pimple beads were invited by Ye Qingxuan to a jewellery craftsman and used drawing Pulling platinum into filaments, it happened to change into a large-eye mesh bag, just to embrace the cold pearls, and the pearly light came out from the mesh, shining brightly. It was made into a chain, which could be hung on the neck, and It can be hung on the waist to become an extremely gorgeous ornament. As for the ten-meter-long puppet leather, Ye Qingxuan specially invited the craftsman to make a pair of puppet leather boots and a gorgeous and unusual belt, all of which are leaves. According to the extremely luxurious and charming look that Qing Xuan saw in the fashion magazines of previous lives, I invite people to make it, which has absolute epoch-making significance and super charming style ...

The remaining seven or eight meters long bark skin was left. I originally wanted to make a leather skirt, but I do n’t know the specific size of Mei Yinxue, so I did n’t dare to start. I was waiting to see Mei Yinxue before I decided ...

So when Mei Yinxue saw the jewelry made from the cold satin beads, and then saw the cold satin leather made of boots and belt, a pair of beautiful big eyes exuded a beautiful and thrilling light!

Women, no matter in past life or in this life, really like beautiful things. This is the same as female animals in nature. If any woman says that she doesn't like beautiful things. That must be against the laws of nature. Against the original posture. It can be called metamorphosis.

When I see jewelry and beautiful clothes, my eyes shine. This is a woman. They show their true self in front of people, so they should not be criticized but respected.

If the focus of women's attention is not these, then be careful of being a man, because these women who have rejected jewelry and beautiful clothes will become extremely scary. What they want is often something you can't afford or can't give for a lifetime. This allows women to strain a string all the time, and often makes them extremely tired. In the end, men who have such women often choose women who have simple needs, whether they are bright or secret. , Simple woman. Only let men live more comfortable.

The less and the simpler a woman's mind is, the happier a man is. This is the true meaning of "women without talents is virtue."

Ye Qingxuan was beside him, watching Mei Yinxue with smiles in front of the mirror with a smile, and did not feel that such a peerless beauty had such a friendly performance.

Should beauties look like sober? Pull it down, it's disgusting.

Mei Yinxue's nature is approachable, but only when she changes greatly, her personality becomes extremely self-protective and gives a cold feeling, but if she cares, she will still see her naughty and cute one side.

Mei Yinxue was so pleased with each other that she saw Ye Qingxuan watching her, and she couldn't help but ask, "Can I bring them now?"

Seeing Ye Qingxuan nodded, Mei Yinxue was immediately happy again.

"By the way, you just said that someone from Lingyun Palace has come to you?" Mei Yinxue asked while changing her belt.

"Well," Ye Qingxuan nodded, and said, "I don't know what it was for. It looks very mysterious ..."

"Oh, maybe I know a little ..."


"Yes ..." Mei Yinxue behaved quietly and smiled, not only making a deep and unforgettable impression, but also beautiful and flawless, flawless, pleasing to the eye, open and cheerful, and saw the corner of her mouth now a good-looking Radian said indifferently, "My uncle Jingyi in the gate was once invited by Lingyun Palace to participate in an operation ..."

"Action? What action ..."

Mei Yinxue said lightly, "Compete!"

"Competing !?" Ye Qingxuan showed a helpless look, "Isn't it just competing now? What's so strange about the contest held by Lingyun Palace? Who is not the highest martial artist, who is the final winner ..."

"The competition they took you to is totally different ..."

"How different?"

Mei Yinxue showed a worried look and slowly said, "As long as you know, for this competition, for two hundred years, Chinese warriors who have been able to come back alive, only two sessions of three people came back alive. These three people, one It was the sword **** Li Muchan. One hundred and fifty years ago, Li Muchan went to the war. The 30th martial arts team went back, and only he came back alive. In the second session, two people came back, one was Jingyi Master. One is Shen Jiangping ... "

"'Qingjiang Xiayin' Shen Jiangping?"

The top ten and twenty-three characters in "Tian Jue Bang" have even participated in this competition?

Mei Yinxue continued: "According to the information I have learned, the selected person will be secretly sent to an island to survive. There are many beasts in it, the natural environment is harsh, and it is extremely dangerous. There is no killing between people. No need to be extreme ... And the players participating in the war are definitely not the warriors of the Shenwu continent, but the peoples from all known continents. Where you meet Barbarian and Tan people, even the warriors of the Great Western Fan Kingdom say not necessarily And all the players participating in the game are innate, but it doesn't matter if you enter the innate on the island, it is still not a foul ... "

Mei Yinxue shrugged and said, "I know so much ..."

