Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 251: First victory

It turns out that the tip of this strange weapon "Thunderbolt Cone" is a cone that is close to five fingers, and when it turns, it makes a whining sound, like a spiritual snake head, and tapers toward Ye Qingxuan's throat.

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly, didn't parry, and slammed into a shadow. [Lingbo Weibu] Shi unfolded, and there were many ghosts in front of people. I don't know where it is true or where it is false.

Peng Kun's face sank, and a little sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

In the early days of leaning against the Chonglou of Hongying, Ye Qingxuan and the witch abandoned the soul, he had used this unique skill to avoid the dust attack of the witch abandoned soul. Fortunately, he had seen Ye Qingxuan's light skill and stunt Peng brothers. Naturally, Ye Qingxuan, who may naturally encounter, has analyzed a lot of time. He already knows how to restrain such light work. At this time, when he saw Ye Qingxuan attacked with this light work, he immediately laughed in his heart and used the established plan. .

Peng Kun's right hand "Thunderbolt Cone" trembled, and then returned, while his right hand turned, and the other "Thunderbolt Cone" showed his true body. It turned out that this "Thunderbolt Cone" was not a cable and a cone, but a cable and a cone. With two heads, the "Thunderbolt Cone" appeared immediately, and immediately twirled around Peng Kun's body, and instantly formed a protective wall composed of ropes on the periphery of Peng Kun's body, suffocating and buzzing. It seems that there is a fight with the innate masters' protection ...

Ye Qingxuan sneered, I have a way to restrain the real congenital master's body suffocation, how can I be afraid of your fake tricks now!

Ye Qingxuan handed out a sword and pointed at the opponent's body at a very fast speed. When Ye Qingxuan's "blue sword" point was on a protective cover formed by a rope full of gas, Peng Kun erected another on his head. A "thunderbolt cone" vertebral head, when Ye Qingxuan had the time to break the protective cover with anger. A fierce vertebra that gathered like five fingers flared toward him. It really looks like a palm spread out. There is a hole in the palm of the hand. At this moment, the "咻咻 咻" flew out three extremely fast black lights from the inside and flew towards Ye Qingxuan, even though there was a hidden weapon in the "Thunderbolt Cone".

At the same time, the other "Thunderbolt Cone" emblazoned behind Ye Qingxuan and sneaked against the ground behind Ye Qingxuan. The two "Thunderbolt Cone" were trained by Peng Kun like a giant snake with thinking ability in nature. Extremely amazing.

But this side attracts attention, and the sneak attack method on the other side may be able to conceal others, but it is impossible to conceal Ye Qingxuan who has the [Capricorn Cover Luo Gong].

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly, pointed to the ground, jumped a few feet high, and his right hand "blue sword" turned into a purple neon, and suddenly took the three black lights, Ding Ding Ding——

San Daoguang wiped Ye Qingxuan's body and flew behind, nailing the "thunderbolt cone" that flew against the ground firmly to the ground.

Under one stroke. Peng Kun's wishful thinking has been resolved.

Under the inexplicable gaze of Peng Kun, Ye Qingxuan's long sword drove straight in again. Peng Kun, who had time to react in the future, was shocked to find that the opponent's sword had broken the gas between the ropes and placed it gently on the side of his neck.

"Brother Peng, the transferee—"

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly, the clouds were light and the wind was light. The "blue sword" in his hand was a little over Peng Kun's shoulders. She gave a sword, returned the sword into her sheath, bowed her hand, and retreated a little later. She was not worried about Peng Kun's sneak attack. Too generous, heart-heartedness makes people frustrated.

Peng Kun had lived with humiliation and gloomy character since he was a child, but in the face of Ye Qingxuan's super strength and humble attitude, he was surprisingly impatient, but he was extremely peaceful in his heart. For a moment, he didn't think it was a shame to fail. Not to mention the anger. You must know that with his usual strong personality, fellow brother Peng Gan also had to let him a little bit, and this reaction not only surprised Peng Gan who watched the battle outside, it was Peng Kun himself, and he felt a little strangeness at the same time. .

This is truly the first time that has ever happened.

Is this young Taoist charming?


This is mainly because Ye Qingxuan's attitude is modest enough, and he has given Peng Kun enough face, and did not make him feel defeat is a shameful thing, so he does not have to accept the end of failure.

Peng Kun silently put away his "Thunderbolt Cone", as if things outside him had nothing to do with himself.

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and suddenly said loudly: "The martial arts of the Peng brothers is the only thing Ye has seen in his life, and he can control these two cones as if they were arms. When it was really a martial art, Ye Mou was lucky to win, but he only occupied the sword. Cheap, really ashamed ... "

The crowd around them whispered, admiring words such as "The Peng brothers are so powerful", which made the Peng brothers inside and outside the court proud. I did n’t have the chance to capture the Promise of Immortality, but I wanted to show my face in the martial arts. Although I lost to Ye Qingxuan at this time, the other person has given his full face. Naturally, he does n’t have an aversion to it. Even in the first place, the Peng brothers will probably be honored and lose to the first place, which is better than losing to A Mao A Gou.