It's shocking enough!

Ye Qingxuan groaned silently, a harsh environment, an enemy of unknown depth, a survival mode of self-destruction and mutual attack ... Is this the alien version of the legendary "Hunger Games"?

"What is the purpose of this competition? Why would anyone organize such an event? Who in the world has the ability to convene all the warriors in the world?" Ye Qingxuan whispered.

"Unclear, I don't know, maybe the people in Lingyun Palace know the details ..."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a moment, no wonder that Jiang Feiran said that the selection of talents was not only good in martial arts, but also other conditions to consider. Now, it may be comprehensive quality, especially whether survivability is passing ...

After thinking about it, Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Forget it, don't think about it, maybe I can't make it into the top four, maybe I won't be selected at all. Maybe I'll run to death, isn't he sick? ? "

"That's true. There must be enough benefits before passing, and then someone will choose to go, won't they?"

Mei Yinxue's bright lips and bright eyes smiled, blinding Ye Qingxuan's eyes.

Human face is enough to do things.

Zhan Yu talked to someone, and on the same day, he found a separate house for the big nephew he just recognized, right next to the courtyard where everyone lived.

All the people in Guizhuang lived in a run-down house in the city of Mu'an. More than twenty people did not eat three meals. The clothes on them were looting a juggling team and a couple to marry the bride in Yunzhou. The team just put together a piece of clothing, so the twenty or more people would not have a shirt that a normal person usually wears. If it weren't for Gui Qingsheng's head, a bluestone was put on it, and Ye Qingxuan gave it five thousand. Two silvers, this team estimates that after the competition has no strength, where the strength to play chest broken stones.

Speaking of this dry son Ye Qingxuan, I was angry, begging and believing, exhausting all the tricks and tricks, not looking attractive, his face was as bright as a gong, his mouth was thick and his lips were like two sausages, Especially for that aesthetic, a big braid, and a small flower on my head ...

Ye Qingxuan became more and more troubled, and turned over and over again, and did not sleep well all night.

After this day, the third round of the knockout round has passed, the number of people has dropped by half, and the schedule of the game is getting faster and faster. In an instant, more than a month passed.

The ten-match knockout stage of the preliminaries was all over, and the top thirty-two teams emerged.

At this time, the original Qingyun Temple, which had already become somewhat cool, once again became the target of martial arts participants.

Of the thirty-two warriors who entered the final, eight are Qing Yunguan's disciples, of course, including Ye Qingxuan, who accounted for a quarter of all players.

There are also situations that everyone does not know, because of the other 28 players, seven are Ye Qingxuan's brothers, who are brothers. If they know these, Qingyunguan ’s core strength will provoke even greater strength. Attention.

The rest of the games are all based on the elimination system. Lottery is used to determine the opponents. Each lottery is not fixed, which prevents the so-called insider situation.

In the first game of Ye Qingxuan, Peng Kun among the Peng family brothers of Pengjia Village in Pengjia Village of Jingnan Miaoling was met.

Peng Kun is a very gloomy young man. It looks like he is particularly cramped. His whole face is black, and his head is lowered, his chin is lowered, and his throat is protected like a coyote at all times. Look down, and look at yourself like a wolf.

In the final stage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ everyone can use their own weapons, not the previous competition weapons, because the masters at this level are enough to control their weapons, and in the final stage, every game is There are special masters to accompany them, they are all innate masters, enough to cope with unexpected situations.

Peng Kun held his hand in front of his chest, and firmly held the rope in his chest. It was the Peng Brother ’s strange gate weapon, the Thunderbolt. This thing sounded like a rope dart, and one end was a weapon, even if it was a long weapon. , Is a soft weapon. To deal with such weapons, one cannot bend the rope, and one bends; the other cannot be long distance, the farther the distance, the more beaten ...

With the order of the referee, Ye Qingxuan's "blue sword" in the palm of his hand bounced into his hand, and rushed towards Peng Kun. The opponent apparently did not expect Ye Qingxuan to be violent when he shot, not even the temptation effort , Shaking his hand with a rope, 咻 ——


With a strange noise, Qimen's weapon "Thunderbolt Cone" came straight to Ye Qingxuan's throat. (To be continued ...)

ps: add more.

Fourth today ...

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