This person's relationship is sometimes so strange. If the two people are similar in everything, it must be the tip of the needle against Mai Mang, and they compete with each other, or even stigmatize each other. However, once one's strength exceeds the other's many, many, many To the point that this life may not be able to reach it, that confrontation and slander will become stinking feet, and even the experience of being beaten up can be used to show off to others ...

"Game III, Qingyunguan Ye Qingxuansheng——"

Peng Kun nodded slightly, expressing gratitude for Ye Qingxuan's speech maintenance. He is a person who does not love speech, and since then he hasn't said much. He left in silence and ignored his brother.

Instead, his brother Peng Gan smiled and arched his hands at Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan hurriedly returned his gift.

Peng Qian laughed: "Brother Ye's swordsmanship is outstanding and admirable. In the future, our brother will definitely ask Brother Ye for advice again ..."

Although the words were very unconvinced, Ye Qingxuan heard that the other party was not provocative, that is, he said with a smile: "If there is competition, the less the better, if Brother Peng comes to Yemou to fight wine, Yemou It's a great welcome and promises to stay with you to the end ... "

Peng Qian froze, and immediately laughed: "So, that's all!"

"It's a word!"

"Farewell—" Peng Qian shook his robe and chased his younger brother Peng Kun.

In the final stage, a total of four venues started at the same time, divided into four, a total of sixteen games, basically completed within a day.

Ye Qingxuan's own game was over, and he hurried to other venues. In the first four games, in addition to himself, the boss Wan Guotai also played against Liang's fast sword boss Liang Xinglie. The game is extremely reusable for IWC who has never played against a real master.

In addition, there is also a disciple of Qingyunguan Xie Yunan against Shaoyin Jianbei Mingyuzhu. This is a no-suspect match. Xie Yunan lost the game is almost a matter of course. Ye Qingxuan didn't even know he was in the past. At that time, whether they have already finished the game. Compared with Bei Mingyuzhuo, Xie Yunan is not an opponent of the other side in any aspect. He needs time, needs time to improve his realm, and enhances his experience with the enemy. If Xie Yunanken works hard, Maybe five years later, he can reach Bei Mingyuzhuo's current level ... This is already a very high evaluation.

After thinking about it, Ye Qingxuan first went to Xie Yunan's game venue and took a look. Sure enough, the game had already ended, and the onlookers were slowly dispersed, and went to other venues to see the excitement.

No trace of Xie Yunan ...

A pair of warriors leaving the field lowered their heads and talked without seeing Ye Qingxuan beside them ...

"Unexpectedly, the little priest of Qingyunguan could not even take the sword of the opponent, and was defeated directly. This Qingyunguan is not as powerful as before. It was originally thought that there would be a fierce competition. It was really amazing. Disappointed! "

"Who said no! One trick, one trick, and the slower ones didn't see how to do it, so people set off the platform. I looked at Qingyunguan, which is also an embroidered pillow. When I met, it was a little bit worse. His opponent is timid. "

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help hearing it. The crowd's preferences turned so fast. They found the reason for Qing Yunguan's failure so quickly, regardless of who killed Qing Yunguan before.

Since Xie Yunan is not seen here, it may be that he will go to the tent after the game. Ye Qingxuan didn't think about it. With Xie Yunan's carelessness, he should not take this matter into his heart for too long.

Ye Qingxuan thought that he knew Xie Yunan, but he forgot how deeply the old man remembered hating Chong Xielin. He even bought the chefs of Zhennan General ’s Mansion, and he used the topographic map of Zhennan General ’s Mansion to forget his food. This is a perfect expression of the self-esteem.

But at this time Ye Qingxuan had something more to worry about, so he didn't care too much ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and hurriedly rushed to the competition field of IWC.

From a distance, I heard the sound of cheers and thunder, and I saw a group of brothers and even a few girls at a glance. Mei Yinxue came back once, thinking of accompanying Ye Qingxuan to the game, but it was just Lu Shi The sisters gave La to watch the game of IWC.

"Brother Ye will definitely win. It's boring to watch. Let's cheer for Brother Wan together!"

That's what Lu Xiuqian said.

Mei Yinxue, who has always disliked contact with people, rarely agreed.

Ye Qingxuan knew that this was Mei Yinxue's gradual acceptance and adaptation to the circle of friends around her. The purpose of doing so was just to make herself feel more comfortable and happy. Otherwise, a relationship must allow men to choose between love and friends. That is really a very painful thing. Maybe most people will give up their original lives and hobbies for love. As strong as it was at the beginning, this compulsive choice will become a deep crack, placed in the middle of two people's feelings. (To be continued ...)

ps: one of the three basic ones.

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